I really unironically hope he will fall and will have to answer to the disgusting shit he has pulled off

I really unironically hope he will fall and will have to answer to the disgusting shit he has pulled off.
I hope he wakes up screaming at night, because he dreams of the impending justice for the lifes he has ruined.

He’s too powerful. He’s Polanski and Weinstein combined. He’ll never go down.

Me in the middle.

Hey Mia.

He probably hasn't got long so he'll likely get the last laugh.

He will say that it's a personal persecution.

>the disgusting shit he has pulled off
And your proof is what?

The goyim are not humans in his eyes. It's in the Talmud.

ah maybe that he married his own daughter and that his red head daughter said her took her in the addict and raped her fuck you jew

>said her took her in the addict

>he married his own daughter
No he didn't. Pretty crappy proof, bub.

That’s where you fail kiddo, nobody cares about the saying of a manic depressive bipolar and known liar cunt

In what world are you living in, nignog?

Turn your autocorrect off Mia

as if you need proof in this day and age to persecute cis white men


Attic. He raped his eleven year old daughter in the attic (supposedly).

Not to be that guy, but he married his "stepdaughter", not his daughter.

Not even that.
he married his ex girlfriend's adopted daughter.
Her names in Soon-Yi Previn, she is the adopted daughter of Farrow and Andre Previn.
Allen and Farrow never married

fun fact: he sleeps sounder than you ever will, completely secure in the knowledge that even if someone arrests him for your imagined crimes, he's lived more in a day than you will in a lifetime.

he's my mom's favourite actor/director

you can read the original clinical evaluation

>Americans pretending to be Brits from the 70s

>Allen and Farrow never married
Thy also never lived together, and apparently Woody had pretty much nothing to do with the Previn kids until Mia told him start hanging out with Soon-ti more.