Shit in cartoons that pisses you off

the status quo. this instance in particular. Bart causes Homer to spill his dimoxinil which has caused him to grow hair and become an executive at the nuclear plant. it costs $1000, but Marge has this much money saved up, so they can afford another bottle. without his hair, Homer is promptly demoted, and everyone can foresee this happening. But MARGE DOESN'T LET HIM USE THE EMERGENCY MONEY! even though it would help him keep a high paying executive job and thus pay for itself. and yet, she DID spend their emergency fund in the first episode on a laser tattoo removal on, you guessed it, BART.

Basic one, but:
>annoying little sibling/kid
>doesn't get his/her ass beaten as often as they should

>Character has some sort of secret
>Family member or friend discovers it and is perfectly okay with it, but some story-related thing makes it so time has to be reversed or their memories erased
>Character still keeps the secret for no reason

Mabel, right?


At least DW got what she had coming to her once.



Shitty half-assed "morals" and other hollow "resolutions" that shows these days rely upon to neatly end their episodes.

I'm going to use star vs as an an episode I just watched, By The Book, Marco wanted to take care of Buffrog's babies using the instructions left by their parent. Star wanted to have fun with the babies. So she does a bunch of dumb shit to have fun, which creates the conflict.

Now, my problem isn't shithead characters like Star getting away with being awful, or even with the responsible characters like Marco deciding at the end that they were wrong to not indulge in the shitheaded shenanigans. My problem is with the "resolution" that these sub-plots feature.

I just find it so boring that the writers in the first place feel that they need to use such an aged format to create stories. In Star Vs, the "inter-character conflict" almost always consists of three or fewer lines of dialogue that often feel out-of-character.

>Spent the Emergency fund in episode 1

>Homer specifically doesn't bother saving money and instead is burning through it

>They don't have any extra cash at the end of the episode

What is hard to understand about that?

Megan from Drake and Josh used to trigger me so hard when I was a teenager watching it. I couldn't imagine having a sibling so rabidly cruel.

Would've welcomed an episode that brought her down a peg or two.

One show I watched years ago had everything perfect and when flying with the friend/love interest she hit her head and forgot the past day. He then decided that her knowing was too dangerous.

Sounds like you just described white kids in general

I pretty much hate it any time a cast acts out of character just so the episode plot can happen. A good example of this can be found in several King of the Hill episodes, but the one that comes to mind is the old woman who wanted to die in Hanks house

>boys vs. girls

I can't really think of examples off the top of my head but I feel like I've watched this plot a million times on tv.

I hate it when shows have a character whose only purpose is to suffer for not being wacky enough for the world around them.

Sure, some characters like Squidward deserved to get shat on in some episodes but when their very presence means that they're going to end up suffering for one reason or another, then that's when I get mad.

Especially if it's someone like Meg who didn't do anything to deserve it or when the show goes out of its own way to introduce something that gives the character some joy, only to warp it into being something bad and maintaining the status quo that this character must NEVER be happy but not so unhappy that they kill themselves even though their lives have no meaning.

>it's a Hank Hill has trouble connecting with his son Bobby episode, it seems the two don't share any interests

>episode ends with the two finding they share an interest


>it's a Hank Hill has trouble connecting with his son Bobby episode, it seems the two don't share any interests

I think the illegality of it also played in. He was screwing his health plan for the stuff and so on.

Really, though, what's dated about this episode is that it's based on a real drug that was relatively new at the time. Now it's over-the-counter and costs very little in most places (but it doesn't really work, and only has an effect on certain kinds of baldness).

Back then it probably was vastly more expensive and probably did require a physician to sign off on its use. But, the regulation process (helped along by the fact that it doesn't really work) has dropped the cost and the barrier to acquisition.

Oh god, I remember that episode.

God forbid someone take issue with the fact that an old woman won't leave your house with the expressed purpose of dying. I also hated how everyone treated him like a monster for having the old bag arrested even though she broke into their house.

But she's immune to failing because she has a vagina. It's illegal ad NOT seen as culturally acceptable for vagina wielding characters to lose or suffer. That's not politically correct and that's the deal, media is politically correct by default. So twats gonna twat.

It's all about political correctness. Entertainment media HAS to be politically correct so women win cause they got pussies. Men lose because they lack vaginas.

That's all there is to it. Women don't care, their sex is being portrayed as winners. And men? When it comes to pussy? Men have no dignity and actually feel they're scoring brownie points with women by self-depreciating themselves and showcasing their own sex as losers. As if women are impressed by lesser males in any way. That and men are mostly unwilling to ever defeat women.

Most men would be happy IRL if they were sentenced to by killed so long as a pretty woman is the one in charge of murdering them. Men's essence is PUSSY BEGGAR LOSER.

That is why most media is all about Pro-Female and anti-male themes.

yeah 99% of Return To Status Quo endings are awful in animated sitcoms

he screwed his health insurance to get it initially. then he got busted, Karl took the blame and paid the plant back for Homer. he still could have went and bought it with his own money, which Marge had saved up, but she refused to give him the money, even though it meant he would lose his promotion.

18+ to post, toddler titan

Is this episode where Homer stopped working on the "line" and became a safety inspector?

Seems like something changed. He used to stand behind glass, inspecting irradiated carbon rods, then he was just safety inspector.

well, you two haven't ever gotten laid before

Not everyone's thirsty user. That and women hate fuccbois the most, which is why women will generally flock to the asshole who doesn't give a fuck rather than the "nice guy" who drove them to their boyfriend's house that one time because he's just that kind of person.

That was infuriating
The worst example from the Simpsons is when Lisa guilt tripped grandpa to give up being a badass bullfighter and back to being a depressed loser because muh animals

no, the worst Lisa action is when she broke Bart's arm out of jealousy of his musical success and guilt tripped him into using the money for his surgery for muh animals


that gets into health plans and co-pays and really comes back around to the cost of new, untested drugs and the difficulty of obtaining them

Homer had to get his through screwing the health plan and charging the co-pay to the plant, but it's quite possible to have drugs that are cripplingly expensive through co-pay and unobtainable otherwise, even if you're in a higher income bracket

plus you've got to figure they've got some existing debts to pay off (so no saving the extra money, and the effects wear off so fast he couldn't wait for his next paycheck)

ugh that fucking killed me, that bit of surgery money wouldn't buy a half acre for those stupid animals

remember when she shot Milhouse in the anus with a bb gun and blamed it on Bart

fuckin bitch

Man, fuck Lisa. She's basically that vegan girl from those horrible web comics

He got the safety inspector job in season 1.

Why couldn't they let Jeff stay in the Navy? Would have been refreshing and had lots of joke potential.

I hated how she never had her shit beaten in.

>The worst example from the Simpsons is when Lisa guilt tripped grandpa to give up being a badass bullfighter and back to being a depressed loser because muh animals
To be fair, by the next episode literally nobody cares anymore.

The Christmas episode of American Dad about Krampus.

So let me get this straight, Krampus the demon of Christmas disciplines rotten awful kids and he's not above punishing adults (he wanted to discipline Stan's father who is no longer a child) and he targets Steve? Steve who is generally good and always crapped upon even by Stan himself?

Why couldn't Kramus discipline Haley the liberal cunt who Stan goes out of his way to enable and NEVER discipline. She's a bitch who desperately needed to be knocked down a peg or two. The concept of "brat" and American Dad instantly equals Haley, but nah she doesn't suffer because she's privileged. She's a female character and as such doesn't have to answer for her bullshit.

Also fuck Haley in the Anti-Christ episode. She knew it was the devil's baby and still sided against her family. God damn it, they really need to start castrating men and women who believe excusing annoying female characters is acceptable.

I remember my sister and I were lobbing insults at one another as kids, and one of the ones she threw at me was "You like D.W."
It stung.

depends where you're buying

if there's no structures then the land is cheaper

eg in Utah an acre you can have for about $375 right now (Duchesne County) whereas in Nevada it's cheaper (Dirtfarmsville, everywhere) but much more expensive when you get to the farmable bits

up in Kentucky it's probably hovering around $2,000/acre for arable land; Pennsylvania is 2 or 3 times higher, Oregon is variable but generally at the higher end

whereas a broken arm, depending on the nature of the break, whether you have insurance and how good your cover is, cost of post-op pain meds and so on can rack up in the low thousands easily (even as a co-pay) and way, way up in the 20k-30k range depending on how many doctors you see and how screwy the whole thing gets

which is why you shouldn't live in a country that pays medics by the procedure, but we're digressing here

point is you're wrong, a half-acre of grazing land would easily fall into the price range of a minor surgical procedure

Even worse
>Doesn't face any repurcussions for bad actions whatsoever, or at least ones that aren't mitigated by someone else (usually the MC)
Bonus points if their main trait is "cute" or "comic relief".

I live in Detroit. Have volunteered at an elementary school before. He just described most children.

I guess utterly broken households aren't quite as common though.

Dan beat her shit in off-screen

When comedy cartoons pander to lorefags like OP.

Worst case scenario snot nose siblings whose whole purpose is to make main characters life a hell is about to get in serious trouble. The victim takes the blame or relishes in the idea of how the tables have turned then changes their mind at the last second and takes the blame. Following episode everything returns to normal and the hateful siblings is back to being a dick when that one time they got lucky thanks to their victims sacrifice.

>MC and popular girl are hanging out
>they hit off perfectly, start to become friends
>popular clique comes in at the end. "Hey what are you doing with him?"
>popular girl goes back to being a bitch to the MC

>video game challenge episode
>surprise! the girl with no vidya knowledge wins

I shot someone with a BB gun in their ass, it was fucking hilarious

Kids can be brats regardless of race but you are actually right, it is generally white people that seem to fuck up their kids by never hitting them thus the little fuckers think they can get away with anything.
On the other hand black people fuck up the opposite side by hitting their kids too often for pretty much anything their kids do that is mildly annoying, this results in the kids becoming desensitized to corporal punishment and just doing whatever which means the parents have to escalate the punishments either resulting in the kids becoming so desensitized they can't be punished and/or developing rage issues not to mention teaching them that violence is the proper response to everything no matter how minor, all of which contributes to a greater chance of criminal behavior in the future.
tl;dr whites turn their kids into shitty chads/rapists/sovereign citizen wannabes through neglect and blacks turn their kids into felons through abuse.

>having two parents

el o el

Single Motherhood is the new NORMAL for Western Civilization based countries. Race doesn't matter here (though Asian communities divorce less).

>how-how could she do that?

episodes where everyone shits on all three ed's, specially double d.

>>video game challenge episode
>>surprise! the girl with no vidya knowledge wins

I felt like this was the case in Miraculous Ladybug. Sort of. She's never seen playing video games, yet is actually skilled enough to play at the level of or beat the guy who's been practicing for the longest time. I called BS on that, but then she boots the guy to the sidelines to practice with Adrien, so it's no wonder he was pissed. She didn't even care about the tourney that much.

Then again Mari/Ladybug is the literal definition of Mary Sue, since her power, even without the using her Miraculous' Lucky Charm ability, is still extremely good luck. Which brings me to another trope I hate from that show and several others:

>male and female teammates are, for the most part, evenly matched
>any time they go into battle together, the female will generally remain unscathed
>male teammate takes all the punishment and gets captured/beaten into submission and needs to be rescued

Sorry meant to reply to

This happened to me irl but with guys and it was 4th grade.
>tfw he basically makes you choose between him being an ass to you when other people are around or just not being your friend
>tfw you just choose to have 0 friends
It wasn't as bad as it sounds I still talked with people at school.

Supposedly Marinette plays that game a lot during her nonexistant downtime between being a superhero, going to school, baby sitting that kid and stalking Adrien

This triggers the shit out of me in most fighting manga.
>kid has completely unrelated skill to fighting
>faces against some badass martial artist
>wins because that skill somehow ties into fighting

>Because naggin wife IS ALWAYS RIGHT, even when she is wrong trope

Seriously, like what the hell?

>"__ ___ ____ ___, ___'__ __ ____ ____ ___!"


>But, the regulation process (helped along by the fact that it doesn't really work) has dropped the cost and the barrier to acquisition.
this is actually false
the regulation process is actually what kept the cost high for so long.
For instance, simply re branding it for use on women, though it's the same formula, means it has to go through higher testing and standards due to regulation, which is why they have to charge more for it. I read a fascinating review recently.
Also it does work, it just requires a strict regiment, and the 5% version, and 4 months to show progress. Most people can't stick to it.

Interestingly enough, there is a new equivalent to it. Laser combs. They shoot low energy lasers on your scalp, and they cost 500-1000 dollars (some are caps, not combs) and has clinically been proven to stimulate hair growth.
But this only helps with premature balding. If you're going bald due to sheer age, it's not going to help much, or at all, because there are so many factors causing the baldness at that point.