What are some movies that promote seizing the means of production and overthrowing the status quo?

What are some movies that promote seizing the means of production and overthrowing the status quo?


The Dark Knight Rises

October: Ten Days That Shook the World

Uh, you might want to check out the children's fantasy section. Anything else I can help you with sir?

In Time
Society, kind of

Listen here, wagie! You work for me. My neet bux buy your tendies. Now find me some movies and a Reese's.

>this is now a brap posting thread


S-sorry sir. I just thought by the way you were talking that you cared about worker's rights and weren't just some elitist asshole from the suburbs.

Triumph of the Will

Apocalypse now


Honestly one of the most boring movies I've ever seen.



Damn, you can tell where GG and the election started

God I fucking hate gamers

Women's rights were a mistake

>Ends up in their train crashing, dooming society and humanity to a cold death.

>seizing the means of production

Stealing Laptops? Dunno, seems like a lame movie idea.


>I'll be the conductor someday

The alt-left's MO: copy the alt-right, appealing to the "edgy" sensibility by making communism seem edgier than fascism.

Communism certainly has killed millions more than fascism has

true question here

has there ever been a successful example of fascism?

Any movie from any communist state

Not Doctor Zhivago, that's for sure.

Portugal and Spain managed to hang in there for a few decades.

If there were, we wouldn't be living in the dark ages

Born by the Revolution.

But this one is soviet.

Nice meme picture you've got here. It's a shame it's not based on any serious sources.

Commies answer me something, do all workers own the means of all production or just what they work?
And how does the stateless society prevents one factory workers from losing their job cause other worker owned factories make better products?

>Elitist asshole

If you american wagecucks can't live your life without licking said assholes, you deserve such treatment by them. Easy as fuck.

italy, spain, portugal and germany

>"But it's okay since real socialism has never been tried!"
Says incredibly nervous soyboy for the 550th time

That's completely wrong, though. Most movies from socialist states weren't about politics.

I'm not a socialist, though. I'm just saying that those numbers are exaggerated.

Roman empire, also chekt



What are you, some holo-denier? remember the 8 million

Triumph of the Will

workers of different factories are not in competition, they work for the same state. the profit is distributed by what a particular entity or group needs.

chile too

in comunism there's no state
ussr was socialist, check the definitions

He had been droning along about "value," comparing the Marxist theory with the orthodox "use" theory. Mr. Dubois had said, "Of course, the Marxian definition of value is ridiculous. All the work one cares to add will not turn a mud pie into an apple tart; it remains a mud pie, value zero. By corollary, unskillful work can easily subtract value; an untalented cook can turn wholesome dough and fresh green apples, valuable already, into an inedible mess, value zero. Conversely, a great chef can fashion of those same materials a confection of greater value than a commonplace apple tart, with no more effort than an ordinary cook uses to prepare an ordinary sweet.
"These kitchen illustrations demolish the Marxian theory of value — the fallacy from which the entire magnificent fraud of communism derives — and to illustrate the truth of the common-sense definition as measured in terms of use."
Dubois had waved his stump at us. "Nevertheless — wake up, back there! — nevertheless the disheveled old mystic of Das Kapital, turgid, tortured, confused, and neurotic, unscientific, illogical, this pompous fraud Karl Marx, nevertheless had a glimmering of a very important truth. If he had possessed an analytical mind, he might have formulated the first adequate definition of value . . . and this planet might have been saved endless grief.
"Or might not," he added. "You!"
I had sat up with a jerk.

there are thousands of factories in the world making the same, steel for example
who decides who needs more btw?

why is Sup Forums so triggered by this?

>do all workers own the means of all production or just what they work?

What they work

> stateless society

I am tankie.

>factory workers from losing their job cause other worker owned factories make better products

Simple, by making the workers on factory A adapt the techniques used by factory B.
And now ask me, how does capitalistic society managing that work.
Or even better, how doest capitalistic society ensures that the ones that make BETTER products win.

You can start with GlaxoSmithKline and their long history of fraud and dealing with competition that created generics.
OR you can start with early years of Microsoft when those faggots were outjewing everyone and, IIRC, set development of certain things (handwriting recognition software, for example) years back because Billy was trigerred by the mere thought of not having monopoly everywhere, even at the fields Microsoft was not even wanting to develop at all.
Also, how does capitalism work out with the durkas and religion of peace, granted that you showered them with money when they fought soviets?
Or how does degeneracy works out, which, again, was cultivated against "puritan" soviets?

Fucking cuckpitalists. But hey, at least you've got your halal starbucks or whatever and can freely die for Glorious Israel.

unironically this. based cameron.

It helps if you know history.

>Portugal and Spain managed to hang in there for a few decades.
>for a few decades
italy, ... and germany
the latter was quite literally assbumped by their untermensch counterparts
>Roman empire, also chekt
multi culti roman empire you mean?

>Fucking cuckpitalists. But hey, at least you've got your halal starbucks or whatever and can freely die for Glorious Israel.
who is defending global capitalism dumbass?

wtf I'm no burger

t. burger

if russia was fascist and germany communist, russia would've won the war too
that's hardly a point


>who is defending global capitalism dumbass?

You are. Or are you against successful hardworking people putting their businesses on the global scale and working to amplify their profits, albeit at the cost of nations' well being?

of course I'm against that, im a nationalist

Socialism allows private entities, so not really.
I studied the Frankfurt school in university.
There are states in this capitalist world that make use of socialist ideas such as free healthcare. Needs are decided in dialogue between a people so that everyone gives their consent to establish a fair system based on the work you do, without one hegemonic power fucking the other.


>Socialism allows private entities, so not really.
no that's democratic socialism wich is what's been in the west
socialism is when workers own the factories, and comunism what happens when all the world workers have achieve that and you get a classless stateless world

>if russia was fascist and germany communist, russia would've won the war too

Doubtful. Russian fascists (and monarchists) are so retarded, they would unironically collapse on themselves and blame jews for it.
Because the idea of russian fascism, national-socialism and monarchism is "let's just put 50-90% of the country in the slavelike state to serve the upper 10%, and try to tell them that they should be grateful for it".

Hell, "bydlo must return into their kennels" is an unspoken message from every more-or-less right political side in Russia.
Without exceptions.
Including the "conservators" who support Putin.

>socialist ideas such as free healthcare
romans already had public baths, that's not socialism, that's just public
socialism is not the state doing things you know

So, you're envious collectivist subhuman, who is jelly of other's people success.

And you autistically reeee about "muh commies", kek.

people in the ussr were slaves and it also collapsed


>if you want x then you want y too
no, not really
comunism and capitalism are just two idelogies, I don't need to pick any of them
what I care is my people and the laws that my nation have


Russia was the fastest growing economy in the world and the fourth largest economy overall before WW1 it would have been a constitutional monarchy and a member of European NATO if it didn't fuck itself in the ass after WW1. If it didn't go communist nothing would have happened there wouldn't even be a Hitler or a World War 2. We would be living in some sort of European paradise of science and progress and space exploration right now



Absolute state of the "nationalists" - wanting to eat the cake and keep it. Wanting to have "capitalism" and not descend into degeneracy during that.

No wonder you assburgers got fucked hard.

With all the cannibalism and child murder this movie accurately represents communists.

you just chose an ideology dumbass

this is true, russia would've modernized out of pure pressure just like the whole world is doing
commies and anglos destroyed the world

You support the degeneracy anything capitalism does in the cultural sphere is taken as an inevitable sign of progress by commiekeks and supported enthusiastically.

there's no capitalism only nation laws, you talk about degeneracy like all nations didn't had laws against it
curious that commies are now against it when it was leftist teachers that pushed for demoralization in all society aspects

wich one?

>this is your brain on american propaganda.

>people in the ussr were slaves

Yeah, especially the descendants of the party officials, who bitch the most about USSR.

>it also collapsed

Because it's sort of hard to be a corrupt faggot when you can get killed with whole your family for being a corrupt faggot.
And yes, current Russian goverment (Not only Russian, by the way, but I don't give a shit about limitrophe subhumans) quite openly treats Russians as slaves and cattle now.

I'm assuming the chart includes war casualties

Then be a strasserist my dude, the capitalists want to commoditize our national heritage and culture for the sake of profit.

Ok. Maybe movies from communist countries from an era before communist took over

capitalism, by being a conformist slave of the system

What are some movies about slaughtering every single communist on the face of the earth?

>only nation laws

And here we're witnessing fairytales that nationalists tell to each other to support their mental gymnastics.

China's achievements are far more impressive than the USSR and it did it with an authoritarian capitalist model, even the USSR had an authoritarian capitalist model but a lot more retarded and unworkable autarky and bureaucratic run command economy manufacturing everything from bullets to diapers =/= socialism it's just a retarded system

>this entire fucking post

Do communists actually fucking believe this shit?

They completely ignore the famines and bread lines?
