New completed comic

Hey you lot, just completed a twelve page comic and thought I'd share with you guys and get your feedback. Sit back and enjoy big boys.
If this isn't allowed give me a shout and I'll delete the thread.












Ah shit, I've counted these up wrong here's the last one. Enjoy!

Your idea is strong, but your conveyance is lacking. You should study similar comics and things you like to get a better feel for panel composition and how panels iteract across a page.

Your style also doesn't feel entirely intentional. There's several parts that work like the collage of faces while other parts like the splash images of sitting people read more like you have difficulty drawing, so I'd recommend studying the basics of anatomy and 3D structure. You don't have to make your style more realistic, but studying that stuff can help you make your caricatures more intentional.

Don't go to /ic/ or /hyw/, they won't be helpful. Just look for resources and good comics to study.

cheers man. Feel like the rushed paneling comes down to the brief being for twelve pages automatically pushing me into a tight work frame. Will definitely look into more life drawing and studies thanks for the reply!
(I know what you mean about those other boards that's why I chose to post it here haha)

> but she still suckin

you should check out comics workbook, they post similar stuff. most people here will just yell at you about how pretentious art comics are.

The biggest problem is that everything is at about the same level of focus at all times. Panels don't really flow when you're viewing everything at approximately the same size over and over. Next time, do some more wide shots, closeups, maybe weird angles as appropriate to help convey tone.

I totally disagree with this. Some of the best comics are drawn with a set grid (Hanselmann, Hernandez Bros, Ware, Clowes, etc etc etc....) The action inside the panels is set against and juxtaposed with the format.

Sweet stuff I'll give it an eye over. Yeh, more indy stuff doesn't really get a lot of coverage on this site. Glory days of Simon Hanselmann and Jason getting story timed was fantastic.
ah ok I getcha cheers bubbo.

yeh I gotta say most of my favourite cartoonists work within a grid format. Think I might give that a shot for my next piece. This felt really out of balance in tone and structure to my usual work. Want to try a more surrealist humour stroy line such as ed the happy clown

>Some of the best comics are drawn with a set grid
...that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

I'm talking about the level of focus within the panels, not the panels themselves. There's even a page that's just the same face from the same angle with the same level of focus in a grid format here and I told OP it's one of the better pages. The issue is that OP doesn't create variation overall in a way that feels unintentional.

Ah, my bad, man. Thought you were conflating the literal size/"window" of the panel with the camera movements within it (like a camera tilt drawn as a long vertical panel - which I feel loses the sense of time established by a sequence of panels depicting the same action - that kinda thing.)

The entire thing was 2deep4me but I like your art style. Was it all done on computer?

Plus I think I have PTSD from arguing the grid in MMO threads. I hate when people rag the format because it has a lot of subtle merit.

If you've read enough comics you'll understand its positives, yeah. I'd say most artists and ESPECIALLY beginners should not use it exclusively or even predominantly -- learning the ropes of panel composition is important and bleeds over into gridwork, which requires more nuance -- but there's nothing bad about it.

yeh man and the textures were scanned in and put over the top

>Don't go to /ic/ or /hyw/, they won't be helpful
A truer statement has never been spoken


Your faces work but the way you draw arms and legs doest match the style you used to draw the head, they look like noodles.

Worth noting it's less because /ic/ is critical and more because their advice is skewed towards figure drawing alone, and /hyw/ is shit because everyone coddles you, shitposts, or bitches at anyone willing to give actual feedback.

This is VERY good advice.

Yeh this could be me trying to draw actual human faces my usual style is more cartoon and illustration based. Feel like I never carried it through to the bodies very well

Your art is super French

>Try to give advice on color
>ColdFusion rears his ugly head and says he doesn't agree without giving any sort of argument or constructive criticism.

The thread would be better if there weren't idiots like him dismissing anything that could feasibly apply to their own comic.
