Could the Turtles alone beat the Power Rangers?

Could the Turtles alone beat the Power Rangers?

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Rangers have access to zords so no.

Assuming no zords obviously

Still no.
Turtles are outnumbered.

So? The Turtles take down armies of ninjas at once all the time.

Rangers can take out various foot soldiers also.

>Power Armor(that spark shit that goes off when they're hit)
>Super strength(They can lift up cars like nothing)
>Guns, all of them have FUCKING GUNS and they're heroes so they don't miss that often

Even no zords they'd still win.

Looks like 4 v 4 to me.

wait, since when can the rangers lift cars?
i was just gonna come in here asking how do we know their strength levels? do they ever fight normal humans?

No, they don't. And it really depends on the series, but most of the time morphing only gives them extra agility. They've never been shown lifting boulders or anything.

All rangers draw power from the Morphing Grid, meaning they have similar levels of strength. In SPD, one of the rangers picks up and throws a car. In Ninja Storm, the rangers can move too fast to see anything but a colorful blur. One ranger could defeat every Turtle, their allies, and their enemies.

This. I don't know much about the Turtles, but I'm pretty sure they're nowhere near a Power Ranger. Depending on the Ranger, they can be practically OP.

Yup. Sixth Rangers are notably stronger, and Reds with Battleizers even more so. The Battleizer in Dino Thunder let the Red Ranger overpower a giant monster on his own.

Shouldnt we use the ninja storm power rangers for this?


Good place to start?


a Kudabot killed Shredder

>No, they don't
Yes, they can. Several version of the rangers are super humans even without the Morphing shit. I mean, one of the SPD rangers had molecular powers and shit

>No, they don't

Go watch the SPD episode where they frame a guy. I will wait.

Literally no.

It's like asking if Daredevil can beat Iron Man.


I like Trini's "RAAAGH CHECK OUT MY TITS" pose

Seriously, Sam was pretty freaking strong.

What really annoyed me was that he never used the ability where he stopped or slowed down time again after his first appearance.

He was not the main character

whats up with yellow ranger's tits?

Still annoying. He could've resolved pretty much every other conflict he was in that much easier, faster, and earlier if he had just remembered that he had it. Bad writing.