Tim Heicucker

You think he would actually do it?

who cares

Now I know he got MDE canceled

it really baffles me how he could create the kind of content that he does and be this much of a faggot in real life

i know his work isn't high brow or "woke" or "redpilled" or anything, you could definitely make the argument that it's reddit and gay as shit in its own way. However, everyone i've known who likes his content has at least had periods of their life where they spent a lot of time on Sup Forums and fit into the kind of broad category of person that tends to come here. If i showed any of them his tweets they'd instantly think he's a faggot and lose respect for him just like i have. I don't get how someone who made such weird autistic childish shit could be such a basic preachy cunt and i can't see how any of his fans would approve of his twitter behavior

i'm not even a Sup Forumstard, it's not about his core views but the way he words his tweets and shit is just awful. Humor and politics can be separate but i don't get how he can take himself so seriously with the kind of content he puts out and this is coming from a fan

i'm legitimately disappointed in him and even now i want to believe that he's on another level of irony

He's being ironic ya goof

he's trolling, use your head. he's always been a master troll.

poltard detected, get back in your hole

it's always possible but i just can't bring myself to believe it with so little evidence

i haven't seen any tweet that's actually ridiculous enough or worded in such a way as to make it obvious although i guess that would be the point if he really doesn't give a fuck what people think

>Sup Forums - Twitter posts and us getting mad at twitter posts

kill yourself moron

>if you continue to provide a platform for someone who was accused of something I'm out

Liberalism is a mental disease

that's all well and good, but he should try being funny while doing it. playing a boring character is still boring even if he's acting.

Twitter is falling and losing subs everyday. Pretty soon regressives won't have anywhere to vent their frustrations at Drumpf voters.

when Twitter fails I'll have a good laugh and not care beyond that.

the saying is "if you're young and not a liberal, you have no heart. if you're old and not a conservative, you have no brain."
not a matter of being a mental disease.

He did the same to MDE.

You Know That You're Allowed To Like Somebody's Work Regardless Of Their Personal Beliefs?

No he's not. Read his twitter feed. He's jumping onto a bandwagon among Marc Maron and his other comedy peers.

the keyword there being 'rape'

Stop being offended by opinions.

>I wasn't responsible for canning wordl peace, goy. That's right. Also twitter is racist! If it doesn't stop being racist I'll quit!!


Hi Tim.

Does Tim know that? Because I think that's the damn problem.

Trumptards are a special kind of stupid.

After Tim joined that faggot Jash group he’s been insufferable. Eric turned out to be the more talented one in the end.

Of course he wont

Every one of them.

>carrying about alimony man post 2013

>that's the joke

he's not trolling, he just got old and mellow

he couldn't allow an accused serial mass shooter on the air.

blue-checkmark liberals' whole lives revolve around twitter. he will never permanently leave the site.

Why does the right pretend to care about free speech?

He's not mellow he's just crotchety old fuck now because of drumpf, so much so that his wife left him over it

>thinking thedonald is right wing
literally lmaoing at your life

>caring about politics

Still love On Cinema but yeah, real Tim has become a massive faggot.

No, you fucking idiot. You're the same kind of person who desperately clung to the idea that Sam Hyde was being ironic as he went further right. Just because he has a detached and weird persona in his comedy doesn't mean that he's so zany and ironic that he transcends being a human being with legitimate beliefs. This is Tim the comedian, not Tim the character, genuinely butthurt about something.

>Accused rapist and serial slanderer.

Lmao jesus fucking Christ. This is a new level of reaching it.
In their minds do their accusations carry any weight?

mike kikeovich losing twitter would be a great justice because it would bankrupt him

look what this fucking jew worm said today

This whole controversy is preposterous. These tweets are obviously ironic.

Why does the left think the President using the first amendment is grounds for impeachment? You'd think they'd be more inclusive since they like using that word a lot.


who the fuck cares, cernovich is a race traitor anyway why would anyone defend him

Tim should heed that advice himself.