How come ever marvel film features a flying portal/spaceship/whatever? Where's the creativity?

How come ever marvel film features a flying portal/spaceship/whatever? Where's the creativity?

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What, do you want Thanos to arrive in train?

best scene in the trailer

This is the face of capeshit
This is the face of Sup Forums

He can teleport across the universe, so he can arrive in whatever the fuck he wants

Where else would the robot space bugs come from?

for continuity sake?

>its an aliens invade NY episode
>its an alien ship causes destruction of a city episode
>its an Avengers fight a generic alien army episode

This looks a shitty rehash of the first Avengers movie


He can do that before he has the space gen or whichever pretty rock that does the thing?

No, but the trailer shows Loki literally handling him the spacy warpy gem

You're right OP he should take the Thanos copter there


Don't worry, the Avengers still have a secret weapon at their disposal

2:57 is the only bit worth watching

Shit in the sky is easier to composite

Ah okay so ship to Thor's ship then teleport to earth, gotcha.

Yea I was excited about this. I didn't remember them ever mentioning spider sense in the movie.

Because giant beam are mainstream asf

What did you seriously expect ?

They didn't mention it but you can tell he had it if you pay attention.

>it took spider sense to notice the giant fucking donut

Well it was behind him, to be fair. And really far away.


Not him, but honestly? After half a decade of build-up since Avengers (a full decade if you count the entire MCU), I expected at least an alien fleet showing up. Some sorta space battles.Maybe they're saving all that shit for the next one, but that's fucking lame. You don't build up an alien menace to the audience for years, then reveal them as just another army of generic grey ground troops, who just Zerg rush in a vast, open field.

That shit's so stupid, I'd rather watch Thanos fucking sit on his great-white-space-throne and bombard Earth with his giant shits. At least THAT'D be new.

And I'll add, I wouldn't mind this retarded reliance on archaic martial combat if the directors were like, actually any good at fight choreography, but I haven't seen an MCU fight scene that was more than adequate since Blonsky vs. Hulk back in fuckin' '08.

well nigga they have to get here from space somehow

The portal stone the collector has, so why doesn't Thanos have three. By the colors he has the one from Guardians and the Teseract.

Does the Collector not work for Thanos?

He had them in Civil War.