Why, I do believe it's time for... Red Dwarf‽

Why, I do believe it's time for... Red Dwarf‽


But enough about me, how was your day?

Yes, we're trying something a bit different today - I've gone into one British sci-fi classic, I thought I might as well try another. I'll post the whole publication, just for kicks.


What the smeg?

On a less pleasant note, desuarchive is timing out on me.































I think I had one issue of the Smegazine.
The comic was some stupid thing about Robby Rocketpants and Mr Flibble.








>ywn be oiled up by skanky looking British women



The books, the first two at least, were really fucking good weren't they?


I though it was interesting how Doug and Rob gave their own different endings to their story.


Yeah, I like both but I do have to give it more to Last Human.

Just because it gives more of a "sum up" than Backwards's "and the adventure continues", though the latter stays truer to the show.


Fucking Ace Rimmer, space adventurer!

I concur.

By the way, how are you?
































That's enough of Red Dwarf for today...

... Mickey Spillane was born 99 years ago on the 9th...












