Movies where the good guy loses

movies where the good guy loses



fucking this




The good guy looses in every modern film.....

The Longest Day.



I didn't get the line about insurance at the end. What kind of company covers suicide by cop?

Barry Lyndon
El Topo
Apocalypse Now

Not quite the same but in con air the serial killer goes free

although cinematic, it's extremely untasteful to kill currently alive people
What is this shit from ?

Yeah that didn't really make sense to me, why were we supposed to dislike the main character? He unmemetically did nothing wrong that I can remember.

Also adding the obvious.

The Interview

Why was the bronze shell casing still on the shell?

I've met Stephen Lang on multiple occasions, one of the most genuine people I've ever met in my life. It was due my time spent helping film Gods and Generals as one of the reenactors.

>Reeeeeeeeeee you no make fun of grorious reader!

Jamie Foxxxxxxxx complained to the director/writers about how he died in every film, and they did a hasty rewrite and shoot to appease him.

Thats why the ending is so rushed and stupid with him going to a school play and grinning like a moron, despite there being a mountain of bodies in his wake just so he could protect his perfect score at work.

Its an amazing movie right up to the ending, where it just collapses and blue balls the entire audience.

>Jamie Foxxxxxxxx complained to the director/writers about how he died in every film, and they did a hasty rewrite and shoot to appease him.

As much as he strikes me as a cunt who would actually do this, I'd like to see some citation on this.

Speaking of Stephen Lang movies where he did abso-fucking-lutely nothing wrong...



seth rogan can't make kin-