Why is he the only auteur left in cinema today?

Why is he the only auteur left in cinema today?

The recession, which is still going on, means no one in any industry is willing to take risks anymore.

Also Wes Anderson movies are awful.

Tarantino still is.

Nolan as well.

Scorsese. Malick. But that's about it.

Are you fucking high?



how many filmmakers today have such a distinct style that you can tell the films is theirs within 30 seconds?

Very, very few.

Snyder, tarantino, coen

So you named 3. Exactly.

His style is recognizable but his movies are high brow shit. They're babby movies for dummies who like to feel smart.

Just watched Bottle Rocket. Is it his best?

Grand Budapest Hotel doesn't pretend to be that though.


Nah, that honor goes to Tennenbaums. It's the sweet spot of mastering his style/idioms/tropes whatever you wanna call em, but exists before those things became overbearing retreads.

Its moonrise kingdom, dipshit

Sup Forums only hates Wes because he's popular with Reddit.

That and because his movies are easy to deconstruct, which doesn't negate their quality

>straight on shots
>straight on shots everywhere

u mad?

If it looks like the cameraman got parkinsons then its probably von trier

>wes tracks
>camera is still straight on
I think it's cute if a little one dimensional. That and when he adjusts things like model work, sets, or even film exposure (aspect ratio) to channel different time periods.
I appreciate Wes' talented cowriters more than I appreciate his cinematography.


Even directors like Tarantino and Inaritu are "distinct"

>that's about it
Maybe watch more film. Not only have you missed American directors like Jarmusch, you've also missed mainstream foreign directors like Polanski. Not to mention the non mainstream, which you forgo.

disagree with PTA. His style changes film to film.

>Malick, Lynch, Refn, Lanthimos

I agree.

The rest aren't really known directors. Of course there a many art house directors with distinct styles but I'm talking about relatively mainstream directors.


lol nothing in the op or post I replied to said anything about mainstream. Mainstream has always been like that (with some exceptions of course, just as there are now). If you want distinct and honest auteurs then you have to leave the realm of entertainment and go in the direction of art

I just assumed they were talking about mainstream cinema because anyone who watching independent or arthouse would know that there's many more.

people watch his movies because they're fun
who watches fantastic mr fox to feel smart?

>Light it with christmans light and be in her face all the time.

I fucking hate the faggot