You now remember fartbending

You now remember fartbending.

this is a blue board

Jinora was the only good child in the show.


I repress as much if Korra as I can


No air bender ever used their gas as weapons?

Almost all of the "humor" prevented the first season from 10/10 status.

Every other season was shit so who cares. I consider the Wan episodes their own thing though.

yep, but Sup Forums is the dumping ground for shit

Besides this the other moment from this show that stuck with me as retarded writing was when the first Avatar Won (get it like One? Oscar writing right here) murdered multiple people just because they were trying to hunt and feed their village.

Cause apparently eating meat should be punishable by death.

I want Korra to fart bend her big brown butt right onto my face!

Eh, it was pretty much par for the course when it comes to Korra.

reminds of that fanfic where Katara uses her piss for bending.

>Everyone Else

tell me more

S3 wasn't complete shit

you're under some false pretense that any season isn't complete garbage.

Okay - not COMPLETE shit. I liked it when Tenzin fought the other airbender guy; I liked the part where that huge bitch blew her own face off in the metal mask; and I liked when Korra got poisoned and smashed a bunch of shit with chains.

So yeah, there are some great moments. But I found them all soured by the huge asspull that was "okay anyone's allowed to be an airbender now", and this one dude who's had his power for less than a week can use techniques then Tenzin couldn't develop in 50 years.


>Almost all of the "humor" prevented the first season from 10/10 status.
You say that like it isn't true of ATLA as well

The airbender coming back was such bullshit. Oh yeah fuck the fact that they've been gone for a hundred of years, they needed one more generation.

Only thing that made squaring that circle possible for me would be that the opening of the spirit portal things lowered the bar for entry of bending power, and all the new airbenders were just recessive genes that weren't pronounced enough previously. Logically there were more fire/water/earth benders that sprouted up, but they were either ignored or passed off as late bloomers. Only way it makes sense for me.

As for Zaheer, he had studied air nomad techniques to be the airbending teacher for Korra for the Red Lotus, but yeah him getting airbending was just sooo convenient. As for the flying technique, it does require having no connections to your earthly tethers. Tenzin with his wife and four kids is far from that.

They were all dead though, and that last chick he was banging on the side died, that's when shortly after he flew.

Still bullshit but it was justified in universe

of all the dumb shit in Korra fart bending was pretty low on my personal list of things to hate.

There's no way the air nomads didn't have tons of sex at every town they went to, most of which were Earth Kingdom towns because the Fire Nation and Water Tribes are way out of the way relatively.

It should have been theoretically possible to set up a breeding program of Earth Kingdom people with recessive Air Nomad blood to try and recreate them, but it would've taken hundreds of years, have questionable morals, and generally would have been easier to track all of Aang's descendants until a large enough breeding population arose. 2nd cousins and farther are safe enough from inbreeding.

>recessive genes
This is irrelevant to the discussion, but recessive genes can never impart a trait unless you have two of the same type. For what you said to make sense, the new airbenders would have to have started out as recessive/recessive and then evolved into recessive/dominant or dominant/dominant. So either that spirit stuff can affect a tiny bit of DNA in an extremely specific place, or it's just a bunch of shit the writers came up with because they never had a clue what they were doing.

tl;dr: If you want a little real biology, just watch Contagion.

>mfw I remember that Kai exists

Now this, is shitposting!

You also have to remember that spirit/bending/magic comes into play as well.

Recessive was probably not the best word for it. Likely there are a number of genes that effect bending ability, and if you don't have enough of them 'turned on' then you can't bend, say 16 out of 32 genes is enough to bend.

But then Korra opened the Spirit Portals and through magic and spirits and shit, that required level to bend was lowered to say 10 out of 32 genes, so those that couldn't bend before can bend now.

As for bending types a similar explanation can be used. The genotypes that contribute to the normal phenotypes that are used to judge bending type (skin/hair/eye color, general physical traits, etc.) are also counted for an individual's bending type, of which everyone has and can only have one. So Mai and Ty Lee had the fire bending type trait but not enough bending genes to actually bend, Sokka for water, Suki for earth, etc.

This is the only not totally random way to explain Bumi being a nonbender before the Spirit Portals were opened and an airbender after they were. He was (for lack of a better word) 'coded' as being Air Nomad race, but had less bending genes than either of his siblings and thus normally couldn't bend.

It's also possible that each type of bending has a different required number of bending genes to actually activate, and that the Air Nomad one was abnormally high compared to Fire/Water/Earth, and the Spirit Portals lowered the Air requirement to a level at which the conflation of being counted as an Air people race AND having enough bending genes to bend wasn't incredibly rare to the point of not being documented for almost a hundred years.

but no pissbending?