Post canon Sup Forums rapists

Post canon Sup Forums rapists

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Fuck you cunt I was going post that 15 minutes ago but I am phone posting.

What was that called?

"Just drink this, my dear"

It's from the Take Me to Work Day Clarissa comic

One job, guys.

Never forget

She should've raped Dick in the Lego Batman movie for shout outs sake.

>Heterosexual relationship in an homosexual movie

user, come on!

Raped an entire planet's population of people (and some animals) being forcefully mind controlled.








I fucking love it.


>implying hatred wouldn't join in

OhMyGod, there's just sooo many X-Men examples to choose from...

Not sure Hatred even went for little girls. Aside from Princess Tinyfeet, who was an adult, he mostly just perved on the boys.

He perved on who he had access to.

Well yeah, but I mean, even his offhand jokes were generally about boys. I don't think he ever so much as mentioned girls.

Is having sex with a girl you mind controlled rape?

Emma... Emma never changes...

Didn't Raven rape Dick once?

They weren't jokes, it was him genuinely expressing his desires, if he had access to a little girl that was already broken he would probably need outside intervention to stop himself

Is that a question you need to ask?

Projecting a little hard there.

>it was him genuinely expressing his desires
I know, dude. That's why I bring it up in the context of his sexual interests.

They were "jokes" because they were written as jokes for the show, not because the character was telling them to make funnies. But they just as often had nothing to do with the titular Venture Bros, and were about "little boys" in general.

And Beast boy or did he do it willingly? All i remember is that BB got powerful because he loose his v-card

See People v Starfox.

Never forget.

>racemixing sluts are also paedophiles
why am I not surprised?


She can rape me anytime.

Wouldn't be rape then, would it?

Actually, he never technically "consented", he merely observed that if Talia was real, she would have the ability to overpower and rape him at any time, regardless of whether he'd be into it or not.

Who was the rapist here, Rick for having sex with a body possessed by an alien entity, or the alien entity for appropriating someone else's body to use it as a sexual device?
Probably both

From a legal standpoint, what's the closest equivalent we have to mind control rape irl?


molly or roofies.

Do offscreen assholes count?

Source? Looks interesting.

>this wasn't the first response
Don't tell me you forgot about the warrior, Sup Forums.

I want to see this guy get Franked.

Don't worry. Justice was already served.


You do know what happens in the next page, right?

Well, it's not like he didn't admit it.

>What're you in for?

who have he raped?

Daredevil:End of days

It's not really a story about Purple man tho

>Batman there

why, just to stop Rorsach getting shit done?

Not him but i dont, i'd really would like to know



>How could you possibly know if anybody ever truly loved you if all you had to do to get them to say that they love you us to tell them to say it?

"Answer the following question honestly: do you truly love me?"

Not that hard.

This writer was retarded.

It's not about knowing really, but if you knew that all you had to do to make someone love you is to tell them to, would you do it?

If everything in life, he wants he gets, can he really trust himself enough to try to win somebodys heart, knowing that he might just go "fuck it, love me"?

pretty sure she raped storm

Yeah, user, and what if you had told them to truly love you before?

If "Ignore all future orders from me" is an order that works, he can remove the temptation.

Otherwise he just has to deal with a different problem than the rest of us.

>source is Sup Forums

Think about it.


Then don't do that if you're the kind of person who has existential crises about whether love is real.


Hes out of prison now.

