I know this movie is supposed to be a parody of militarism, fascism and romanticized pro-war mentalities

I know this movie is supposed to be a parody of militarism, fascism and romanticized pro-war mentalities
on the other hand it seems to be a social paradise in terms of equality with no signs of racism and sexism

so what's the message here?

Other urls found in this thread:


service guarantees citizenship

earn perfection through nationalism, citizen

yer a grot

I un ironically wish we lived in that reality expect for the space bugs part.

The message is that even if you have the perfect society if you fuck with space bugs they'll send an asteroid somehow and fuck up Earth.

are the bugs supposed to be the jews?

Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne.

Would you like to know more?

>on the other hand it seems to be a social paradise in terms of equality with no signs of racism and sexism

You didn't understand this movie

Civilization and technology serve a single purpose; provide humans safety. In a "natural" state, we'd live in warm climates with plentiful fruit and easily cultivated fish. Harsher climates require greater cooperation and innovation. We can find them amongst friends, family, a tribe, a village, a city, a country, a nation, an empire that is an ever-expanding cycle of growth and conquest or death. Human civilization is far more dangerous than some (mostly) mindless bugs.

bugs represent any enemy who is dehumanized by propaganda

This desu

Please explain how awful it is

the irony of the movie is that there is no difference between the bugs and the humans, they are exactly the same

All we ever see in the movie are the warrior class, aka those that have either served in the military or will. Of course they are all equal. However in both the source materiel and to a lesser degree the movie, people who cant serve or who don't want to are treated worse than niggers.

god you’re fucking stupid. is this what Sup Forums does? they go watch the meme movie, go “wow haha chad is so cool, denise richards stacey wow” and then come here and post this retardation so they can go “nuh uhh its based” for an hour till the thread slides into the abyss?

Rico's dad never served, and he was rich and had a hot wife.

Cameron best girl dizzyfags gtfo

racism and sexism aren't prerequisites for fascism or militarism


>In a 2014 interview on The Adam Carolla Show, actor Michael Ironside, who read the book as a youth, said he asked Verhoeven, who grew up in Nazi-occupied Netherlands, "Why are you doing a right-wing fascist movie?" Verhoeven replied, "If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me. So I'm going to make a perfect fascist world: everyone is beautiful, everything is shiny, everything has big guns and fancy ships, but it's only good for killing fucking bugs!"
>a perfect fascist world
Guess Verhoeven doesn't understand either.

>paint a reality where fascism reigns and it's suppose to be terrible and authoritarian
>is actually pretty good and makes you want to live there
really grinding those neurons

oy vey delete dis

probably funds the military or has a contract with it in some way, making him irreplaceable


Besides the initial attack on Earth, the bugs aren't shown attacking any thing else, really makes you think

Are you fucks seriously pretending any of you have interest in joining the military, because that is laughable.

What did I miss about Return of the King? They had an invincible ghost army handle the heavy lifting.

calm down mate, I don't even browse Sup Forums

>females just as competent as men in the military

Only in fiction. There is a reason the military females are overweight and are allowed to run slower times, even though a fit male and a fit female should be able to run comparable times unless they are at the very peak of running sports.

I was in the Navy.

These are all awful, I get all my movie recommendations from alex jones.

Master at Arms?

Except the mormons they slaughtered even earlier. Try watching the movie sometime, it's pretty good.

Nah, MM. Just a mechanic.

the message is neither pro nor anti fascist, only amerigoblins who have no appreciation of film as a medium judge it by its political context.

They are supposed to be native americans and Klendathu was Little Bighorn.


would you like to know more?

You really need to go back

How come no one ever talks about the awful sequels

Can confirm, women in the military is silly and a PR move at best.

>Besides the initial attack on Earth,
Ah yes, the initial "attack"...

it's not that Sup Forums doesn't understand them it's that the filmmakers unintentionally make what they're trying to demonize look appealing.
Like you can't seriously watch Er Ist Weider Da and not think Hitler is completely rational and correct

what sequels, no idea what you're talking about

Your new is showing

movie begins in Buenos Aires Argentina. Yet everybody speaks fluent english, everybody is and behaves like a typical north american teen in your typical teen movie. Culture has been completely homogenized on a global scale. The social paradise is in fact a marketing deception, hiding the complete eradication of any form of subversion like any absolute tyranny usually does.

And that's just scratching the surface. One can also consider the propaganda parody angle or the soap opera parody angle. ST is deeper than it looks.

>on the other hand it seems to be a social paradise
ever notice how all the adults are horribly maimed or mutilated?

I've read the book.
The primary difference between a citizen and a civilian is the right to vote.
Other than that they get subsidized education and permission to have children more easily.
They are otherwise treated equally under the law.

It's not a racist society. Especially in the film version given that the Sky Marshal appointed after Klendatu is a black woman.

Fascist societies are fundamentally based on individual merit and the best person for the job being put in place. (until they get killed or you find someone better)
Racial distinction isn't a necessary component.

If national service was a precondition for the right to vote, would you do it?

The attack on Earth was a false flag.
The society is based on citizenship being earned through dangerous and uncomfortable service to the nation.
This means that only those who actual care about sacrificing for the good of the nation end up with the power to direct policy.

The problem was that the government was struggling to come up with actual danger in which to place those who wished to earn citizenship.
War with the bugs became necessary for this reason.

Because they are shit except for this bit youtube.com/watch?v=KIsv1YOFNys


Only thing worth watching from any of the sequels

That was self defense

Lurk more faggot?

>The attack on Earth was a false flag
Verhoeven says in the DVD commentary that it wasn't. The government wasn't struggling with anything, and you can't show one piece of evidence that they were.

Verhoeven didn't even read the source material.
He had someone else read it for him to give him the gist.

>Culture has been completely homogenized on a global scale.
you're acting as if that was the doing of a fascist goverment when it's most likely just what will happen when you have this advanced kind of transportation technologies
also this pretty much already presumes a fascist government which couldn't possibly be formed under a non homogenized human society


Dizzy was waifu material.
Carmon was a sloot.

Who gives a shit about racism and sexism when the military is drafting you to get eaten by giant fucking bugs.

Didn't you notice that the only adults in society were like maimed veterans? Everybody gets consumed by the military industrial complex.

it's hard to resist the milkshake bar after PT desu

>space bugs millions of lightyears away were able to launch literal bug shit into earth with target precision....
hmm really makes you think

>when the military is drafting you
It's a volunteer service.
That's the whole point of service granting citizenship.
The entire co-ed shower scene is people discussing why they volunteered.

Clearly the ass blasters had some kind of warp creating plasma shooting out their backsides.

She would have been my number one lady

if bugs actually were such a imminent threat women would be in a social role of "breeders" and not fighting along side men as equals

>no sexism or racism
>a girl is a heartbreaker
>the other girl dies
>black people dies and gets maimed. No medals
>only white people get promotion
>only white males are psychic
I can go on but i think this is pointless. the real horror of fascism is when black people do have the honor to die for the country. I wish they don't.

>only white people get promotion
the fucking Sky Marshal was a black woman you retard

It wasn't meant to be a Starship Troopers adaptation. The "source material" was grafted onto an original script once people noticed the similarities between the two.

>space bugs shoot down starships with relative ease
>conquer system by launching their spores at other planets
>have an asteroid field with near unlimited ammo available to them
Did you even watch the movie?

The black girl was promoted off screen but she was in a position of authority before she died and rico took over

dumb bitch that got the fleet hammered by bug shit

nice trips
also er ist wieder da is made for german audience.
so immediately if you see hitler the swastika etc germans are programed to think its inherently bad wrong and silly at the same time.
so if someone from a different country watches this and hitler makes a speech about how much of sheep and anti-social scum the people have become you can take him at face value whereas a german due to the conditioning they recieve will take nothing from hitler seirous. even if it's a one plus one makes two statement.

no that was the white guy that resigned and she stepped up you fucking IDIOT

It was all part of the plan

It's been a while but I think in the book women are not front line soldiers.
They crew the ships because, so they author says, they have faster reaction times and such.
Also the troopers find it comforting to hear a woman's voice before the drop.

>"In a mixed ship, the last thing a trooper hears before a drop (maybe the last word he ever hears) is a woman's voice, wishing him luck. If you don't think this is important, you've probably resigned from the human race."

You can just step up and promote yourself in the military?

That was Deems. The Guy she replaced.

Fucking brainlet.

stop trolling

when someone resigns their second of command steps up, yes.

>"In a mixed ship, the last thing a trooper hears before a drop (maybe the last word he ever hears) is a woman's voice, wishing him luck. If you don't think this is important, you've probably resigned from the human race."

wtf do transports have anything to do with a complete global cultural uniformness? Culture as in languages, folklore, even fashion, entirely standardized because of fucking spaceships?

Of course it's a fascist government, there's no presuming here to be had, the military costumes is the first hyper obvious symbol of fascism for anyone to see. We're talking global scale here, not just Nazis confined in one single continent. When Buenos Aires is destroyed the entire planetary political body wants to retaliate, not just the latinos who are almost inexistent anyway in ST's Argentina.

Do you get awared citizenship posthumously after the xenos rip you apart while you're alive?

Boy you are dumb as shit.
Theres like four and a few animes.

subtlety isn't your strong suit now, is it

>Fascist societies are fundamentally based on individual merit and the best person for the job being put in place. (until they get killed or you find someone better)
That's a meritocracy, user.

Most people would called Nazi Germany fascist and it featured racial distinction as a defining feature.

90s born newfag shut the fuck up

>The film series has four sequels which includes two live-action films, Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (2004) and Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008) and two animated films, Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012) and Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars (2017).
There was also a few video games and a table top.

I want to know more.

The arachnids are a hive much like Ender's buggers. They are capable of diplomacy through third party races like the skinnys.

>The society is based on citizenship being earned through dangerous and uncomfortable service to the nation.
In the movie this is glossed over with NPH's character but Rico remarks in the book that there are lots of "safe" ways to earn Citizenship. Infantry is basically his last choice and he gets filtered into it because he's a brainlet.

Is the latest one worth it?
I heard it was decent compared to everything else.

ST3 is okay. 2 is boring. Also lol giant vagina creature

>wtf do transports have anything to do with a complete global cultural uniformness? Culture as in languages, folklore, even fashion, entirely standardized because of fucking spaceships?
the mixing of cultures over time is inevitable, when you can go from straya to brazil in like half an hour or however it works in that scenario

It’s my understanding that Troopers is getting a reboot and 5at the new film will be much closer in spirit to the original Source Material.

>stronk soldier grrlz
All you need to see to know the people in charge are populist retards who don't actually care about the effectiveness of their society.

>falling for Fleet trash
Mobile Infantry girls know how to love a man

Thats the whole fucking point. There cannot be a militaristic society without a enemy to be overcome with war.

The "message" is that the bugs were half a galaxy away and didnt do shit with anyone. Militaristic societies are built on the notion that conflict breeds greatness. War becomes a national identity. That means that you need to be in a constant state of endemic warfare, or the society will collapse, since there is no place where citizenship can be gained, thus giving the incentive of "sacrifice".

The Nazis were a great society (apart from the racial ideology), but they needed constant war to function as a society. Eventually they got btfo.

Not sure the other anime one I watched they all die and they all wear mecha suits.

>look appealing
So you didn't get them.

Arachnids in the books have FTL starships comparable to humanity. Their ground troops are inferior because it only takes 14 days to breed army.

>The Nazis were a great society (apart from the racial ideology)
that's like saying the arctic is a nice place to live apart from the temperature

name something unappealing about Hitler's world view in Er Ist Wieder Da

Paul Verhoeven delegated the job of actually reading the novel to screenwriter Ed Neumeier, who decided given the cultural climate of the 90's it would be interesting to present a society that worked flawlessly but just happened to be pan-global fascist state for shock value - i.e. playing it straight to the book. Verhoeven then added in a load of funny, weird things based on his experiences growing up in Nazi-occupied Holland and thus you have the perfect satire - one that reads equally both straight and as a huge joke.