What if Luke and Leia fugged before they found out they were related...

What if Luke and Leia fugged before they found out they were related, and Leia was carrying Luke's unborn son on Endor when they found out about being siblings?

Ashamed and disgusted, Leia wanted to abort the baby, but since they were in the remote Ewok village on Endor with no medical tech at their disposal, she was forced undergo a primitive abortion procedure and it didn't take.

A barely human-inbred fetus was pulled from her womb, screeching so high pitched that it caused some of the Ewoks to turn on eachother. It was slapped against the side of a tree until the screaming fell silent. And there it was left laying, thought to be dead but reveling in its dark unnatural power. What if that failed abortion was Snoke?

even copy pastas are fucking awful in the capeshit era
I wish we had a separate board for anything disney or capeshit related at this point

i wish you would drink some bleach

it wouldn't make your post, which you have been spamming for the last couple of days, funny or worth sharing though
there's no humor in this whatsoever

I didn't post this. I just think you're a whiney bitch

>redditor doesen't understand humor
>he also doesen't understand ips

>le reddit meme
nice coping mechanism. still a whiney little bitch.

If your thread is so funny how come nobody posts in it but you and me?

>your thread
I already told you I didn't make it lol.
Are you incompetent as well as a fucking crybaby?

You do realize that posts from the OP don't bump the thread and using your phone is useless if it's connected to the same wifi right?

OP here, it really wasn't more, but watching this was funny.

nice of you to test what I just said about phoneposting, the autocorrect gave it away though

Funny, but it wasn't me and that was an honest to goodness typo.

What’s up lads, are we talking to ourselves

quality thread


Mental illness general?

Also he was sexually abused by a drunken Ewok stepfather and bullied by his Ewok classmates and brothers

Christ you are fucking dumb

How new are you? OP always can bump his thread after the timer expires. Go back to plebbit.
