How easily could Aku kill Jack if he actually caught him WITHOUT his sword...

How easily could Aku kill Jack if he actually caught him WITHOUT his sword? Like it not even being nearby for him to salvage.

he's a shapeshifter who fought jack to a standstill WITH the sword. do you really have to ask?
if he wasnt toying with him he could pierce him through the heart with one finger like fuckin T-1000

Pretty easily. Jack has no way of deflecting or blocking his attacks without his sword, has no was of hurting him, and can only dodge him for so long before he gets tired. I mean even in the graveyard fight, Aku was still fucking around with him, since he wanted to kill him with his own sword, as a big fuck you to him. If he was actually being smart about it, he would have thrown the sword into space, or into the pit of hate, and just swallowed Jack up in a giant wave of dark evil goo.

Jack beats him every time with the sword. Where's this standstill coming from

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post?

>running away as a tiny rodent
>fighting to a standstill

>Jack's sword is the closest thing to an equalizer he ever had against Aku
Imagine if you removed a blackwidow's venom glands and fangs removed trying to kill or even harm a human... Yeah, by removing Jack's sword from the equation takes away Jack's edge and renders him useless against Aka (unless he a find another supernatural weapon).

>gets jack's sword
>decides to taunt him by killing him with it and proving that jack's "father is useless"
>toy with him the whole time, not even really trying
>near the end get annoyed and capture+down jack in seconds
>stab him with the sword only to realize it has no effect
>so shocked, irritated, and amazed that the sword can't harm him that he lets jack chop him up

You're right, it wasn't a standstill; if Jack didn't have the sword, Aku could curbstomp him in seconds. Jack only survives because Aku is either too afraid of the sword or too interested in mindfucking with Jack.

I think gods should made the man into anti-aku proof instead of the sword.

Or give him thor ability to summon his fucking sword.

Easily, we're he smart. But Aku is an idiot. His dread that Jack would hunt him all eternity would be replaced with elation that he's now powerless and he could torture and tease him forever. Probably eventually finding the sword and returning it through happenstance.

He would never do it. Jack is all that makes his existence bearable now. It would be like Batman killing The Joker. Without someone opposing him, Aku has no meaning. There is no shadow without light. Subconsciously, even Aku feels the need for there to be balance.

Extremely. But why would he want to kill Jack?

Jack can't be killed by his own sword as Aku unwittingly proved, but he was on the run for that entire episode and was ultimately captured before the surprise of being immune to the sword let him get it back.

Aku without his minions, superhuman strength, and in human form without shapeshifting is completely inferior to Jack without his sword. It seems that the sword itself isn't required to defeat Aku, but it is a major specialized asset that makes the job significantly easier. Aku has fought spirits that could seriously injure him before and has been forced to retreat from them.

If it was Jack without the sword vs Aku, Aku would have the upper hand. It might be a bit closer in the new season since Jack is far more experienced with a variety of weapons. Jack was already far more experienced in season 4 than he was in season 1, just comparing his first encounter with the Scotsman (who was his equal in every way) to his final encounter (where he could win in every competition with relative ease). Who knows where he's at 50 years later.

Post yfw this happened

>Aku has fought spirits that could seriously injure him before and has been forced to retreat from them.
Lol no, the water goddesses kept him out but that's it, he was never injured by anything other than Jack's sword.



I dunno if we assume that the Water Goddess is on the level or Rama/Ra/Odin then it should be able to harm him.


I know Aku is the ultimate evil, but he is a complete fucking doofus and the whole 'Brides of Aku' cult thing is too amusing.

Like bitch you gave birth to 7 kids for a dude who couldn't remember what conundrum meant and literally had to have himself remind him.

>Jack has no way of deflecting or blocking his attacks without his sword
Yeah he can. In the episode OP is using, he had a rusty sword and shield. He couldn't fight back at all, but he could block and deflect attacks

>Aku is geokinetic
>still gets beat by Earth Elemental

How embarrassing.


not canon anymore lol

That's not from the comics. It's from the episode where Jack joins the gangsters to steal the diamond for Aku