He got this body over the course of a summer

>he got this body over the course of a summer

superior fire nation breeding

Anyone else pissed that we didn't get to see Iroh The Dragon of the West being awesome at the battle of Ba Sing Se?

It's pretty low in the pissed off scale compared to the chyropractor rock and Zuko not getting to win his fight.

He's a firebender, getting hot is all they do

Considering his expertise in bending and military proficiency, I doubt he was terribly out of shape in the first place. A lot of that was probably just trimming off extra fat.


>I doubt he was terribly out of shape in the first place

He also looks to have grown 6 inches in height

Fire benders have a high metabolism when exercising fast and hard. Who'da thunk it?

He probably burned off the fat internally.

Regaining its easier than gaining cause of muscle memory.
Of course, cause of its age it´s a little hard to believe.
Refer to

High metabolism doesn't mean shit when you're eating prison food. Where's the protein?

That's why he cozied someone up to some of the guards.

No, he was still a manlet in the finale

Maybe that's how he got built so quickly? I see so many Latinos at the gym who bulk up crazy fast.

>some of you guards are all right, don't come to work tomorrow.

I wonder whatever happened to that girl?

That's actually entirely possible, seen it happen in real life with a pair of chunky friends the summer after high school. As long as you're motivated and know what the fuck you're doing, you too could get ripped by the time summer comes.

Guys in prison tend to bulk like crazy even while eating slop.

Some have speculated it's the body's response to being in an environment where you're constantly in danger of getting the shit kicked out of you or raped.

He already had the foundation of that body, he just lost fat and started working out again. At any and every other previous point in the series Iroh was constantly stomping the ass of anyone who threatened him or Zuko.

But can I beat the Firelord?

Won a shitload of Grand Slams

So, what your saying is that I need to go to prison so I can get ridiculous gains?

He was half way there; he just needed motivation to get that last leg. Get the form and the function.

Same lbm as before

Went from 30%bf to 8% from prison food

He already had that body, it was just covered under fat

or that they could sneak in roids, could be that.

Dude you could bulk a body like that in 3 months. It's a lot of developed muscle under a layer of fat.