What's his name again?



Duke Dirtfarmer.

Groundskeeper Willie


Luke Skywalker.

I miss you

Bigger Luuke

Fuck Disney BuT fuck George for selling his baby to those soulless fucks!


it's funny because each new film literally takes this approach, I'm not sure how much bigger a death star can get. I'm excited to see episode 9 just to see what nonsense they can cook up

Rey's Teacher

mark hamil

Anakin Starkiller.

Daisy Duke

Wreck-It Ralph?

Lord Hoth

Paul Atreides


Puke Gayfucker

Tony Harrison

Kimball Kinnison

Finn Galfridian

Duke Fartknocker

Dick moistureslave, actually... Did I just make a porno

Luke, did I ever tell you about your evil clone Luuke Skywalker? Luuke Skywalker was a genetic clone of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, grown from cells extracted from the hand Skywalker lost during his duel with the Dark Lord Darth Vader on Cloud City. Skywalker's hand and lightsaber were recovered by Vader and taken to Emperor Palpatine's Mount Tantiss storehouse on the planet Wayland. In 9 ABY, the insane clone Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth performed a mind trick on Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn's subordinate, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, ordering him to make a special clone for him. The clone that later became Luuke Skywalker was grown in secret from sample B-2332-54, the sorting code assigned to Luke Skywalker's hand. The clone was grown in a Spaarti cloning cylinder over the period of less than a month.

He was a good copy.

Dude Bladerunner

Biggs Darklighter

Sneed Feedseeder

Bigg G'eyfor-Yu

Janek Sunber

Luke, did I ever tell you about Eleodie Maracavanya? Eleodie Maracavanya was a human pirate ruler who was referred to variously by male, female and gender-neutral pronouns including "zhe" and "zher." After the fall of the Galactic Empire, Maracavanya and their pirate crew came to take control of the Annihilator, a Super Star Destroyer that once belonged to the Empire, which they renamed Liberty's Misrule. With this vessel under their control, Maracavanya came to be known as the "pirate ruler of Wild Space."

Zhe was a good friend.

>I am Ajedi Lyke Mypha Terbefom'ee

George Sithslayer

>fuck George for selling his baby to those soulless fucks!
>4 billion dollars to charity just to let disney make some shitty movies
You don't have to watch them.

Ekul Yksreklaw

Who would win: Luke Skyksekul or Rekl Awkwalker?


Cuck Skybeta

>not Soywalker

Cuke Kalewalker

Nice OC But Luuuke is better

Luke Cliffanger

Sporko baggins


Bigger Luke

Rey's bitch.

Nuke Skywalker

useless faggot who doesn't care about his friends
