Reminder that it was not AT ALL feminist propaganda

Reminder that it was not AT ALL feminist propaganda

That scene was cringe but the movie was good overall, guitar dude was tits

Road Warrior > Fury Road > Mad Max > Beyond Thunderdome

It was feminist propaganda, but at least it was feminist propaganda that had the good sense to quarantine itself to an acceptable section of the film.

Furiosa partners with Max instead of outright replacing him in the spotlight, female group limit their "fuck all men" diatribes to a modest amount, majority of the film is still left for good times with explosions and high-speed Mad Max fight scenes and char chases.

Can overlook, still a great action film regardless.

best is, they want to fool people into feminst propaganda while it is anti-fem
Max gets ladies out of trouble all the time. Then suggests them to go back, otherwise they would travel desert for days and die when supplies ran out.

i don't remember this scene at all, quick rundown on it?

any of the scenes with the females acting BADASS were complete cringe. the furiosa max fight had me laughing at the blatant overacting theron was doing to try to look intimidating. chick looks like a cancer patient with the face of a trap like come on dont try that shit

>great action
ah, yes. cars driving in a straight line with firecrackers going off around them and one guy dying
such action! such excitement!
>the guitarist was like if upvotes were a person! he was so EPICCCCCCC

>the blatant overacting theron was doing to try to look intimidating.
Actually she does that from the start; it's ridiculous

Also worth noting she got her ass kicked in their initial confrontation even though Max was heavily wounded and bound up by all that weird shit.

>I read the imdb synopsis

The movie was a 7/10 at best and will be considered a 5/10 fifty years from now.

>endanger the lives and manage to kill the only healthy non-mutant breeding stock
>simultaneously destroy entire armed forces and commit acts of war against rival factions leaving you completely defenseless
>destroy all war production capability
>destroy all irreplaceable weapons and vehicles

Furiosa was the stupidest character on the fucking planet. Max left at the end because all those fucking retards were going to die in a month.

stop seeing ism's in everything you cock goblin

sorry bud, but you literally cannot debate what i said in my post, i basically described the entire piece of dogshit film

Bad guy look for wamen, wamen gone, old lady with gun for diversion, the end.

kek I bet some shaniqua is angrily typing a blog post about as we speak how the POC is kneeling

The statement that women are not things is not a feminist statement.

Mad Max in 4K was $30 and includes the black and white version... did I miss out?

There was nothing in the film that was factually wrong. Ill argue it.

god damn the brown girl was so fucking cute

Like really NOT AT ALL, how can you even think that lmao!

When they've been kept as literal sex slaves for all their lives, I think it's understandable if they write something like that when they get the chance to escape. Not much of a feminist message here. Furiosa would have gotten nowhere if not for Max.

Its only within the context and convenience of our world that anyone could fault the portrayal of the characters in this world.

>the world has ended
>just want to save the human race by breeding with the healthiest females and give them the best food, water and education available
>even filter the air they breath so they are as healthy as possible
>teach them to read, write, play music, etc, etc
>all you ask in return is that they give you healthy children

>fuck that, down with the patriarchy
>mutant lives matter
>let all the diseased hordes enter the sanctuary and eat all the food thats been carefully cultivated


Good thing that it did poorly at the box office (

Liberal hollywood can only portray the spectacular 'revolution', when actually what would be truly interesting politically speaking would be right after the end of the flick.

is there something feminist propaganda about a bunch of women living in rags sucking cock all day not wanting to do that? Maybe they long to see the outside world and simply be more than breeding cows

Are you arguing that if the world did 'die' that it wouldnt be the fault of men?
This is ignoring the state the Joe was in at the time, and implying that only female genes matter when it comes to reproduction, which is simply ignorant. Joe was no better then any of the wasted chuds below him, he was just lucky.

>is there something feminist propaganda about a bunch of women living in rags sucking cock all day
Just like christians love their "we was thrown to the lions by romans" victim narrative and jews love holocaust movies showing the suffering greatly, so do womyn love crap that shows them as ever suffering victims at the hands of the menz,

What was the point of the scene where Max misses 2 sniper shots and had to get Furiosa to get the last shot in over his shoulder?

It showed that Max is a poor shot at long range.

>Are you arguing that if the world did 'die' that it wouldnt be the fault of men?
It's a crap sentiment and I'm not interested in seeing a film that promotes it. And thankfully, few other people do either, hence the poor box office.

Because that was not all feminist!

>Joe was no better then any of the wasted chuds below him, he was just lucky.

Lucky that he had the skills and intelligence to run a society. He wanted a healthy son/daughter that could take his place, but hes earned that. When you are the one in charge, why would you want to let random wasteland chad inherit the throne?

Why can't you faggots enjoy a movie if it has a strong female character

pretty sure you don't need a special edition anything to see a movie in black and white

the first two being actual historical fact make the third kind of....well user im not sure what youre trying to say. Is this satire?
Its a logical 'sentiment' user. Men rule a majority of the world, if it where to die it would be the responsibility of those rulers. If women held an equal amount of power in any measurable way then I would say theyre equally at fault but I find it hard to argue against this 'sentiment'. Beyond that the movie seemed to have a much greater interest in cars exploding then discussing the actual implications of world 'death' so im not seeing the concern over political agenda.
Im saying he had no interest in a truelly healthy child. He wanted HIS child to be healthy. So the argument that him holding the women hostage for kids is better then letting anyone else do it is silly. His other children are example of this, his rule was sick. Whether he had the water and food to help all the people below is something neither of us know but the movie seems to suggest he was with holding it for his own gain.
They can, just not this one. Start an alien or Day of the Dead thread and watch the praise role in.

He was able to blow up the tank-car think on foot about 30 seconds afterwords. Never mind that, because a WOMAN is better at sharpshooting than an insane person who's specialty is close-combat. Therefor this is clearly propaganda.

Wow it's almost like people being kept as a sex slave would grow to hate their captors and would eventually feel empowered enough to fight for their own freedom.

>What was the point of the scene where Max misses 2 sniper shots and had to get Furiosa to get the last shot in over his shoulder?

Lets see why he couldnt land a long range shot

>start of the movie
>alone in the wasteland
>so hungry he grabs a small lizard and eats it raw
>very high chance hes malnorished and dehydrated
>survives high speed car crash
>gets captured by the warboys
>has to walk chained up behind a car for possibly days
>imprisoned in a cage
>has his entire back tattooed by warboys
>gets beaten some more
>has a ton of his blood drained for Nux
>more high speed car chases
>been driving in the desert for days in the war rig in the hot sun
>probably little or no food at all still

>Its a logical 'sentiment' user. Men rule a majority of the world, if it where to die it would be the responsibility of those rulers. If women held an equal amount of power in any measurable way then I would say theyre equally at fault but I find it hard to argue against this 'sentiment'
I don't agree. I think women are equally responsible for the state of the world.
But even if I were to accept your view of things, I'd add "Men built the world" before saying that they killed it.

This is all irrelevant because Miller peaked early with Road Warrior.

nevermind ALL the other obvious signs of propaganda
>He was able to blow up the tank-car think on foot about 30 seconds afterwords
oh and all that happens... not on screen, let's not have too much of that macho heroism, but hey I'm sure there's like REALLY, REALLY NO SIGN of feminism in that movie whatsoever. Impossible!

Not only that, the ebil bad guys were the only ones that established a working society. When the broads got control, all they did was dump out all the water. Anyone with a brain would know that society will collapse.

>"objectifying women is evil"
>let's cast a bunch of Victoria's Secret models to drive this point home
>when the movie is finished, these same exact women will return to their modeling careers and be paid millions to be objectified
What did they unironically mean by this?

In an interview the director babbles that it's not feminist propaganda and then ten seconds later lays out the stock feminist explanation of early human history somehow having reproduction without families or a severe division of labor, and the feminist trope about "men possessing women."
>it's not feminist

Immortan Joe OBJECTIVELY did nothing wrong

>sex slaves
In what context, soyboy? post apocalyptic one where everyone would literally rape and kill them on the spot, without any comfy piano, food, etc, but hey, WHO KILLED THE WORLD am I right!

>movie ends
>they let all those people on the lift as it goes up with furiosa and Max dissapears into the crowd
>dad leans over and goes "Holy shit, those mutants are just going to eat all that stuff they grew up there."

In what way do you feel the lower classes are responsible for anything anywhere? Id say a difference of perspective if it was, its not. Im saying men ruling a majority of the land makes the land those mens responsibility. You dont blame a child for the sins of the father do? And fine, add several asterisks to every comment to make sure no ones offended. Men did build the world, men will see it end. If women want to see it end then they must first own it, the dont.
I agree he peaked there, but that doesnt make the discussion irreverent, when relevancy is based purely on perspective.
this is assuming they didnt have the water to do this, which is an assumption that we cant make.
Your meta perspective on a universe that is entirely different from ours isnt relevant.
Andrea is a radical feminist, I would argue they are two different political perspectives entirely, and saying otherwise is hyperbolic.
In the context that they where forced to have sex and couldnt leave. This would make them sex slaves in almost any context. the state in which they where kept hardly matters.

Why is having elements of feminism in a movie bad? Also, are you forgetting that Max is the one doing the 90% of the on screen fighting and other cool shit?

>what would be truly interesting politically speaking would be right after the end of the flick
Furiosa would probably realize the necessity to ration the water in order to keep the Citadel alive, while slowly getting used to the comfort Joe enjoyed. Eventually she would end up ruling in a similar way Joe did.

everything will fall apart right after, reminds me of the pitt "bad" guy,

>the state in which they where kept hardly matters.
ABSOLUTELY! I mean rape by hordes of thirsty people in the desert is literally the same thing as being treated like queens and wives for ONE guy, with food, water, culture, etc, how could anyone think otherwise!

The women in Joe's abode were literal sex slaves user. You and I both know there's a huge difference between being titillated by a woman's appearance and locking her up in your sex rotunda for weekly rape sessions.

I think the point of shaving Theron's head was to highlight that she had given up her femininity in exchange for fighting prowess, as opposed to the feminine haircuts that the breeding wives had. Kind of an interesting statement to say that in order for the heroine to be as strong as a man, she has to give up her womanhood.

>This would make them sex slaves in almost any context. the state in which they where kept hardly matters.

>he a sex slave to the guy in charge and be given the best food, water, air, education, etc


>go live in the wastes where I'll get captured by slavers or raiders because Im pretty, if I dont starve and die first
>maybe even get sold by my family
>also be the sex slave of the guy in charge, but get none of the luxuries Joe offered

>Why is having elements of feminism in a movie bad?
So now it's gone from "this isn't a feminist movie, you're being paranoid" to "why is having feminism in a movie bad?"
Well, it's bad because it is an inherently anti-male ideology and men are instinctively repulsed by it, and it showed in the reaction to the film.
We don't want to see a film that demonizes men. Simple. No matter how many explosions and car chases you stuff into it and think "hurrrrr males are stoopid they'll watch anything with action scenes!"

Too bad we'll never get to see that though... let's just have another uber evil patriarch instead!

Im saying that saying they arent sex slaves is silly. The treatment of the women who are kept hostage and fucked against there will doesnt effect this definition. Your point is that Joes rule is better then no rule. And this is completely up in the air depending on a million factors we dont have access to. Im under the impression that the movie was implying sexual slavery is bad, no matter what. Which would make your milk toast, just suck up and deal with it, perspective kind of....weak?
What I said to the guy above, but also an interesting counter point that Joe is somehow sympathetic? As if to say that because being stabbed once is preferable to being stabbed twice, that we should settle to being stabbed once, as opposed to fighting to not get stabbed at all? You seem to be saying you would lay down and take it, if it was easy?

I don't think Furiosa is a perfect character by any means, but to compare her to Ma-Rey Sue is just insulting. At the very least, Furiosa is a fleshed out, rounded character that is shown to sacrifice and fail, whereas Bucktooth McGoof is incapable of doing wrong.

That's all assuming other people would force them to live as sex slaves. The other tribe showed it was possible at least when Furiosa was a child to live in the waste as nomad, so there's a chance to survive. You can say it's unrealistic but it's what the movie presents.

Plus on the real anyone who would sacrifice dignity for comfort deserves neither. I'm not even saying they should have a happy end I'd be satisfied with them committing suicide in defiance.

interesting statement sure, terrible application of said statement definitely

>While talking with the Vuvalini, The Dag converses with the Keeper of the Seeds and reveals that she is pregnant with Joe's baby. She expresses her concern that he will turn out deformed and ugly, but is reassured by The Keeper of the Seeds when she says the baby might also be a girl...
Oh yeah I almost forgot that one too! Here, by depicting a group of FEMALE ONLY misandric grandmas rebel bikers which didn't feel at all like some tumblr fantasy, you can see again how totally not feminist that great neutral flick was.

>womyn: be largest voting and consumer demographic in the world
>drive world into scarcity by relentless overconsumption like the world of Mad Max
>world turns into wasteland

The sarcasm makes it hard to understand what your argument is. Why do you see this as a negative?
Demographics being controlled by the ones that allow them, your point being that lower class citizens somehow rule anything is an odd one. You seem afraid of the implications otherwise?

Women aren't lower-class citizens tho. What a muhsoginystic thing to say omg!!1!!!

The sarcasm doesnt seem to argue against the point that they are. The very fact that you world assert this movie has a feminist agenda would mean feminism, to someone is needed. Meaning that those women feel as if they are not equal, meaning they are lower class citizens. If you agree with me you can say it plainly, like someone without a brain disorder.

>What was the point of the scene where Max misses 2 sniper shots and had to get Furiosa to get the last shot in over his shoulder?

To show that the greatest achievements of women are accomplished on the backs of men.
In this case literally.

Max was a cop, so his expertise would be in pistols and stuff like that. Furiosa, an an Imperator, probably had more training with rifles.

>Making a "demographic", a new "oppressed class" out of a whole sex. Hilary Clinton, you know, struggles as much as your female cashier.
We had the war of the classes and now we have the war of the sexes, what could possibly go wrong, right? except for both sexes to be more and more neurotic, resulting in hardcore feminazis and on the other side the MGTOWs and waifus...
So yes, it feels so great to have all your beloved franchises being now riddled with that shit (the most spectacular example to date being Star wars of course).

This whole series is overrated as hell.

>The very fact that you world assert this movie has a feminist agenda would mean feminism, to someone is needed.
They would be wrong though. A hateful ideology like feminism is never needed.
>Meaning that those women feel as if they are not equal, meaning they are lower class citizens.
They can feeeeeeeeel however they wish, they are still wrong. Women aren't "lower-class citizens".

itt a bunch of fat loser who're pissed they can't get laid

>it's them, not me! w-women are s-stupid, and this m-m-movie tried to say otherwise!!

t. fat tubblr feminist

And here you have your eternal ad hominem "muh can't get laid" rhetoric. That is not an argument, and you're very stupid actually.

It would be a fault of your own, to see any franchise as 'beloved' and not a method for making money. The group doesn't care for the individual, this hardly is an issue of the sexes, and more your own ability to rationalize outside perspectives.
To say a 'hateful' ideology is never needed is odd, im not sure I can make a point on that. But saying feminism is hateful is misunderstanding its methodology and purpose. It is defensive if anything, if you feel attacked by it, it is more your perspective then the collectives purpose. In what part of the world do you feel they hold equal power to men, and in what way? I know of no land this is the case.
This is a worse argument then most of the people you seem to disagree with, mainly because it is not an argument.

There's nothing feminist about Fury Road.

It is a celebration of traditional gender roles that declares the purpose of weak men is to fight and die for strong men, that the purpose of women is to be bred by strong men, and the only women that defy this purpose are sterile and deformed rejects. The ultimate lesson of the film is that in spite of all the sturm und drang surrounding the events that led to his downfall, the only person that successfully passed on his genes to a new generation was Immortan Joe.
