What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Another yet-to-be-made-into-a-shitty-movie comic, only made so the move can say it was based off a comic.

See the Mark Millar/Hollywood circle jerk if you're interested.

Kick Ass 2

Chrononauts was alright


I thought it was pretty good, and even the sequels aren't even that bad.

I understand the appeal but I think it's too edgy for me. I remember reading that time the girl killed the stripper/hooker and actually thinking that the only reason it was added in was for the edginess.

Mark Millar

Kick-Ass 3 is alright if a bit self masturbatory, Kick-Ass 2 is pretty shit and would have been helped if Millar had used the rape scene from the movie. I mean, the whole scene was pretty dark as a whole, but at least stuff like the iCarly joke set a darkly humorous tone there, but then you have straight up rape and it's not played for laughs in any way... it's just weird and doesn't really fit with the kind of storytelling the series is going for.

Is Millar the best comic book writer ever

He sure seems to think so.

he's the only one to ever write a perfect issue of Superman

>Heroic pussy in the first book
Actually tried doing superhero work from a young sjw perspective

>2nd book still a pussy and somewhat more heroic
Started helping people out and did it a civilian sort of way and superhero sort of way

>3rd book pussy in it for the pussy
Completely shirks off his hero duties to get laid with some girl. Hit-Girl in jail, doesn't immediately bust here out cus of pussy/

They made him a cuck whose crush gets BLACKED almost a full decade before it was a meme

Taking 4-5 months for a issue of a less than 30 page comic was fucking horrible back around 2010ish!!! The Book was great despite Millar loving himself too much and doing too many fucking side projects!!!!
The film had a better ending for Kick Ass 1
The book had a better ending for Kick Ass 2
Shame they fucked up too much for a third film as I think the ending was great and made a lot of sense for Dave!


it wasnt even his girlfriend to begin with, she was already burning the coal before he became her beta orbiter

What issue is that? I'd love to read it!

to be fair it kind of made sense, Hitgirl was being raised with a really extreme and fucked up version of justice being fed to her


Kick Ass 2 went overboard in Millerisms.

I actually like KA3, it starts taking cues from the movie and ends up being a nice, uplifting end with decent character development.

well, ok!






Fair point but still
























what do you think?

Pretty good, user! Just what I needed!
Why didn't he ever get an assignment on Action or Superman?

he was a big deal after this/Authority, went to Marvel made the Ultimates, saved Marvel, made Civil War and all of his movie pitches but supposedly has a 200 page Superman story he wants to release one day that's gonna be perfect

I'm eager to read that if it ever comes out. When he applies himself he's already pretty solid.

Thanks for the storytime, m8!

It had little going for it beyond the initial premise. After that was wrapped up, it had nowhere to go that hasn't been done to death already.

no problemo user, the story makes me smile

>Chrononauts was alright
It was about as paint-by-numbers a movie pitch as you're gonna see.

But the Sean Murphy artwork was tight.

His Superman 2000 pitch was declined. Superman editors didn't want big names on the title at all.

I am fairly sure that all those formulas can be learned in High School.