I wish to go back to the past with you not stuck to my arm

>I wish to go back to the past with you not stuck to my arm.

Boy, that was hard.

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That's two wishes, you turbo cock monger.

>I wish to go back to 5 minutes earlier so I can not accidentally kill the gargoyle

That one was a two-parter


>I'll stay behind to save the monks even though If I change the past they'll never be in danger in the fist place

Jack is not a smart man.

Wasn't there another episode where Jack figured letting people die was just as bad whether he could get to the past or not? Ie'd be right if the show followed the "alternate timeline" rules of time travel.

Some user has mentioned this before, that Jack's moralfagging prevents him from letting others come to harm by his own actions, even if said harm wouldn't exist in the first place if he just stepped through the damn portal.
Inversely, Aku's absolute lack of moral compass has constantly caused him to backstab others just for shits and giggles, even when Jack's life is within his grasp, causing him to lose over and over again.

>wish for them both to be free
>request fairy walk with him to talking dog land
>get one of the talking dogs to wish him back to his home time because they owe him


>The Fairy is a small magical being with the ability to grant one wish in her life time.


Of course, that doesn't explain why he couldn't just track down another fairy. Presumably the first one would know where to find others.

There's only one Fairy?

Didn't read that part. If there are no other fairies, where did the first one come from?



not to mention his sword works on moral magic, if he ever loses his way, he loses his sword

Could his sword not have cut the fairy bubble open?

There's no indication this timeline wouldn't continue to exist.

who knows, also risked killing the fairy or cutting his hand

She can only grant one wish her entire life

This is not how the sword works.

Fucking Aku could wield it.

Aku can wield it but he cant hurt anyone with it.

is that a cutie mark?

>he doesn't remember

Is that a ban I hear incoming?

The answer is don't think about it. Getting blue-balled for no good reason is just part of the premise of the original run.


To be fair, we only saw him try to use it on Jack. I mean, he cut the stone headstones without any issues. Also, the wording is kinda specifc in that 'in the hands of evil it can never harm an innocent'. so it's enitrely possible Aku could have used to kill people of less upstanding moral fibre, or robots, or hell even hurt himself with it.

spece feris.

Why would you ever have your brain on when watching animated zen? Unless you're analyzing all the different angles and lines for a cinematography project.

Parallel universes, Jack ass

When Aku infects Jack the sword doesn't cut the little salamander monks either, it just bats them around. The same episode he fucking eviscerates a harmless civilian robot though, so it raises the sticky question of whether that robot was secretly evil, or if the magic of the sword doesn't consider them 'alive' and cuts through them like any other inanimate object.

He should go around hitting everybody with the sword to find out who's evil.

Alternatively the moral magic that makes his sword possible also makes it impossible for Jack to avoid helping others. If he was capable of turning a blind eye or trying to logic his way out of helping someone, the sword may not have worked in his hands either. You may have to be that unwavering and absolute in your cause in order to wield a weapon that's a physical manifestation of the spirit of doing what's right.

the monks would still die in a separate timeline. Jack return to the past would only only create a new one without erasing the other

"I wish we were each in the time and place we desire to be in most." is what I was thinking.

That still leaves the fairy trapped in the bubble, actually.

How did the fairy know the gargoyle had magic words, but not know what the words were? And Jack didn't even check to see if they were written down anywhere.

The sowrd works on moralmagic, pretty sure punished Jack wouldnt do jackshit with the sword. He has to got his shit together first

>also risked killing the fairy
Nope. Unless she was evil.

He might kill someone for jaywalking.

No it doesn't, Aku was able to slice shit up with it. You just can't kill innocents with it.

I'd think the sword falling down a fucking pit is a bigger obstacle to Jack using it than any moral magic.

Calling it. The sword deliberately left because Jack had lost his way. he'll learn some kind of lesson and it'll come back.

I hope so. Although a pit was a bizarre way for it to "leave him" for losing his way.

Judging by what little we saw in the flashback, though, Jack didn't lose his way until after he lost the sword. He still had his classic look.

Either that or it was fate and the sword will come back when it's needed. Like a Behelit.

It's a sword user, it can't just grow legs and stroll away at any given time. A little magical nudging towards a pit is more feasible

What if Jack used a Behelit to return to the past?

>I wish this bubble was actually a portal back to my time

Wouldn't work, since the thing he cares about most is in the past. Maybe he could sacrifice the Scotsman.

They were monks.

They might as well be "pure of hearth" enough.

I wish that you would not grant me this wish

I wish we both went back to the time when we were most happiest and stress free in life.