Why do people pretend like he was a bad guy when America pulled the same tactics (and even worse) in WWII?

Why do people pretend like he was a bad guy when America pulled the same tactics (and even worse) in WWII?

So Adrian hows the cancer?

Why do people pretend America is the good guy?


Why did mods delete the porn thread but allow the 3 cartoon threads that have been up for multiple hours to stay up?

america is evil

How pretends he was the bad guy?
I mostly just see people discussing who was right between him and Rorschach.
Even tho I don't agree with what he did, I don't think he's a bad person.

Did America create peace based on a lie? I don't think he's cut and dry evil, I'm not sure everyone believes he is.

>Did America create peace based on a lie?

In case Sup Forums capeshit fags weren't aware, the first issue of the sequel, doomsday clock, came out. And it's good, unless you hate Black people


that bad, huh?

Ambiguity is the whole point. That's also why we didn't get a flashforward to a utopian future, we don't know if Adrian's plan worked in the long term or if his plot was exposed and it all fell apart.
There is no clear moral victory or satisfying end, that was the whole core of the story.

How it feels to chew 5 gum

We see Superman's awkward time at prom.


I didn't even notice the parallel!
Snyder can be too subtle sometimes


>Did America create peace based on a lie?

the fact that people were kissing and partying in the street while japanese babies were dying of radiation poisoning should answer your question.

if not, you're retarded

How is that peace based on a lie? The bombings were common knowledge.

Because the writer, Alan Moore, is a total hippie anarchist who thinks America is a bunch of "fascists" anyway.

Nobody knew just how horrible it (radiation) was at the time
They probably just thought there was a big clean crater there or something (ironically what's depicted in the watchmen movie)

>creating watchmen sequel comic

missing the goddamn point jesus

how come his skeleton was moving like it was still alive/

playing this backwards is pretty cool

>That's also why we didn't get a flashforward to a utopian future,

there's a sequel comic now, as if the prequels weren't bad enough

skeletons ARE alive


Thats not what "peace based on a line" means.


The 40,000 Germans dying at Dresden was propaganda. It was only a fraction of that. As for all the dead Japs: who cares? They weren't white.

Everybody hurts

Supes was pretty cute in the DCAU shows, especially that Christmas episode.

t. poop-country

It was

>muh scary radiation
the atomic bombs were a military, political and humanistic masterstroke.
>ended the war with Japan (which they started) by shocking them out of their suicidal cultural psychosis, averting both continued firebombing (which would've caused way more death albeit on a longer and less startling timeframe) and ultimately a large scale invasion that would've resulted in millions of deaths
>impressed upon the remaining great powers of the world the apocalyptic power of nuclear weapons, ensuring that they'd do everything they could to avoid large scale war, however tense things got politically
US has done lots of shady things, even related to nuclear weapons--they intentionally irradiated obscure island communities to observe effects of radiation, for instance--but nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was objectively the right call