Shows that just need to die already Part 2

Steven Universe

Now before anyone gets on me, let me state that I like Steven Universe. It's a fine show, but it's gone on too long for it's own good. It's got too many episodes and not enough plot to go around; the Adventure Time problem.

It also doesn't help that we keep going back and forth from "Young boy learning about his heritage and stepping up to the plate as an unconventional hero saving the world from an impending alien invasion" to "colorful lesbians crying all the time about nothing." The inconsistency tends to put people off.

I think it's just time for it to go or at least get it's story straight.


Pokémon is a literal zombie of a shoe stumbling through it's episodes in an attempt to merchandise. The show has zero plot, no enjoyable arcs, and no character development. The creators have said they have no intention of aging Ash.

He just bounces from one region to the next cock teasing us with almost league wins. It's very safe to say he is NOT the best.

This show doesn't just need to die. It deserves to die.

adventure time
4 years ago

>It's got too many episodes and not enough plot to go around; the Adventure Time problem.
I always assume people who say this must not have been a fan of the show for the first 3 seasons. AT has never had an overarching story.

I'm a fan of the show and I agree with you, either end or start working on the story, Star vs the Forces of Evil is basically this show done right.

Pokemon has been the same through literally every season. You're just experiencing nostalgia if you think the earlier arcs had any more of a plot than the later ones.

I sorta agree with adventure time, but the show never really had any major plots to begin with.

The formula for adventure time is:
They spend an entire season on hyping something forboding
Add some character development tying in two major characters
Add one or two background characters that become fan favorites for a while
Solve the forboding thing and return to relative status quo
Rinse and repeat

>any show that I'm not currently watching deserves to be destroyed because no one is allowed to enjoy things that I don't.

Fascinating tale.

With Pokemon the difference is there's reason to actually expect something in the earlier seasons, but now with confirmation of status quo for the protagonist, it just feels like limbo.

I think one of the main reasons current AT sucks was because they already used the background of the Mushroom War Simon stories too soon, and while the lore had enough going on for it to make into some huge story or movie, they just stuck with the 11 minute format for most of the seasons and in turn, everyone who was bedazzled by the lore episodes/pre-mushroom/Lich/AU episodes got bored to death over a couple of mediocre romance and SoL episodes, which even some were alright but doesn't change audience expectations.

Go fuck yourself OP

>current AT sucks
user confirmed for having not watched season 7 or 8. There is world building and Ooo being post-apocalyptic has been implied since season 1. The show has always been episodic and anyone that has ever thought the show had a plot line probably barely watched the show to begin with.

>let me bullshit a formula
You literally can't even apply this with examples go kill yourself

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
>inb4 the faggot comes in and spams

Obvious reasons, it's 7 seasons in and a movie, and it doesn't utilize a lot of its side characters well, or if they will in this next season it's far too late due to the fact that the channels its in is not only an obscurity to the west, but also making the show obscure in every other country which isn't good if they're planning to milk it for more than 8 seasons.

>7 seasons and a movie.
Jesus christ, I dropped it after season 2.

We need to turn the kid into a cuck first like Finn, then it has my permission to die.

Island's great for being a final season lead, but anything before that was a bore.

Also, in terms of underlying plot, the fact that they just shove in random bits of lore pieces aka teasing and then suddenly get super serious during Islands makes the other episodes in retrospect seem awful.

I mean I get that AT's a merch show first above all else but even Penn quit the show before the final season was airing.

Movie's using Toonboom so they're gonna be in a slightly newer style.

>Finn is a cuck
A guy breaks a girl's heart so she breaks up with him, and gets a bodyguard whom she friendzones. Now this kid is called a cuck, which now means not getting someone, and even then doesn't apply. This kid went out and hooked up with random girls in Breezy, and has HW spying on him waiting for Finn to give it to her.

Speaking of which, how many other anime franchises are in zombie mode anyway? I know Naruto's rebooting with his son and daughter, Detective Conan's still ongoing and Hayate no Gotoku's finally ending with an incest end I think?

>S7 was a bore
Do you even watch the show? Islands being a great mini-series when compared to normal episodes makes these normal episodes appear insignificant because you're comparing it to Islands you dumbfuck.


>even Penn quit the show
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, for one, he is current an executive producer, and storyboarded episodes in Islands. He is a writer in the show what are you even talking about? This isn't the final season, we still have one more.

>but anything before that was a bore.
If you are referring to the other s8 episodes, then I can't disagree more there. So far this season has been the most consistent out of all of them. Anyone who watches AT for ongoing story is watching it wrong.

Penn's still on as a writer/storyboarder btw, he left showrunner position because of stress.

Where is barneyfag?

You know he comes only when he's the OP posting subtle ponies.

Stop trying to force this false narrative, faggot

>I know Naruto's rebooting with his son and daughter
Shit, really?
I stopped watching it after 100 or so episodes into the original, I never saw the time skip series coming and now they're doing more?
I don't know his name, but that mangaka is going to die.

I agree, but I want to see what kind of ending was planned for this garbage. If it's anything like how the Clusterfuck was resolved it'll be the gayest and most anticlimatic shit ever.

The newest season is especially awful with lower quality ""stylized"" animation and the TPCi dub only makes it that much more cancerous.

Fucking japs.

I stopped enjoying it sometime during Season 5 when it was becoming blatant that the new writers didn't give a fuck about consistency, then in Season 6 there started to be really bad animation/gross faces/lot of scenes with unnecessarily tiny pupils showing up ironically after they hired someone from Johnny Test. Season 7 already looks like it's going to be bad since they're really reaching to say that Starlight has learned everything from Twilight when the last major episode she was in before the finale she thought it was okay to magically manipulate Twilight's friends.

Why is MLP allowed to live when LPS was so much better and got cancelled before they could end the show properly.

You dropped it at the best possible time, it never got any better after season 3.

How is that anything like what I said?

I said I like the show, but that it's killing it's own narrative. Take your ad hominem bullshit back to Sup Forums

>gross faces
Lol what a faggot.Never watch Ren and Stimy

The really infuriating thing about SU is that when they do make a stevenbomb focusing on a plot point, it's hype as fuck. But then they just kind of....resolve it without really revealing anything.

The human Zoo was interesting in a wierd, garden of Eden, psuedo Lord of the Flies kind of way but then it's just ignored. No one brings it up again, nothing.

Jasper reveals that Rose killed Pink Diamond, a major turning point for Steven who learns that his mom wasn't as peace loving as he thought and that she too, killed when it was needed. Same thing with Bismuth, we see what lead to her eventual downfall and falling out with Rose, but then Steven just kind of deals with it. He breaks down for a few episodes and just gets over it.

Centipeedle gets uncorrupted (a bit) but then gets rebubbled and we never really talk about it anymore.

You can see my point. Every time they bring up something really cool they go "alright, time for an episode where Lars is an unreasonable prick!" or something like that. SU needs to pick one or the other, it's constant bouncing back and forth is killing it for me.

I think the last episode I watched was a season 3 one actually. One with Scootaloo/rainbow dash. I knew it was going to shit so I bailed.

Because LPS is poor man's MLP, not as an insult but because due to the channel and the popularity of its sister show it was put down to fund more of what already has a following.

It's not fair, Dan VS also had enough for one more season but got stopped at S3