Which would you join and why?

Which would you join and why?

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Anger, I'm most likely to use that emotion compared to the others.
One guy used it constructively, why can't I?

I'm not strong of will
I'm not very hopeful
I'm not very loving
I'm not compassionate
I'm not filled with rage
I'm not greedy
I'm not able to create fear

But I'm sure as heck gonna die

None because I don't need a ring to be a Hero.

Any of them, I don't even care.
I just want to fly.

Im too lazy to anything, can i opt for the gray lanterns?

Hope because someone has to.

My niggantern.
I say we fuck those fruity lantern rings and go make our own corps.

Black because I want to fucking kill myself

>I'm not strong of will
>I'm not very hopeful
>I'm not very loving
>I'm not compassionate
>I'm not filled with rage
>I'm not greedy
>I'm not able to create fear

Hey, wait a second.
Why is the Sinestro Corps the one that requires that the emotion comes from people who aren't you?

I got hope for days.

Let me help everyone damn it!

They have to use/master their own fears too.

Also, Sinestro corps is the one I'd most likely belong to.

>They have to use/master their own fears too.


In all honesty, with who I am and how I see the world, I'd be a red lantern. Black lantern is just edgy. Everything on the good axis just comes off as preachy and stupid. Green is the only "good" group that I can respect, as they're more just lawful than anything.

Yeah, in sinestro corps wars when they got a new recrute the newbie had to close himself in a sort of shell who made him relieve his worst fears. It was basically the sinestro corps training ground

And the three was that guy who fucking lived in one of those shells

Hell yeah! With blackjack! And hookers! I nominate some sort of cool metallic color. Like malachite or something. It's powered by being awesome.

Good man.

Why would you ever join any corps besides Green? They're OP as fuck, and if you're a human in the GL you're practically royalty and will have the corps relying on your ass all the time.

Reminder that to be a black lanter you need to be dead and your corpse usefull for emotional blackmailing.

That White Lantern Oath is non-canon and fucking sucks.

Blue. I'm a humanitarian; I have hope for my race, for the future, and hope that those who work towards a kind future can do so. I'd probably be easy to crush, but easy to build back up too. Hope is strong, because we have so much proof on what hope can and has done. We're built upon greatness; that's reason enough for me to feel secure in choosing blue.

hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

I unno, maybe.

We have a anger fueled cat; now is the time to mainstream a hope filled doggo.

Walker has a squirrel in Hal jordan & the GLC

Black ring affects the living differently. Does seem to "kill" them but then they cycle through the emotions.


gay white lantern for god tier powers

I don't have the next page though

Hope. Super chill and blue and Black are my favorite color. I wanna be bros with Saint Walker.

Red because I'm permanently pissed off, might as well utilise that.

Isn't Orange supposed to be just constantly shouting "ITS MINE NOT YOURS!"

because it was the first spin off corps to be made. All the other corps came after.

Congrats, youre the only fucker to earn a ring here, being the coolest one, compassion.

Well that's still mundo homogay

Why is it called the "emotional spectrum"? Aren't rage and fear the only actual emotion on there?

Shouldn't it be called the "drive spectrum"?

Willpower is the only one I wouldn't call an emotion and it's acknowledged as being the guiding/balancing force of the others.

This seems like the best place to ask, how is the new Gun Lantern?

Love, hope, greed, life, and death are not emotions. Compassion is only arguable at best, and is certainly more of a constant attribute. That fact that willpower is the only one you wouldn't classify as an emotion doesn't mean anything, because you don't seem to understand what an emotion even is. It's not too difficult a concept, I promise.

Love, hope, and greed are definitely emotions.

Life and death are just the whole vs the absence.

Love and greed are drives. Not emotions. And hope hasn't been considered an emotion since the Middle Ages. Look if you can't even be bothered to do the most rudimentary research then I don't know what else to tell you.

>a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others

I'm not seeing how that doesn't describe them

Hello reedit

Because none of them are states of mind? You're hopeless.

Green. My willpower shapes my future.

Orange, if I can manage to convince Larfleeze that I'd be more useful as an actual Lantern instead of a Construct prisoner; kiss his ass and prove that I'm not a Starscream. I'd be his herald or something.

Then I can help him take back the Vega system from Kyle's psycho ex-girlfriend, thereby holding the universe by the balls once he has control of all that non-exploding planet MacGuffin ore.

I'm probably filled with hate most of the time, but deep down I kind of want to be a lovey-dovey girl too.

Pretty sure Blues work the same way.

When you get into a new relationship or have a baby that love is definitely a state of mind other than normal and it dies down eventually even when you still care for the person. And it's not as if you aren't in a state of greed when you see something that you want and can't have.

You might have a chemical issue if you honestly don't agree.


I just need to have a phone in my pocket and take a generic shitposter bait.

>not being so greedy you overgreed him and the ring just chooses you

i'd do that. just think about it, having ANYTHING. the only bad part is once you do get it all it might get boring as hell.

Have you ever heard what happened to the man who got everything he ever wanted?
He lived happily ever after

My favorite color is blue
But its full of lame hippie Asian zen shit so no

No. Stop making a fool of yourself. Love is a sentiment, an amalgamation of emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, etc.). It, itself, is not a fundamental emotion. This has been studied to a great degree for hundreds of years. If you're unable to grasp such a simple concept it's obviously you who has some sort of malfunction.

It is by definition an emotion. I'm sorry you've never experienced it and are finding this hard to comprehend.

Violet Lantern Corps. Too bad they don't allow boys.


Have fun. Love is a complex state of mind that triggers emotions. It is not itself a basic emotion. The idea that love is an emotion is just a romanticization of the term, thanks mostly to western civilization.

>Love is a complex state of mind
>state of mind

>emotions are states of mind

Glad we agree that love is definitely an emotion.

Did you seriously just imply state of mind is a synonym for emotion? Jesus christ...

John was in for a minute, but he wasn't made to wear a banana hammock.

That's such a bullshit thing considering none of the other corps have problems with mixing the sexes and even fraternizing among the ranks. And it's only one of the reasons I can't see the Sapphires as anything but a big tangled mess of outdated continuities and writers' hangups.

As for me, I'm angry enough to be a Red, but ultimately, I'd probably end up Indigo. I don't want to hurt people, I just want them to learn better ways, even if I don't know how to help.

it's literally the definition

Blue Lanterns for sure. Dark Souls trained me well for this.

Mein negros

>an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.

Even the very definition makes it clear that it's a certain type of state of mind in and of itself, and that there are others. State of mind does not mean emotion. I mean you could try and argue semantics all day like a neanderthal, or you could actually learn the science and reasoning behind it. Perhaps that's too much to ask. I suppose you'd rather not do that, because you'd rather argue with someone that hope, compassion, love and greed are all emotions because you have low self-esteem, and if you can't even win an argument on Sup Forums, what are you even good for?

Whatever, maybe you're just trolling. Either way it's clear you've successfully wasted a few minutes of my time.

>I mean you could try and argue semantics all day like a neanderthal

I don't understand comments like this. It is literally a discussion about semantics. Why act like it's suddenly not important when it meant enough to make the original post about it?

It's not about semantics. The argument had devolved into you ignoring my sources and trying to argue that if something is a state of mind it's an emotion because of the wikipedia definition or something. THAT is a senseless appeal to semantics. Doesn't even make sense.

My question was simple. Why is the "emotional spectrum" comprised mostly of things that aren't actual emotions? Perhaps I need to word it even simpler for you? To be honest I'm really not sure how I could possibly do that.

Black lantern because rectal cancer is killing me and I'll be dead soon.

>One guy used it constructively, why can't I?

Batman uses it constructively too man. A lot of superheroes do. IT's where the concept of justice comes form.

>both times he ripped of Risk's arms

It was a normal dictionary definition not wikipedia. You bringing up psychology (especially when we're talking about beings like fucking sentient planets and math equations) isn't going to change that they all fit the definition besides willpower. And you haven't give any reasoning for why the common definition is incorrect besides saying that it is.

Thinks like greed, hope, compassion, and love are not emotions. They CAUSE emotions. They are drives, sentiments, etc..not emotions. The fact that you still can't grasp this concept is quite alarming. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, THESE are emotions. Things like disgust or surprise are much closer to emotions than the aforementioned terms. I have given you plenty of reasoning, and even academic sources...there's literally nothing else I can do for you.

You're just a lost cause, friend.

Back when Blackest Night was going on and they were giving out these sausage-finger rings, I managed to find a misprinted one with Sinestro's mold cast in Blue plastic.

I don't know why I held onto it. I don't really plan on selling it. Rare as it may be, I doubt anyone's autistic enough to put a lot of value in it. This may just be something I'll show my grandchildren one day and tell them about the comics of my youth.

You're doing it again and just stating that they're not emotions even though they fit the definition of emotions.

>a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others

You have failed to argue that this definition should be invalid.

I still have a full set of those floating around.
Still, arguably, the best rings you can find.

Here you go again putting exact wording of a google or dictionary.com or whatever definition of a word over published academic studies.

But fine, if that's what it takes....take greed. It in an of itself is not a state of mind, its a descriptor used to illustrate an overabundance of desire in a person. DESIRE is acceptable as an emotion (although that is heavily contended), but greed is simply by way of having too much desire. It's kinda like depression. Depression is when you have too much of the sadness emotion, but depression itself is not an emotion. Hope is optimism, it's an idea, not a state of mind. The idea that things will work out for the better. Love is also an idea and a construct of civilization. BECAUSE of love, you experience emotion, it itself is not emotion. Compassion, a.k.a. empathy, is also not an emotion. It's the ABILITY to feel emotion based on the circumstances of others. Again it, itself, is not an emotion.

I think all of the listed ones change how you perceive and react to reality so I just can't agree that they're not states of mind. When you are overcome with greed it has to do with how you are viewing things you don't need. When you're experiencing hope you are contextualizing things in a generally positive way. Love is similar but more about how it relates to personal importance. Compassion is the sense of that openness while empathy is the next step.

Honestly I think you are just seeing the terms in more of an action sense rather than a perceptive one and that might be where we disagree.

Since Green is the only one that does not fuck with your head it's obviously green that gets chosen.
And with my status as ultra space cop I can clean up our earth Sinestro style

who says green doesn't fuck with your head

White is probably the only one that doesn't but good luck doing that as a mere human

White, space cancer means I can die earlier, while letting me help as many as possible because of it limitlessness
Though the earlier white with being a conduit of the Entity is fine by me as well, my life is wank anyway so it can mess with me all it wants

I want to retcon blue
still the same hope bullshit that can boots the green lantern and them as well
but its the ultimate defense

Construct limited only to force field bubbles but stronger
Psionic abilities like telepathy

Also what aya is doing in this picture
that immobilization beam

Probably yellow because that's the one that has Bizarro Hal Jordan on it and I find that idea super funny.

All of them.

t. Kyle

I'm with user here. Larfleeze and the Orange Corps. for me, too.

All of them suck. The only cool one is green, but then you have to be saddled with a bunch of midget dictators dictating to you.

I meant one guy used a red lantern ring constructively.

Which ring would best suit someone who's emotionally dead? Should i just give up on lantern rings and become a jedi instead?

Grey Lanterns.

Fuck of Isador.
We all know where that attitude got you.

I guess I can say the only thing I am is kind of compassionate. So purple rangers it is.

lmao you'd be a virgin lantern