ITT: Good movies ruined by their endings

ITT: Good movies ruined by their endings

Was honestly pretty dumb. i mean the book was by no means great but at least the ending fit with the overall atmosphere. Having the animals all revolt again just felt silly at that point.

>Not loving the book


the book has a pretty good metaphorical ending

t. George Orwell dick rider
It was an ok book

I would argue the animated ending was just as grim as the original, if not more. The animals didn't know how to run the farm by themselves. They either died or went back to the humans.

Communism is a joke.

Or some other animal took over to fill the pig's role, leading to a never-ending cycle of revolt.

imperialism is the punchline

>Implying I'm an Orwell fan

His other stuff is overrated, but Animal Farm is top tier.

Wow, its just like real life

Movies don't make me think as much a book does. I really don't enjoy going off imagining what happens after a movie unlike books. The book had ended where I could feel confident in how it would of continued, but I didn't think about the movie and how it would go on.

I'm more partial since to the book just because its always so much fun to read.

That sounds like it's more your problem rather than the movie's.

>getting the babby version of communism from animal farm
>not the outright horror book of shit that really did happen that seemed utterly impossible that is the Gulag Archipelago

That book will actually make you realize why people decide to be evil and why communism is inherently flawed instead of just presenting communism as a good idea usurped by evil people, the reason why people still try to do it today.

it's less that communism is inherently flawed and more that people are inherently shit

Right. and communism teaches you to ignore that fact and blame "the evil power structure" for the suffering in the world.

Instead of viewing the "people" as a collection of individuals, which would mean people have rights and responsibilities on the individual level, they're see as one of two groups; the good and the bad.

You never have to question YOUR actions, because YOU don't really act. It's just your group acting through you.

Communism is inherently flawed because people are inherently shit.

Though pure capitalism is flawed for the same reason.

>when a communist government is oppressive and tyrannical it's an inherent condition to communism
>when a capitalist government is oppressive and tyrannical, it's got nothing to do with capitalism

Sure is West in here.

>Capitalism has worked relatively well hundreds of times in dozens of countries
>Communism has been a massive fucking shitshow absolutely anywhere it's been attempted

Capitalism is the comedian

>as long as I set things up as a false choice between two extremes, then I don't have to think!
Sure is sophomore in college in here.

Slight correction: In capitalism it's private entities doing most of the fucking, not the government.

>Communism has been a massive fucking shitshow absolutely anywhere it's been attempted
Come again?

>It wasn't REAL communism
Nazis killed ~6 million. Stalin ALONE is near 30 million.

If communism is "salvageable" then what the fuck does that make NatSoc?

Are you talking economic policy or killing Jews policy?

Here's an idea:

Jews are so culturally entrenched in banking and real estate that their genocide does actually have an impact on economic change.

Nobody ever seems to bring that up, jews and money aren't just connected for a joke about them being cheap, they're the only people who were allowed to partake in usury

Communism has been a massive fucking shitshow absolutely anywhere it's been attempted.

I'm talking "whip the villagers in to a frenzy and drag the farmers out of their homes and force them in to prison camps and then blame the west when the subsequent famine kills even more people."

This happened in Russia and China. Tell me how that's different than the pogroms of eastern Europe? Oh. It's not based on race so it's totally fine.

Wtf I thought this was a cartoon board.
Mods please help.

Kulak detected
Off to gulag with you, state wrecker

The movie was horrible. It has nothing to do with the real meaning and menssages of the book. Besides that the movie is a childish version, because it doesn't has any of the violent parts of the book.

>a right-wing military lead government
>somehow that is socialism


Is aku a communist?

and anarchism is the audience

Aku siezes the means of production but doesn't do any redistribution.

But what about anarcho capitalists?

Russia is poor as shit sooo

Communism is such a fucking shitshow that China needed to reform everything just not to tank.
RIP Venezuela

No, he's more like a Monarchist.
Shogun of evil, prince of darkness etc.

Oh we're doing the no-true-scotsman thing. ok.

Then I guess we should revert to theocratic governments since no TRUE Christian government would do anything evil. All that shit in the past was just a perversion of Christianity's message of forgiveness.

Or maybe we should just commit even further to capitalism since we've never really had a TRUE free-market. All of the negative consequences of capitalist governments are just a product of them not being capitalist ENOUGH.


Idiot, that pissed itself

The USSR died and Russia isn't communist.
they lost a good amount of land after their collapse.


Literally gets exactly what she wanted without learning anything and her actions have no consequences. Instead of coming up with some compromise she just leaves her family and her whole old life because 16-year-olds know exactly what their doing and can make huge life-changing decisions without fear of ever regretting their choice.

yeah it pretty much boils down to "I have good intentions so it's impossible for me to do anything destructive therefore you should put ME in charge of the communist world government."

It's so fucking pigheaded and shortsighted...

>tfw venezuelan
>tfw you were there long enough to see people start kidnapping and eating kids off the street and the government go full judge dredd before you were able to move away
>literally dark souls abandoned town tier ruined capital, predatory dogs everywhere, hokuto no ken tier criminals all over the place taking advantage of the chaos, nobody able to defend themselves, cultists sacrificing animals on the street
>have Brazilian friends apparently going through the same thing, not full commie like venezuela, but lefty government left people without guns utterly defenseless to drug dealing murderous criminals

>mfw seeing antifa protesters near me go full marx

B-b-but that wasn't REAL communism!

stalin came into power by joining the communist party and convincing people he was going to follow the doctrines of communism, then he went mad with power and did whatever he wanted and totally forgot he had a codebook of communism to follow and instead started killing anybody who diagreed with his personal view of communism (wich was something along the lines of "fuck you, I'm stalin, I do whatever I want."). somehow now when people think about communism they inmediately think of stalin and his ordes of asassins thus making communism look like a cult of hate and murder and not the doctrine who tried to give the worker class better life.
sadly communism will live forever in shame thanks to stalin and the view americans projected to the world.

Tell me stories and I'll post more Megumin ass.

Communism is a worldwide economical system, it cannot be "completed" or even "tried" on a national scale.
When the Eastern bloc was big enough it could have been put to practice, but infighting and external pressure from its competitor, capitalism (a system which THRIVES on conflict, whereas communism works better in peace) destroyed any opportunity.
Not that the Soviet tyranny would have been interested in even trying anyway.

But sure, let's just single out Cambodia and point out how a full fledged economical system couldn't be built on rice fields and fish sauce by a literal psychopath with no education, that surely is proof that communism can't work in principle.

So you admit that communism gives someone the ability to go full stalin but refuse to acknowledge that that is the primary inherent flaw in communism and also believe that if tried again there wouldn't be another leader like stalin. Ok.

did you like the movie were they glorify this fat fuck?

So then let's move to Pol Pot or Kim Il-Sung or Mao Zedong

>Communism is a worldwide economical system, it cannot be "completed" or even "tried" on a national scale.
I understand where you're coming from but "my ideology requires THE ENTIRE WORLD to change it's nature overnight" is so far beyond untenable I don't even know what to with it.

>ussr collapsed

Thanks for proving the point

Or maybe your whole system is retarded and just a tool for the globalist Jews to bankrupt a nation and then buy all the cheap property/assets once things go to shit.

You're a spic user, antifa's will treat your word like the word of god, slap some fucking sense into them.

How did showing that elites in any society (regardless of ideology) inherently look out for their own interests and disregard in private the ideas they sell to the public ruin the ending?

are you implying democratic socialism is the only socialism

Wait... wasn`t it "Four legs good"?

same with imperialism, anyone can be the next napoleon/hitler/lenin/kim jong/chavez, etc, just give them an army and the ability to kill people just with an order

does capitalism working relatively well mean shit ton of people dying because of it

Any political system that requires all of fucking humanity to get on board is some serious fairy tale bullshit.

>Communism is such a fucking shitshow that China needed to reform everything just not to tank.
And now it's "communism" for the vast majority of poor, ordinary people who are expected to be thankful for the opportunity to work themselves to death as virtual slaves, while a small hyper-capitalist elite live lives of luxury profiting off their labour.

Which seems to be endgame for everywhere in the world if the people at the top get their way.

Orwell was a socialist who became fed up with Stalinism. He wasn't anti communist and he'd be pissed at people who use him for that

can't authorization replace the slaves?

Russia is pretty much a paper tiger with their oil being the only thing going for them, their hopes of Trump saving them and forming a strong alliance is pretty much down the toilet after he was backed into a corner by everyone in the senate and congress no thanks to Michael Flynn.

>"waaah animals revolting is a bad ending"
>literally the same thing happened across eastern europe

>>not the outright horror book of shit that really did happen that seemed utterly impossible that is the Gulag Archipelago

you call the soviet system horror? boy you should read about Pol Pot, nigga killed 25% of the Cambodia population, thats insane, thats the kind of shit that would make Hitler and Stalin blush

To be honest, both the animated and live-action movie did pretty much predict how much it ended, with either the government collapsing on itself due to poor ass economy or just generally pissed off people.

Hell China today is pretty much Communism in name only due to a few reforms and a rising middle-class.

>I understand where you're coming from but "my ideology requires THE ENTIRE WORLD to change it's nature overnight" is so far beyond untenable I don't even know what to with it.

On this we agree. This is at the very core of Marx's ideology, and I think it is impossible without worldwide organisation. Which is borderline impossible. Remember that this is exactly, and only, the communist plan.

Remember the motto is "proletarians of THE WORLD UNITE".

Anything else, which revolves around smaller areas, can't be communism if it isn't a short transitional form.
Communism is the final, global result.

Achieving it is almost impossible, especially in a fragmented society of 100 classes rather than 2.
But worldwide organisation has never been easier, and if ever international workers unions become a reality, there is wiggle room to grow.

Also communism can't be cultural or revolve around small reforms. Liberalism is completely incompatible with communism, and I'd argue the same goes for social democracy as well.

In capitalism you have no real unbreakable rights. Everyone just gets what their power allows. So you just need to organise and take it. No reforms, protests or campaigns. Only direct attacks and pushes on the market and production. Also, Zizek is a hack.

This being said, the absence of any "plan B" in marxism truly is a deadly sin, it's the reason why I think it is an outdated ideology which needs new means of achieving its goals, other than a global "day of the rope" that will never happen.


Didn't he sentence people to death for eating and reaping specific sorts of fruits?

technically Hitler killed 11 million people, 6 million of them were jews, the other 5 million assorted "enemies of the regime"

I do not understand why it can't have a small scale proof of concept in a nation that can be self sufficient


Doesn't matter what form of government is implemented because at the end it will always lead to

>vast majority of poor, ordinary people who are expected to be thankful for the opportunity to work themselves to death as virtual slaves, while a small hyper-capitalist elite live lives of luxury profiting off their labour.

Apparently the the primary issue has nothing to do with societal structures or government, it's inherently human nature.

Unfortunately, it's becoming clear that the world won't change for the better unless if global eugenics are brought into consideration. Removing mental illnesses and personality disorders like the "warrior genes" that lead to sociopathy and narcissism is a good start.

>>tfw venezuelan

donde vives ahora mi pana?

i fled to chile, i cannot belive how many idiotic leftist posters i see on the streets of santiago, its almost a good thing (for the left) that Allende got killed, otherwise people would only remember him as the lousy president he was

I'm pretty sure that the CIA funded the production of the movie, and insisted the ending be changed.

dont ever show that shit to a venezuelan immigrant

the nature of worker has changed since the days of marks. The state is eternal and so is class, even if its not an economic class their will always be a social class and hierarchy among the classless. any 1 world government is an abomination that stifles the people and leads to stagnation. final stage of communism requires people to remain in stasis and willfully chose to never change.
>In capitalism you have no real unbreakable rights. Everyone just gets what their power allows. So you just need to organise and take it. No reforms, protests or campaigns.
such is the raw nature of all things. one could say by organizing it you limit the damage and chose
>global "day of the rope"
Which would achieve what? yes you can have the so called temporary dictatorship of the proletariat but temporary becomes permanent because new people are always born and need to be educated/enforced into the ideology so the system is forever stuck in the transnational period (if its lucky)

Have we brought up Secret of NIMH yet? I think it's a strong enough movie that it still holds up despite the end, but the end was the worst thing about it. It's more like "a movie that might have been perfect if it wasn't for the end."

i love how he literally killed people for being too smart, like, if you knew how to read or knew any foreign languages, you were completely fucked

and yet the son of a bitch knew how to speak french

as always hypocrisy and communism go hand in hand

Fascism is not communism.

No we are talking about global politics and communism

another thing you will often find is that the organizers are themselves often part of the elite (comparatively) and thus have the luxury to sit on their ass and ruminate on this shit, unlike the average worker

putin is a bro


that wasnt real communism, and people die in capitalist countries too

That sounds like a problem with the whole movie.

How would you propose ending it while keeping the rest of the movie the same that would solve that problem and the audience would still like?

Personally, I think that the ending of the originally story that more or less carries over into other adaptations like pic related solves the problem of the Disney version just giving the mermaid everything she wants with no consequences, but I also think it's generally not well received and wouldn't sell as well as Disney's happily ever after schtick.

It was both.

Then there will never be real communism.
>people die in capitalist countries too
and? Its like saying cancer is not bad because aids kill too

add more struggle. like have ursula send minion to the land to sabotage the romance, have the mermaid see the darker side of humanity like maybe add a gaston to the mix

Can somebody remind me what the story and ending of this movie even was? It's been a while since I've seen it.

Because it can never work as long as the population are humans.

i know some stories

like how the previous president of the national assembly is believed to be the leader of a big drug cartel

or how back when there were rolling blackouts every day some doctors had to perform surgery with the light of their cell phones

and btw the capital NEVER had to endure blackouts, of course if you lived anywhere else in the country like me (with a couple of exceptions), you were fucked

this one always pisses me off, my dad's family lives mostly in this city called punto fijo, the city depends mostly on one water reservoir and due to bad planning and pipelines, when the drought season came the city was left with pretty much no water, as far as i know the problem persist today and my uncles have to stay awake until like 4 AM waiting for a truck to deliver water to their homes so they can fill a couple of container with them

actually the whole fucking drought episode pisses me off to no end, because the exact same thing happened in 2010 while the fat son of a bitch was still alive, back then we also had to endure rolling blackouts, albeit not as severe, after that drought season ended he apparently ordered some extra power plants to be built, 6 years later in 2016 those power plants were nowhere to be seen, all that money probably inside someone's pocket, forcing people to endure even worse blackouts

If you don't toe the line you get called an uncle Tom.

t. conservative black guy

>people die in capitalist countries
>estimate that Mao was responsible for 40 to 70 million deaths through starvation, prison labour and executions, ranking his tenure as the top incidence of excess mortality in human history.[7][8]
Yes, because the top 10 murderers in history are all capitalist figure heads. Oh wait, they're not. And yes, it was murder, Mao wanted to not just kill people but kill a culture so that all that remained was communism. Part of the reason why modern china is full of monsters and not people.

so? Why does the change have to be global, why can't small part of humans stop being human?

Wait, what? The film changed the book to give a good ending?

Guess I shouldn't be surprised, wasn't it more or less produced as pro-capitalist western propaganda rather than Orwell's actual, pro-democratic socialism but anti-authoritarian and totalitarian message? I guess in that context I can understand why they'd show the animals/soviets rebelling against their leaders, even if it does diminish Orwell's intended point which was not so much that socialist beliefs are wrong, but that you have to have constant vigilance that your leaders aren't given too much power.

Ah yes, the classic "if you don't fit my narrative than fuck you! I don't actually like you niggers, I want obedient little pets I can flaunt around to show how progressive I am!"

That's changing the whole movie and not just the ending, though. I partly wanted to know what is the problem with the end specifically that could be fixed without reworking the movie the whole way through like by having a Gaston the whole time.

One example would be to give Ariel a bad end like in other versions and let her die tragically, possibly while saving Eric, but the problem with it would be it's too depressing.