The Emperor

Is he one of the greatest villains ever


O hi Mark

He has the best theme at least

Palpatine did nothing wrong. (You) have to go back.

His character is a giant allegory for homosexual corruption. Because homosexuals cannot produce they must recruit. Thankfully Luke stayed loyal to the light side and didn't fall to the dark side, homosexual butt sex sodomy.

Darth Vader is basically a giant penis when you think about

And he uses a hot red penetrating rod

He was until the prequels came out.

Completely mysterious and pure evil.


>He was until the prequels came out.
He's great in the PT though. He's been written and acted character.

*the best

His character is pretty shit if you look at him on paper. But the actor just elevates him into legendary status.

He's a good villain, but not the best ever. Not even the best in Star Wars, Vader is the best

>brought order to a corrupt galaxy in order to prepare it for the vong invasion



That's because Ian McDiarmid is a fucking god.

Palpatine was a more terrifying villain before we knew who he was.

no vader...

True, but it completely removed the mystery. He went from enigmatic embodiment of the dark side to corrupt politician-turned-dictator

Vader is a more interesting villain but the Emperor performance in Jedi is one of the many highlights that late-90's born Soy-kin are obliged to ignore because they have to rank something from the OT lower than the other junk so that they look "well-rounded": Jabba's palace as an environment, the seamless cutting between three places and moods during the battle of Endor.

The most delicious dialogue delivered in any Star Wars flick is when the emperor gloats that he's anticipated Luke's nonsense and has laid a trap, "oh... I'm AFRAID, the deflector shield will be QUITE OPERATIONAL when your friends arrive..! :^3 " Good villainy, this.

wtf I hate The Silmarillion now

did you learn everything you know from a retired construction worker?