Lady Bird

I'm smart enough to know that 100% on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't guarantee a perfect movie, but I fully expected to at the very least enjoy myself watching it tonight.
I hated this movie. I actually hated this movie. If I hadn't been with friends, I would have walked out after ~40 minutes. I'm sort of glad I had to stick around though, because at least now I'm certain that no, the movie doesn't get any better by the end. I was bored, I was angry, I was confused, and I was genuinely trying to find what exactly people like so much about it. I have no answer to that question. Am I taking crazy pills? Why is this being rated so highly? Why did four of my friends like it while only one friend hated it as much as me? What am I not seeing?
WHAT IS THIS FUCKING MOVIE ABOUT? Is it about growing up? Then why does the main character literally not change at all until the very final few minutes? Is it about Catholicism or religion? Then why could nearly every location and character relating to religion be completely swapped out with a secular counterpart without losing any sort of message? Is it a love letter to Sacramento? Then why does almost the entirety of the movie take place in standard looking interiors and roads, until the very last scene where they flash images of Sacramento landmarks that never appeared in the film to trick you into thinking Sacramento played any role in the movie at all?

There are so many issues, I'm just going to start typing a list:
>entire thing is one long, drawling, never-ending act
>completely unlikable main character that I felt no attachment to, and not in any sort of interesting way. She's just annoying and has barely any character
>no sort of goal is set up at any point in the movie. Things just aimlessly happen. Having a movie that isn't plot-driven can be a perfectly fine decision, but the photography is flat, the acting is inconsistent, the characters are uninteresting, the dialogue ranges from shaky to downright infuriating with a couple clever jokes thrown in. So what, then, AM I supposed to be enjoying about the movie?
>pointless scenes existed just for the sake of some incredibly forced "deep" "quirky" dialogue line at the end
>constant awkward exposition in dialogue, sometimes explaining things the audience doesn't need to hear at all
>MC's relationship with her mom was terrible. It seems like they wanted some Gilmore Girl-esque mother-daughter banter, but then remembered that they're supposed to have a strained relationship, so every scene ricochets between the two tones as you watch both characters just be horrible human beings to each other. You can claim that's just how they're relationship is, but you can't expect the audience to go along with the emotional changes at such a rapid-fire pace without eventually tuning out.
>you know exactly how every new element and scene is going to end up (except for when the movie just awkwardly ends a scene early or completely forgets about a loose end)
>the film just completely forgets about the fat priest and nothing ever comes of his subplot
>the film throws 9/11 in your face to trick you into thinking it has anything to say about 9/11
>the film throws Sacramento in your face to trick you into thinking it has anything to say about Sacramento
>the film throws Catholicism in your face to trick you into thinking it has anything to say about Catholicism

100% on RT means it's either a meme classic or boring Oscar bait.

So, another thread of Sup Forums being Sup Forums, tiny little special soyflakes.

pretty much. this place has been completely overran by Sup Forumstards who will pretty much instantly hate anything about the female or minority experience

Guys, I'm begging you. Please explain to me what I missed about this movie. There must have been something I didn't see that everyone else did.
Fuck you. I'm not Sup Forums and the main character being a girl has nothing to do with my not liking the movie.

leak when?

It's just a cute coming of age movie. You'd probably like it if you didn't know it got good reviews.

> I was bored, I was angry, I was confused, and I was genuinely trying to find what exactly people like so much about it.

Try microdosing LSD. It lets aspies experience normal human emotions

I doubt that. I was actually physically itching to leave the theater past the 30 minute mark, I was so bored and irritated. I almost never lose patience with movies, even ones I don't like. The only other movie I've felt so allergic to was The Lobster
There are plenty of cutesy, not-so-serious coming-of-age movies that I really love. I really enjoyed that Brazilian movie The Way He Looks, for example. I even have a soft spot for Jeff Who Lives At Home despite its borderline embarrassing flaws. Lady Bird fails as a coming-of-age film because they explicitly show that she's learned nothing ten minutes before the movie ends, and her "growing up" is just going to church once, crying, and leaving a message on her parents' answering machine that sounds like it was written by any amateur taking college screenwriting classes.

You are so special, more than Armond, user
There, now you can go to sleep

>if you disagree with this rotten tomatoes score you're intentionally being contrarian
Christ, lad.

>hates lady bird
>hates the lobster

you're just a pleb user. it's not big deal. most people are.

>watching coming of age oscar bait

you should know better

100% on RottenTomatoes’ thought-terminating aggregator assures you that it actually can’t be a great movie because it wasn’t challenging enough for anyone to reject it

Seriously, go look at the highest scoring movies. I think the highest scoring film of 2015 was Inside Out. Think about that for a moment. Think about how banal and empty that piece of shit was and then reflect on the fact that it’s the sort of thing to find universal acclaim on RottenTomatoes

Fuck you, Inside Out was great.

This single post makes it abundantly clear just how shit this movie is: there’s not even a sentence that can be proffered in its defense without resorting to non sequiturs about racism

I hate how BPD and HPD are being normalized

OK, not my problem if you can't take that tip.

Did you cry when Bing Bong died, my good soy?
Did you like when the angry emotion getting angry at the sad emotion made the sad emotion sad?

To be fair, I turned The Lobster off after a scene ended with John C Reilly randomly saying "have you seen my leg," so maybe it does get better, but that movie was so fucking try-hard, user. It wanted to be quirky and odd so desperately that it tipped its hand and I felt like I could "get behind" the writing and tell exactly why every line was written and what they were trying to do. A dumbass layman like me shouldn't be able to do that, a movie should posses a sort of transcendent quality underneath it that defies complete understanding. That's what I look for, at least.

>smart enough to know
>reads reviews

Hi DCfriend



Post discarded.

No, your problems seem to go far deeper
When was the last time you had sex? Honestly asking, pet theory I’m working on

A long time, almost 2 months show results please.

I’m sure the teletubbies will be on in a few hours, don’t worry

Fighting the forced meme is the last good thing Sup Forums could go for.

Inside Out was like eating Pixar's recycling bin but I still agree with this post

I'm not surprised a person who uses the new hip reddit buzzword would know that.


Guys, remember “Moonlight”?

Didn't see it but I'd like to
Even if it just looks nice and well-shot, it'll have a leg-up on Lady Bird

What has the girl thing have to do with his criticisms ?

Why are niggers and roasties so obsessed with Sup Forums

well, according to RT "Get Out" is the greatest horror movie ever made. those ratings are pretty worthless is what I'm saying.

Why do people get so worked out over RT scores? 100% just means no one disliked it. It doesn't mean 10/10. A movie with 70% could easily have a higher rating than one with 90% etc.

It's about women, user. I wouldn't expect you to like it.

does she have any nude scenes

Is Shersha the Queen of Kino?

When I saw the trailer months ago, I predicted this would happen. I predicted it would be a mediocre, typical 21st century indie movie with all of the normal cliches. I predicted it would get rave reviews because “muh stronk womyn”. I also predicted she would win Best Actess, so expect that to happen.

Let me guess, the entire thing is Greta “finding herself” on film. Yuck.