Why is Ultimate Captain America such an insufferable ass and so shitty?

Why is Ultimate Captain America such an insufferable ass and so shitty?

he's not though

Because the A on his head doesn't stand for France

Your answer's right there

He isn't. And in fact he is more true to Captain America than MCU Steve in civil war.
He may sound as a dick, but that's how a soldier would had been back in that era. Being a good person doesnt mean you can't say dumb or mean things. He is a chauvinist that struggles with the modern world.

Because he's just some guy. Like, he's not some saintly personification of all that is good and pure about the good ol' U.S of A, he's not even trying to be, he's just a dude that really wanted to serve his country and do his part in the war effort. Then he woke up decades later in a completely different situation that he couldn't really wrap his head around, with nothing left to hold on to but the stars and stripes.

That, and he's a Millar character.

as a WW2 soldier, he would have had a healthy respect for the french, as he would have fought alongside the famous french resistance

>That, and he's a Millar character.

I don't understand.

Although yeah, admittedly, "Millar character" is an empty cheap shot on my part. Millar can absolutely write straight up good guy characters just fine. Dude wrote a great Superman, after all. If anything it's moral nuance he kind of struggles with.

Still got a real soft spot for The Ultimates though, warts and all.

It's the ultimate universe, everyone was an insufferable ass and shitty. Except for Peter. He was a good boy.

i meant I hate Millar

he's a cranky old man with super soldier serum.

except that in the ultimate universe there was no super soldier serum, just steroids treatment and whatchamacallit chemicals

Shut up he 's


Fuck off frogposter
would he? Because the surrender was still fresh in people's mind

But then Ultimate Peter came back without telling Aunt May or any of his loved ones, gave Miles his blessing after a quick team up against the Green Goblin, then fucked off into the sunset with Mary Jane.

Actually, there was a super soldier serum. If I remember right, everything powers was derived from it. Spiderman, mutants, even the hulk happened because someone wanted to replicate it.

Yeah I hear so many people ragging on Ultimate Cap but I don't see it. He isn't a saint like his 616 counterpart but the dude isn't the insufferable douchebag people like to make him out to be

ultimate iron man and thor were cool dudes though

He was a good character when was written by other than Loeb or Humphries. I like the idea of him being a soldier that tries to be a good person with outdated morals.

Shame that we couldn't see what Hickman prepared for him.

>It's the ultimate universe, everyone was an insufferable ass and shitty. Except for Peter. He was a good boy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Ultimate universe created to complement Ultimate Spidey, which at the time was basically modern retelling of his origin?

>Shame that we couldn't see what Hickman prepared for him.

Yeah, no. He pretty much capsized Steve's character during his Avengers run to such a degree that Spencer turning him into a Hydra agent was actually an improvement.

That page would have been good in Ultimate. I suppose that most of the ideas from his Avengers run were rehashed from his Ultimate plans.

Everyone is edgy and / or a jerkass in the Ultimate Universe.
Except Peter, but he dies.