Gunnerkrigg Court

>Well then.

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Good god damn I think she'd prefer to have her dad shitting on her again

Nope. Fuck you Red.

Ok Red is being an ass. Everyone implicitly had a choice Annie isn't some slavemaster. Parley, Smitty and Kat all joined in because of the downright horrific injustice of Jeane's situation. Those two dumbass fairies are the only ones that needed to be cajoled because they're fucking morons.

Is Tom unironically trying to portray Red as right here? What the fuck?

She's going to wake up any minute now.

any minute now...

this wasn't how I wanted this chapter to go

The lesbians were just a ruse!

you permanently gave your waifu a shitty name to avoid confession. Fuck off Red

You know what, this isn't a dream sequence. Red's going to continue dumping on Annie, chapter ends with Annie looking sad, bonus page is Tea asking everyone who's been complaining about Annie's behavior if they're happy now.

Red wasn't even supposed to be there and her presence did nothing but actively endanger the mission. And then we're supposed to think she's the moral voice of reason now.


It's either that, or he was pre-emptively shitting on the readers he knew would raise similar objections.

This is getting more and more idiotic.

What the hell is this chapter

This has to be a nightmare, right?

Who else /alongfortheride/ here? At this point, let's go all out. Have Tony come in and start dumping on her again too. Hell, bring in Ysengrin! Let's get dangerous.

Tom doesn't usually write dream sequences like this.

I'm pretty sure it's real and Red's supposed to be making us reevaluate Annie's actions, but it's coming off as contrived and stupid. Are we really supposed to believe that the whole world is centered around Annie and that her friends are incapable of making decisions without her explicit permission?

You know, I actually did think Annie endangered her friends until Red started explaining it poorly. And the more she tries to project motive onto her and the more Annie believes that bullshit, the more I think "Wait. That's fucking wrong." I find myself now defending Annie, which I'm sure is all a part of Tom's keikaku.

If this isn't Blue creating some sort of illusion to be a bitch or a dream sequence I'm done with this for a while.

They take her to a large auditoriu, large enough for the entire population of the court and maybe also some forest folk. They make her stand on stage for hours with a spotlight on her as every single person in the audience takes turns coming up to the stage and berating and tearing into her over a microphone. Also, the psychopomps and ROTD join in. She's not allowed to sit or leave until everyone gets a turn.

Nah, Red is talking shit, but she's hitting on Annie insecurities, is just a trigger for Annie to evaluate herself.

Just because Annie isn't defending herself very well doesn't mean Red is objectively right in the eyes of the author.

Red is being presented as the well spoken voice of reason in this scene and every time she tries to speak up it's depicted as proving Red right.

Maybe it'll go in a different direction by the end of the chapter but right now its just a sudden, awkward guilt trip.

Also Surma comes bafk from the dead to tell her daughter how disappointed she is in her. And Brinnie the Valkyrie finally returns and expresses how glad she is she didn't end up with Tony because they could have had a daughter that ended up like Annie.

Tony talked to Red before this and told her what to say. "It will be hilarious. Trust me."

That might be a bit subtle for a guy who felt he needed to take a panel from the action to remind his readers that Blue was kneeling during Jeanne's attack the whole time.

Tom does subtle just fine, but sometimes the readers reaaaally need things spelled out for them.

has Tom betrayed us?

you all realize Red is just trying to deflect from the fact that she fucked this whole thing up and when that comes up again this is all going to swerve all of a sudden.

Then Annie's going to go and try to apologize awkwardly and Smitty's going to tell her that it isn't her fault.

Also everyone seems to have forgotten that Annie LITERALLY SOLD HER SOUL TO SAVE HIS LIFE.

It's become very clear over the years that Tom does not trust his readers to pick up on very basic information.

>Also everyone seems to have forgotten that Annie LITERALLY SOLD HER SOUL TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
This is why everyone thinks Red is being a huge bitch.

So long as he never gets so beaten down by the readers that he starts giving a Dan Shive dissertation with every update I think we'll be okay.

Why is the girl talking to herself?

I wonder why.

Fucking YAWN

You guys are jerks. This chapter's fine.

Is Anne trying to say she didn't count in the risks? They were off to face a malevolent, dangerous spirit with nothing but positive thinking?
Not very reasonable.

And yeah, I still share the "not going to see the doc because you were afraid of getting in trouble" argument. Bitch should be first and foremost concerned by well being of the friends helping her with her stupid ideas and not whether she gets busted.
Besides, how come the Court doesn't know what's going down around them? She best get busted regardless or something.


Classic Tom!

I like how Blue is just standing there.

this has been going on for really really long...

Will there be a punchline at the end of this?

This isn't a joke user

This is real life
Red is really tearing into Annie right now
No joke
No twist
No dream
No nothing

> Gives the psychopomps everything they were after

> And takes all the fallout herself

Well, I hope the psychopomps at least are going to pat Annie on the head, tell her she's a Good Girl and give her a biscuit.

Guys, Red isn't a brain dead moron.
She's just from the forest.

>Blue, you look like you've got something to say. Do you?
>Yes I certainly do!

>annie joined in due to her experience in the ravine and exploration into the origins of jeanne with kat
>kat joined in due to her experiences uncovering the fat robot maker (i forget his name) and how jeanne got stuck down there in the first place with annie
>parley joined in due to her experience with jeanne making her feel her pain
>its not clear when or why smitty joined, but likely due to convincing from parley on the importance of the task and as part of his duty as a court medium
>blue joined because of annie promising her a name for it and has no personal attachment to freely jeanne, pure mercenary work
>red joined because shes a package deal with blue
the only thing reds on point about is blue, but even then she knew the risks, even if fairys are stupidly lackadaisical, why was red there in the first place

Isn't Tom admitting he doesn't always get the balance right here? Also, readership has wide comprehension: same arcs either too subtle or cringingly belaboured. I admit to finding the Janet Winsbury bit confusing, but not the Pax Kat foreshadowing.
She's roleplaying the reader talking to author?

There's definitely a twist. Yep, Red's twisting that knife nice and good in there.

What's the difference?

A subtle, cultural one.


I would say that being a fairy means she's inherently selfish and doesn't understand things like sympathy and friends wanting to help others, so she only sees it as Annie pushing others to do stuff for them.

That said, Snuffle isn't that much of an asshole.

No, he's calling you a retard.

I say they either assimilate or they gotta go back Build a ravine!

Remember that page back when they were discussing if it was ethical to force Jeanne away from the place she's been in for such a long time?
Annie responds with something like "i want to take her into the ether".
The alt text on that page was something like "me, me, me. always talking about yourself, annie"

He wasn't just joking around, he did from that point want it to be a selfish endeavor for Annie

How about that?

That makes sense. Red's acting like Annie forced all her friends to help and put them in mortal danger for shits and gigs when they all agreed it was the right thing to do. Red was the one who was there for shits and gigs, and I'm guessing she still doesn't understand what they were trying to do down there. She was kind of right about the fairy formerly known as Blue, but everything else sounds like projection.

I mean, she's only just coming to terms with what Ayilu's near death experience did to her. She's not a reliable source on things.

I guess we need to hear more about Annie's motives. Was it totally charity or was there some kind of personal ulterior motive? I mean, even charity can be painted as selfish if you frame it a certain way.

>Red's acting like this because she doesn't understand empathy
>majority of people on here agrees with her


But we still have to listen to her for five pages.

When Tom does these scenes there's always something more going on than the obvious.

Think of Annies dad's reappearance. Tom first allowed us to think he was just being a total shit to Annie. It was only revealed some time later that he'd been forced into that position and was sperging out the whole time like a true Carver.

I'm getting pretty tired of this guilt trip from a fairy who literally gave her lover a shit name just to avoid confrontation. Everyone knew the risks and Annie literally sold her soul away to save the only person who got seriously injured. Fuck this noise.

Fuck, Annie, don't let this headcase put you on the defensive. Fight back! Kill her like you killed your friends!

Lol at Tom trolling his readership again.

And the GK readership is so thick that they deserve it, frankly.

She's vulnerable now. Perfect time for someone to give her some dickings.

Imaa. Draw Parley, Smitty and Kat beating up Red.

Is this a dream sequence?

Yes it is.

And they all have to be naked.

No it's just Red being unable to people again and saying things from her perspective.

It'll be a knock on Annie and make her question herself but her real friends will set things straight and beat the living shit out of Red when the time's right.

No, clothed. Not everything has to be a sex thing, you abuse survivor.

>but I never intended anyone to get hurt
No one ever does

Annie fans wanna bitch.

>Annie fans

>Did you give her a choice?
I don't get it. Doesn't Kat have any agency according to Red?
I don't get it. It was Annie's plan yeah, but by the end everyone wanted to help, you can't exactly pin it on her. They all knew it was going to be dangerous beforehand and they still did it, Parley willingly fought Jeanne and Smitty willingly saved her.
And by the end, she's the one who got caught in shit to fix her mistake.

Yes, Tom!
Stroke my dick!
Just like that!

What are you talking about?
She'd love that more than anything else in the world!

This, Kat's been as on board as Annie with this since the beginning. At best I can see "Kat didn't want to let Annie down and went along with it", but that's still dumb - Kat's smart enough to voice her opinion if she thinks X is a bad idea and it's not like they haven't disagreed in the past.





I came.

I could draw them beating up Annie, tho.

Kat has basically no other friends.
She never even would have met Paz if it wasn't for Annie.
She can't afford to tell her to fuck off.

Kat is able to make other friends. Annie isn't.

She could, but she hasn't.
Kat is too invested in her work and shares no interests with any other girls at the court.
She probably would write off making friends with anyone on her own.

I could also draw them beating up both Annie and Red. That could be fun!

I'd rather you didn't bother then.

...and so, after Red's stern counseling, Annie spent the rest of her time at Gunnerkrigg Court not going on adventures, instead making up detentions until passing away at the ripe old age of 92, her fire elemental lineage finally snuffed out for lack of progeny.

Thanks for reading!

So, if Annie isn't going to tell Red to fuck off and BTFO her stupid backward logic.

When will Kat come through the door and fuck Red's shit up? Christ, this chapter is laborous.

It feels like Annie's trying to get on Red's terms but yeah, she could reach a point of "well fuck it" and push back.

I wonder if it's still possible for her to mess with Blue's name. Annie suggested a short version and helped spell it but she didn't declare it.

You said this when reynardine poked at Annie's childhood trauma or when Dad Carver arrived to rob her of agency and called her out for her cheating.

What the fuck does that memory even have to do with what Red just said? That was during the mission, when Kat already had planned what she wanted to do and they were already executing it. How the fuck does that relate at all?

Also, wasn't Red herself in this for something she wanted? Doesn't seem like she cares for Annie or her friends at all, she's just pissy because her buttbuddy was put in danger.

We're gonna need someone countering like 80% of everything Red has said so far before the end of the chapter or something like the dream sequence theory to be confirmed because god fucking damn if it doesn't this will be the worst chapter in the comic by a landslide.


Also, forgot about this until now, but Red was totally bullshitting by trying to guilt-trip Annie by saying that they got tricked into participating - she was aware of the risks from the start. Which leaves her with... no reasonable points left? Do I have that right?

Red's point wasn't that they didn't know the risks but that Annie's side of the bargain cost her nothing. They still accepted the offer but that was before Red saw Blue take a sword to the face.

That's a burn even a fire elemental can't deliver. Annie literally btfo

>thanks for trying to help me confess to my crush
>now let me lecture and criticize you

t. Red.

Now you're getting it.

Besides, Red's clueless if she thinks Smitty is going to be mad after having the best sex of his life after the adventure was over.

>a chapter that was supposed have been just one page long with the word BLUE somewhere prominent, has somehow ended up as such a complete trainwreck
Literally how? Literally why?

It's all Red's fault.

>Red's acting like this because she doesn't understand empathy
>majority of people on here agrees with her

and now you know how Trump got elected





So how much will she be demoted when her dad learn about it?