
This is a brain in a jar.
She is known as No Girl.
From this image I can deduce- she is a goth.

Did you just assume that brain's gender?

More than that, I assumed she's a virgin, though the extent of her interactions with another character is dubious and confusing.

Why haven't they given her a robot body or let her live vicariously through the internet yet?
I mean, this is the Marvel universe we're talking about here. They have technology that might as well be magic. Also they have actual for real magic.

But it's pink!

I would.

Same here.

Yeah, is that even some kind of "power" she was born with? Like Beak? Because that would be silly.

The leash was so a little girl could drag her around. She's straight, or at least bi.

Even less of a contrivance than that they could've shown how she would look projected in someone else's mind. Surely the indestructible old lady girl holds some image of her.

A sapient mold organized a group of people that wanted to steal mutant body parts and graft them onto their own bodies. This sapient mold organization put her brain in a jar

Nope, her brain was removed by the U-Men and she's been like that ever since. Kenji gave her a body made from his own body, but he blew up. She finally got a robot body after being stranded in a future for a year with some other X-kids.

That makes sense... but... How long ago was that? Surly they'd rebuild a body for her by now.

She was extracted from her corpse by a gang of cunts that harvest mutant abilities and graft them onto their bodies.

Cant remember what they were called.

The U-men

They also had a guy that healed people but he never bothered to heal the rest of her body back

X-men need to stop stealing ideas from The Doom Patrol.

Rule 63 headcanon confirmed.

There's an entire family of Ultron-spawn roaming the Marvel universe... an entire legion of Doombots... Life Model Decoy technology...

You mean to tell me not a single Marvel hero could get on the goddamned phone and do any better by this girl than this?

Hell, they could just call Sauron and get her a dinosaur body. Of course, they'd then have to stop him from trying to turn everyone into dinosaur, but still.

>From this image I can deduce- she is a goth.
Morrison is truly a master.

Yeah, that actually might be a good gig for him. Get disembodied people dino-bodies. Maybe even convince him to try out humanoid dinosaurs, like those super evolved dino-men on tv. If shark-lass can deal with her life like that, anyone can.

And hey, who's to say that turning into a dinosaur WOULDN'T cure a person's cancer? Do we have any evidence suggesting dinosaurs suffered from cancer? No? Problem solved. The cure for cancer is turning into a dinosaur and Sauron is the hero the Marvel universe and cancer patients everywhere need and everyone who stands in his way is literally worse than cancer.

You mean... a cancer-proof goth dinosaur girl?

Yeah, sure. Why not? Marvel's had worse ideas.

She dated Tetsuo who gave her a meat body for a bit.
They could've had whatever passes for sex in their monster bodies.
Though Zero is japanese and they don't know how to have consensual sex so it seems unlikely.

Someone get Chris Claremont on the phone, he loves fetish bait.

That looks /d/ enough for a Japanese guy.

Seems a bit odd... but I hope she has cranial stitch marks. And wears a wetsuit.

Does it count when you're equally /d/?

Haven't the X-men had Reed Richards on speed dial since Morrison's run? I mean like at any point before Time Runs Out, they couldn't ask Reed or any of the number of super geniuses to help her out in the body department?

she has a Thelma and Louise friendship with Ernst, and both have no place for men