What does Sup Forums think of Lexington?

What does Sup Forums think of Lexington?

not as good as this guy

He's cute.

do you think their wings would be made of cartaligde, they are very flexable

How do their clothes work anyway? They turn to stone during day.

That he is one of the more baffling sources of 34.

He's like Gollum with wings.

which one, the Lady or Blue Ghost?

no hes like, frodo baggins with wings,

this thread is probably going to get deleted

Then they turn back at night. Same as anything else they're holding. It's magic.

I want to fuck them both. Right in their assholes.

I think it follows terminator rules, noting living their touching turns to stone, or thats connected to the ground,

furfags are so fucking disgusting

What the hell do furfags have to do with this?

Well, technically otherkin. There's a Venn diagram. Same general subset of degenerates, though.

Hudson's sword doesn't. The writing of this show is overall kinda shit.


Post a picture of those ugly cat action figure people at least.

its enchanted I guess

a floppy disk, truly a relic .

There was this episode where McBeth took some container from stoned Hudson.

I know that the comics had one of them come out as gay, which one was it?

Wait, what?

Is all of Gargoyles on DVD yet?