So what was the point of Aku doing this?

So what was the point of Aku doing this?
I'm having trouble understanding the goal of shapeshifting to travel close with Jack, he even saves Jack from dying in quicksand.

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To make Jack suffer.

To get balls deep with Jack

He could have killed him right there tho, Jack was the only being able to harm Aku. Why play with him?

Blue ball jack obviously

To destroy the wish-granting jewel which could potentially be used to defeat him.

He saved Jack from the quicksand because
1. he could not find or use the jewel himself, being evil and
2. he knows Jack would probably survive the quicksand though some shenanigans anyway and prefers him indebted to this identity rather than giving up the ruse.

This was early in the show, when Aku was cocky. He want to mess with Jack, to see him suffer. Sure, he could have let Jack die in the quicksand. But would Aku really have been satisfied with Jack dying that way? Most likely not.

To fuck with Jack while destroying another way for him to get back to the past.

I don't know why people have trouble understanding this, but Aku is Evil.

I don't mean he's bad, either, I mean he is LITERALLY evil, it's what he's made of. Everything Aku does is equal parts self-gratification, furthering his power, and finding new and improved ways to make people suffer.

Aku saved Jack from death just because he knew it would make the betrayal all the sweeter later on. He played the long troll and it worked out perfectly.

Aku wanted to destroy the time travel gem but dint know how to find it so he followed jack who knew how to find it

Didn't "Ikra" save him several times even?
Right when she was introduced, Jack would've been killed or severely injured if she didn't kill the robots.

What is the logic behind trying to stop someone from going back in time by helping them? Surely their death would stop time travel, wouldn't it?

You know why.

Nah, the real answer is that Aku just wanted to be evil and hurtful to the maximal degree.

Because Aku wants Jack's ""Sword""

Aku doesn't desire destruction. He desires suffering.

Otherwise the Earth would be a lifeless rock by now.

is there even more of Ikra lewds?

The jewel is a threat all by itself. In the hands of some pure-hearted FOOL it might be used to wish Aku dead, or at least wish for a means to defeat him. Jack would not make this wish, because he doesn't want to kill Aku in the present, he wants to kill him in the past and save his friends and family. Therefore helping Jack find the gem, and then destroying it before it can be used, kills two birds with one stone and solidifies Aku's iron-fisted rule.

While also getting to be a huge dick to the samurai, which is just gravy.

I thought there was some kind of crystal or magic trinket that he wanted.

Also, giving him an 'ally' he can trust and sleep next to without fear and then revealing himself TO THE FOOLISH SAHMURAI FOR BEING FOOLISH AND TRUSTING is a low blow of the highest order. It's going to make jack paranoid, it's going to crush him, it's going to make him not want trust ANYONE EVER AGAIN. He doesn't want Jack dead, he wants to toy with him and make him suffer, just like he does everything else.

There are, most aren't great or funny, though.

That does make sense, if not Jack then someone else could find it, and it's pretty much the only thing able to kill Aku except the sword.

Jack is hot.


I like to think that Aku knew that if he left the samurai to his doom, revealing that she is aku, laughing maniacally while warping away, jack would just escape SOMEHOW and get to the gem without Aku even realizing it. Why didn't he attempt to kill jack, with the many times he could've what with it being a long trip and plenty of times to stab him in his sleep? Maybe he knew that even if Aku got the sword he couldn't destroy it, and would be gained again by another, who would kill him then. Dunno, but he did make sure that the gem was destroyed.



I'll sacrifice 3 days for you

Looks like your post is still alive.

That's gonna make future encounters awkward.


So if Jack started coming on to Ikra, would Aku have rolled with it or what?

Possibly, if only to make the betrayal hurt more.

Lol did Aku cuck Jack?

Of course but only after resisting just enough to make wooing him seem that much more fulfilling and their relationship stronger.
No he raped Jack


Aku has on at least two canonical occasions taken the form of a woman to fuck with Jack.

Aku is the "Shogun of Sorrow" and "Unspeakable Evil".

He did it for the lulz.

Remember that time Aku went undercover for months for no reason except fucking with Jack?

I love how I heard Mako yelling this in my head.


No, because who reads Cartoon Network comics?


I feel like at some point Jack should point out "Aku, this is getting...weird. Not evil, just weird."

That was pretty fucking gay

The easiest way to make a man feel despair is for a woman he loves he betray him.

that's a pretty good Ikra, by the way.

the fuck AKU, why do you keep crossdressing

It's shit like this that drives all those Daughters of Aku are related to Jack theories.

aku literally explains it in that episode.

he had a (prophetic) nightmare about a wish-granting crystal that might be used to stop him at some point, so he used jack to find it (pure of heart, etc) so he could destroy it.

being able to betray jack and snatch away another means of him going back to the past was a nice bonus.

To corrupt Jack and possibly make an evil samurai minion at the same time?

>I will never be alone as long as I have you

Aku knows this can't end unless they both die together, doesn't he.

He fucking knows.

To fuck with Jack as hard as he can, on every front he can, to drive him to the state he is now in, 50 years later.

I mean shit Aku is a space tree of pure evil, he/it do what he wants.

I mean, he has always retained that vague medium awareness like when he challenged Jack directly after EXTRA THICC 1.0 failed to kill him.

I dunno, Jack has never seemed particularly easily-seduced, and I can't see someone as hammily evil as the mother of the daughters keeping the facade up long enough to actually get wacha'd. Even if she had, you'd think being around Jack that long might actually make her second-guess evil.

Still, they are keeping the mother's identity back, and it seems noteworthy that the sisters are all dark-haired and apparently asian.

>yfw Jack keeps the chaste and pure warrior routine up for so long that the first time he smashes he shoots a load so potent he fathers septuplets

I've toyed with the idea that it was the girl who kissed little Jack that one time. Brainwashed by Aku and flung into the future long ago. So long ago that Aku forgot about her and now here we are.

Yeah, but I mean deeper than that. Like, Aku is suicidal as well, in that he's on top but it means nothing without THA SAMUUUURAAAAIII constantly threatening his life. He's burned out on the mass constant adrenaline booms, now he's dry, and he probably realizes it's all over soon.

As in, neither can survive, and he feels it. They're both gonna die together.

Or is just pissed that Jack never came back, and sided with Aku because of it. Him not recognizing her would keep her platinum mad, too.

That's too plausible for comfort, save that she was such a minor character.

Yeah I could see it. Aku seems tired, and the whole therapy bit along with his denial of caring about what happened to Jack makes me think he has some form of respect for the FOOLISH SAMURAI. Possibly the confusion of having respect for anything as a being of supposedly pure evil is driving him into an existential crisis or something.

>Aku is suicidal as well
I don't think it's like that. I think Jack's and Aku's existential (?) fears foil each other, in that Jack is scared of living forever and Aku is scared of dying.

But a person can be so anxious about dying that they'd wish it'd happen already.

The thing I just can't shake for some reason is that even if Aku knew about her, he wouldn't want to associate with her at best and actively try to eliminate the Daughters of Aku at worst. I feel like the whole hanging on to the robots thing paints an interesting picture of how Aku operates. We know he keeps morale from dropping too much in his Dominion so he can personally snuff out hope. I feel like the Cult that births and trains killing machines might be bad for PR.

I also feel like having Jack kill his own children, then find out about it would be too dark. Tartakovsky has expressed some contempt for the 80s/90s ULTRAGRIM angle comics took, and while this arc of the series is obviously darkER, it's still recognizably Samurai Jack, with silly things like Aku tantruming over shit on his floor and Jack saving alien doggo girls.

Exactly, I would honestly find it more likely that the Daughters were conceived with some kind of magic. Which might also explain how all seven of them fit in Cult Leader without her being somewhere between a Bull Elephant and the Goodyear Blimp in size.

I mean, septuplets are possible for a normal woman, but incredibly rare and it can't really work without advanced medical care (the slab in an evil temple probably doesn't qualify).

Still, it's an evil cult, so perhaps evil cult magic played a role.

There's also that, though I write that off as for dramatic effect because as you point out it can be easily explained with magic. I honestly just find the idea completely absurd on all levels. The closest anyone comes to something I might find plausible is when they joke about Cult Leader being a result of Jack fucking Ikra. But that's more retard fanfiction logic than them being his direct offspring if anything.

Destroying the jewel, which could give other anti-Aku people the power to travel back in time. Aku didn't know where it was.

>Daughters of Aku are related to Jack theories.

Aren't those just memes?

Because Jack is not gay

user. It's called SPECULATION. Not every single unit of information and imagination is a meme. It makes some sense when you SPECULATE that these daughters by some black magic could very well be from Jack and Aku.

In the original sense of the term "meme" (ie ideas that are spread and accepted by others), user's not entirely wrong.

Would it kill him to show some self restraint and actually use the language he's been blessed with to come up with a word other than 'this is a meme'

>Black Magic
I guess shapeshifting counts for that.

Well, that's why it's speculation - I have a lot of ideas how it could work. Maybe it was just a surrogate summoning. Maybe they're from Aku when he shapeshifted. Maybe it's from their genetic material being left around everywhere. Who knows, save for the fact that they're all fucking DEAD in a few days.

Whatever it takes user.
Whatever it takes.

/r/ing template

I could see it, we'll probably find out before it's over anyway.

The comics aren't canon.

[citation needed]



i could do better but im too lazy
also could make a looping gif

>fucking a sexless amorphous demon thing

>Wanted to make Jack suffer more than just physical pain

>needed Jack to find and obtain the stone so he could smash it

>wanted to study Jack up close rather than spend all day watching him from afar

How is this so hard to understand?

This right here is why I think the Ikra theory might hold water. Aku would be hard pressed to avoid the triple despair inducing triad of Jack realizing he loved his greatest enemy long time, made an evil baby, and then didn't ever get to see it.

Jack wants to kill Aku both in the present and in the past


I guarantee you that Genndy doesn't remember that girl. Continuity is not his strong suit in the slightest.

Guess we'll see, not like he hasn't had a decade to think/forget about it.

>So what was the point of Aku doing this?

It's hot.

He is the absolute embodiment of evil. He saved Jack from the quicksand cause it would have been boring if he went out in such a shit way. He probably wanted to see the look on Jack's face as all his hopes were crushed.