My god, she has the power of at least 12 Emperor's, 36 Yodas, 550 Obi-wans and 46,000 Gundarks

>My god, she has the power of at least 12 Emperor's, 36 Yodas, 550 Obi-wans and 46,000 Gundarks...

Did this line bother anyone else?

Felt a little forced but the delivery was fine

nah man it was quick mafs!

I don't know, I appreciated the line in the context of the next:

>Luke: Heh. I guess I'll have to use 2% of my power to beat her if she breaks bad.

It was a nice allusion to two of my favorite, but obscure shows, Dragonball Z, and Breaking Bad. You might have missed them. JJ is a genius on the level of Snyder for his subtle allegory.

>emperor more powerful than Yoda


nigga Yoda got his ass whopped on by palps and our little green friend couldn't even beat Dooku handily. Yoda is overrated as fuck.

The scene where she takes off her weighted clothing was pretty hot though.

Dooku ran off like a bitch

>I didn’t know training would be this rough on my feet; you mind massaging them for me Luke?

Who the fuck wrote this scene

>tfw no Mia jedi apprentice

>that long panning shot of sweat rolling down her toned tummy
How did they get away with this in a family flick?

That was indeed an awkward 2 minutes.

Who would win between 1 trillion mynocks and Darth Bane?


Does he get to bring apprentices?

You don't think... no, it can't be...

Only one Ovyu

Yoda only manages to fodder in all the film's. He's worse than Bob's fett.

>rey, you have the potential to dwarf the galaxy with your inner goddess force. But you must train in this parabolic moment room.

The scene of him angrily jerking off in the falcons smuggler bay while asphyxiating himself with the poison gas was way weirder.

can Reey beat Luuuke?

Dude. Shut up.

>Felt a little forced
i see what you did thar

was this an allusion to EA's lootboxes for Battlefront 2?

>Lord Jesus, Rey has the power to start a star war!


>fuse with me Rey