Suicide Squad #14 Storytime

"Burning down the house" part four!








I read this yesterday just sayin' there is a 10/10 page with digger at the end, hold on to your boomerangs








Brother Deadshot of the Most Sacred Order of Terminators?







this turn for digger feels way too forced. would make more sense if he dreamed of captain cold laying into him, at least then the rogue angle would explain it as more a sense of setting things right than a sense of guilt


What a surprise.

>“BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE” finale! Fueled by vengeance, Harley Quinn travels to Rustam’s stronghold to take on the traitor Deadshot and his entire team of villains all by her lonesome. But help comes from a most unexpected place in this thrilling conclusion to the most shocking Suicide Squad story of the Rebirth era!



>Next: The shit you just read in this issue.

thanks op, enjoying this arc a lot more then the previous ones.

Would of preferred if Waller had stayed dead thought because now it means Deadshot going turncoat was all for nothing

no pic of deadshots reaction; might suggest he was still following orders

unless he wasn't actually a turncoat and this was all a part of Waller's plan

Looks like "Harley exploded all those kids" is unofficially not-canon.

Yeah, and the ones you murdered played video games so they were all gamergaters and male and that's why it was ok. You SJW cunt and you SJW faggot author. Wanking to comics about dead kids.

sometimes you try too hard


Waller had Hack killed?

aye thats actually a good point

What happened?

During Forever Evil, she committed one of the greatest terrorist attacks Gotham City ever experienced.

i think she's still alive unless this was somebody else

thnx mayte

>there are people who thought she was actually killed

Waller is the type of character that defies death better than any other superhero.

would of been a good twist tho, i'm liking this run a lot but the immunity of the characters is annoying

plot armor is one of the leading banes of comicbooks

Sometimes you don't try hard enough.

>Harley Quinn and her Suicide Squad

Why does JRJR keep getting work? My cousin's kid can scribble better than this and she's only seven.
Sure, his DD work was good back then but now he's completely horrible.
He's so bad I don't even want to figure out a word worst than horrible.

He's fine with the right inkers.

He's bullshit all across the board. He's lazy and turns in pages only on his name. Nice trips by the by.

i would say its more if he enjoys what he's doing, he tends to rush on certain projects to do the ones he likes which is why shit like Last crusade or All Star were beautifully done, but his SS shit looks kinda sketchy in places

its an issue many writers who become known for a signature style fall into. they stop growing and instead their style devolves becoming more contrived as its just becomes a muddy mess. good artists shouldnt need to rely on inkers and colorist to make the page pop

not writers fuck, artists

He should shitting up the Big Two and go do something else. HashMOTHERFUCKINGTagFireRomita

Pure, Vigilant and Well behaved

remember how DC said in the PR material of Dark Days that it deserves the best artists?
I can't believe anyone would say this shit is good
or that there are still people who follow JRJR for his art