Sup Forums posters you recognize. I'll start

Sup Forums posters you recognize. I'll start.
>That one MCU fan who always posts laughing Drax

>that MCU bitch that post always the same pics with the filenames

Shit Wars Guy

Is he still around?

>That one guy that hates DC crossovers with passion and does a thread per week on the subject.

Everyone knows Boco.

The guy that compares shows mostly a horse show to a show starting a purple dinosaur

That guy who really hates Teen Titans and at the same time, makes teenage-like arguments to defend TTG

>That purist who gets triggered every time someone mentions S3-S5 Gumball


That guy who posts bait for barneyfag

If only everyone knew the proper way to reply to Boco

that chick who did all the pornos

>that snyderfag that claims that Snyder is a modern Kirby

Oban Star Racer user's been pretty active lately

That one guy who only dumps images of waifus in dying threads

Turns out it's barneyfag that's doing it himself

That one tranny that acts as the Steven Internet Defense Force and defends Steven in every thread by being an asshat

>That one ideas-guy bitcoin user who barges in and tries to form a creative fanbase group to make OC in any Hanazuki thread whenever enough people show up to talk about it

>that one guy who uses the phrase "grimderp"

>that user who keeps posting threads about Lexington from Gargoyles
>that user with the deforestation fetish
>that user with the "waifu makes me mayonnaise sandwiches" fetish


that one guy who doesn't capitalize or use punctuation

I forgot
>That guy who shills his terrible vocaroos of Aku
Fuck that guy.

Haven't seen Dan Dashly around storytiming lately.

Shame really, guy's introduced me to a bunch of comics I wouldn't have found otherwise

>niggermancer on unsounded threads
>exclamation user and gunnershitfail user on the Gunnerkrigg court threads
>barney fag
I'm kind of hazy but they come to mind. Though most are gone now.

I always thought the last two were the same guy.

>that guy who leaks comics in monday or tuesdays, and Rich Johnston steals the exclusives from

>The guy that always posts "retard alert" every time someone mentions Al Ewing

>tfw Dan is dead
I'll miss frequent random non-Big Two comic storytimes.

Those tripfag dick suckers that appear in every thread to spread their lame ass memes instead of forcing user

>tfw Dan is dead
Wait, really?

Source: ________________My ass.

more of a Sup Forums and /tg/ thing, but the dudes (may or may not be the same person) who really like Draq and Mrs Arrow from F-Zero

>the guy who pretends that DC has never made a single good thing in its entire history

>The guy who responds to every SU thread with pic related

That user who really ships the two dudes from Fire and Ice.

>that one guy who won't shut up about his loli feet fetish

>the gwenpool fag
>the raven fags
>the tv posters

>that guy who sucked 37 dicks

Hm, guess these filters do something, because I haven't seen any of this.

At the same time?

pls dont boombezzle me like that user, i got too sad for a minutes

In a row?!

the Young Justice shitposter. tried to rally people against the show "save the board from this cancer"

he got publicly banned and got a sticky saying he was "divisive to the board and will not be tolerated."

It was hilarious. I wonder if that nutjob will comeback for season 3?

he's still around. did some Avengers Academy last night apparently

also the Jubileefag

>That guy who says Gwenpool is bad but can't provide a single legitimate argument to back it up
>That cranky user that hates crossovers, comics in general, request threads, and gets triggered by the word "fun"
>That sentryfag who shows up in every thread and only refers to the character as Bob
>That Maggie thread poster
>That Damianfag with the broken English
>That shitposter who claims to be a tranny and derails with sjw content to bait out Sup Forumslacks
>That femanon who will post their spoilered gender regardless of how relevant it is to the discussion

>>that user with the deforestation fetish
Murrlogic is hilarious fuck you

>that waifufag /k/ommando that shitposts in Bunnicula threads
>that user who shitposts the ghost from Brain Dump

I can't promise you that but if Boobanon reappeared then Dan is likely to return after he's done doing things College kids usually do these days besides fighting depression and starving.

>That one user that thinks DC should't have fun crossovers with Loony Tunes, Hanna Barbara, the Shadow because he doesn't like it and can't comprehend why others would enjoy them.

is it just me or are the Sup Forums poster kinda easy to spot with their method of shitposting?

>That user who hates S3-S5 Gumball and posts in every Gumball thread.
>That (now banned) Snyderfag who only used .jpg images.

The one guy who really hates "Damien" and Jason Todd.

I hope no one mentions me, I didn't ask to be annoying. It just happens.

>That guy who makes pipe threads every day.
>That guy who posts Kelly.

Don't worry user, we'll put up with you.

For now. . .

That gay guy.

Black conservative and the Venezuelan that show up in any thread that is vaguely about politics.

That one user who didn't ask to be annoying

You mean OP?

They are

>That user who always calls shitposting faggots hilarious
>That guy who comes into every jsanon thread to say OP is a faggot
>That Sup Forumsmrade who's posting about themself

>That one poster that runs with his arms behind him like Sonic or Naruto

>that crazy user who goes into incredibly long-winded misogynistic rants about how much he hates all female characters in fiction because they "get away with everything"
>gave Korra the creative nickname of Whorra

Haven't seen him around since last year though, so he might've gotten laid in that time.

That brazilian autist EC

>That guy who posts Heathcliff

Damifag loves them, though.

I have him on Skype. I only talk to him when I have a question about comics or someshit, but he's a super nice guy.

>That user that posts Heathcliff.

Actually cool Sup Forums posters:
>Norrin Radical
>Judge user
>Honorary Legionnaire
>Reburrth user

Nah my time has passed now, I only have moments to sperg out when someone happens to make a thread about something Sup Forums hardly talks about anymore.

Not horseshow related, because it seems people instantly think of it whenever an ambiguous "Sup Forums doesn't like it" post is made.

Gargoyles guy and Dragon Tales guy

>That user who thinks namefags are any better than tripfags

That annoying guy who tries to cram liberal opinions in non-political discussions and says "come on" at the end of almost every post.

>that one user who learned to double jump but refused to tell anyone how.

I did that in elementary school but had little to no knowledge of either. It was just fun

Is Greg still around?

>that guy who gets triggered by fart jokes in children cartoons.

>that bitch who always tries to discuss Bronze Age cape comics from the big 2 but the threads die in 10 posts

jk that's me

That one guy who starts milf threads with pictures of nichole

Judging based purely on deeds, Honorary Legionnaire is p cool, he at least storytimes some good shit.

Minifig is also alright despite being a tripfag.

I wish someone would mention me in a neutral or positive light. I'm grateful I'm not being insulted here like I am on websites where I have a name, but it'd be nice to be recognized by the community I've been a part of for the longest.

>All these posts about fags in SU threads
Thank christ I don't watch that show.

Fuck you, it was the one time years ago!

Do /swco/ exclusive posters count?

You have that /ss/ guy, the "what is she?" guy, the trans guy obsessed with Grand Moff Tarkin...

>that one user who self identifies as the board

Those guys usually storytime shit so they are Pretty Cool

Hell we had fuckin Trainwiz come in a few times to Prequel threads

>The hacker know as Sup Forums.

>the user lurking this thread RIGHT NOW to see if anyone talks about them
Sit up and put both hands on your keyboard

I thought that was Sandy

That one guy who starts milf threads with pictures of the mom from the Loud House

>>that crazy user who goes into incredibly long-winded misogynistic rants about how much he hates all female characters in fiction because they "get away with everything"
Many individuals think this

>that one mod/hotpocket that deletes Dreaming of Utopia threads

>That faggot that posts that Tails comic. You know the one.

The guy who wants to kiss Kamala

>more like SIDEKICKS, mother

TMSfag whenever there's a discussion about animation, unfortunately. He got banned two week ago but I saw him again pretty recently.

Scrapper whenever there's a conversation about Azula, he shows up to white knight for a psychotic villain in a children's cartoon. Or when the topic's about torturing small animals or raping little kids.

Hey Bocci Ball

The guy who thought his Dr Pig shit was funny and spent actual hours making weird videos because people kept feeding him praise.

The first thread was decent and unique in a time where threads are always WAIFUS, MAN or a contrarian thread, but it kept going and it flowed into other threads and was seemingly going to turn into channeltan-tier shit

>spent actual hours making weird videos because people kept feeding him praise.
I mean I thought they were kind of funny

I heard that Scrapper gets triggered with pics of rule 63 Azula or Zuko, but mainly r63 Azula.

Yeah, but this user had a specific, overly-dramatic posting style where he would emphasize random words in all caps and with usually have the phrase "fuck female characters suck" in his rants.

Channel tans are cool yo.

>that guy who keeps forcing nickelodeon shows