Was it everything you hoped for?

Was it everything you hoped for?

Yes, actually. It was an emotional rollercoaster of "Is Aaron getting good?" and "Oh, I see."


No because it just weakend Odinson's character more. You're telling me he's been having emotional breakdowns for the last 4 years because some crazy old man said a throwaway villain was right about some vague thing?

No wonder Mjolnir left him, he's a fucking pussy. Whor is best waifu and the superior Thor.

Isn't that dumb bitch dying of cancer because she won't stop being thor?

I wanted it to be "Thor will kill Jane Foster" and have it be technically true via cancer and femThor

A true hero.

Or "You killed Donald Blake"

Honestly I thought they would have fixed that by now. Have her go on some quest to cure it. I guess marvel wants to get more outrage coverage when they kill jane foster off.


My hope was Fury saying "Trans Fats were Poison."
And then Thor realized the weight of his crimes.

We all know she's going to die and it's going to be mock-tragic and it's going to be the biggest piece of shit ever. It will sell more comics than any Thor comic issue in 30 years.

>I still follow comics and post on Sup Forums but I'm way too tough and mature to care about the characters.

It's about time to re-examine your life son.

I mean... it's not terrible at the very least

Hey, he's not wrong.

I could care less about what Fury said. I just wanted Thor to get a hammer. And instead Aaron and Marvel cuck me. They wasted the whole series just to waste my time. Fuck them both.

Axe Thor > Hammer Thor

Eh. I think it could have been handled better.

I was trying to figure out what about that could have made him unworthy, ended up reviewing the Norse Virtues, and coming to the conclusion it probably has to do with him wavering in "Fidelity (Loyalty)" as determined by Odin.

He lost faith in Asgard and went over the edge and no longer say them as worthy of his loyalty as a cause, and that made him no longer worthy.

(The only explanation I could come up with that made sense).

Because he's lost selfconfidence before without losing worthiness.

That is the laziest horse-shit I've ever read, my eyes are bleeding for having read that, help me. You mean to say that an incredibly meme-y sound bite suddenly robbed Thor, bombastic hero-god of the storm, of any confidence in his place in the world. A three word, unsubstantiated affirmation from a power crazed madman, about another power crazed madman who he'd thoroughly trounced not long before, made for the express purpose of trying to make him feel bad. I feel like I'm reading the first page of an atheist's attempt at a inverted Chick tract.

For gods' sake, just admit you were making room for a female Thor and spare us the agony. If this made any sense whatsoever, Thor would've just let Gorr turn his head into a celestial salsa bowl when they fought the first time. Hell, if his self-esteem was this fragile I'm assuming one of Loki's withering remarks would've had him slitting his wrists in a rain-cloud and waiting to die about several centuries ago. Am I really supposed to believe that absolutely no-one questioned the legitimacy of gods in his immediate presence up until this specific point in time?

In a roundabout way he did. Gorr was right means no gods are worthy means Thor didn't see Asgard as worth serving anymore.


>About everything
>Gorr was right about torturing and killing gods and making a bomb to explode the multiverse
>Excuse me, I must away to kill off the rest of Asgard

I wish we could get a good Thor story again. Aaron Thor feels like it's ashamed to be Thor. On multiple levels, even. And Marvel Thor has absolutely been at its best when it's gone 100% for the craziness and spectacle of Thor and really tried to make an effort to write something that integrates and rationalizes all the shit Thor as a character is linked (the Norse gods, Asgard as myth, Asgard as sci-fi Viking realm, aliens, Marvel superheroes, etc).

People have often called Thor a Superman knock-off. I don't agree with that when Thor's done well, but Aaron Thor really does feel like that. In the same way as Plutonian or Huck or similar, if you get me.

Yeah. And I'm saying thats the one way I can explain how this panel makes any sense, for why Thor would be deemed unworthy for that.

I still feel like the buildup and delivery were weak though.

in all honesty, Fury would probably choose to kill all gods if he could

They were exceptionally weak.I think sounds it out exactly. It is really depressing in a "make sure to keep buying my book" way too.

Sure, I can totally buy that and that could be a fun thing to write out as a story. But this as the reveal is pathetic.

It still doesn't make any sense.

Either Thor is an easily manipulatable idiot and never even had that niggling thought until he heard it then and decided it must be true because Nick Fury said it, or he'd thought it over and already came to a conclusion, in which case the hammer should already have left him.

I was thinking more "He was on the fence and having doubts, and when Fury agreed with those doubts he gave in."

What kind of weak-willed pussy is Thor that having his enemy just say something makes him give in and agree. Not prove it, not argue for it, but just SAY it. And this isn't someone he's close with, or someone he looks up to, this was the crazy man on the moon that was at that point his enemy.

Like, if I was having doubts about Christianity, and then I decided to go the full hog and become an atheist because I heard a guy walking down the street say God wasn't real.

As I said. Weak assed delivery.

But its the only explanation I've been able to come up with for this that makes any fucking sense at all.

>ended up reviewing the Norse Virtues

takes 5 mins to read a comic when its storytimed here once a month.

Page didnt make any sense. Started to look up explanations for what the fuck the writers might have been trying (badly) to pull off.

You sound like some Asatru fag who doesn't realise this is a comic.

no, can't be because that would have been GOOD.

but why would one fundamentally opposed to your worldview-line make you switch your worldview in a heartbeat?

I feel like this payoff would have been stronger if it was much, much closer to the actual God Butcher storyline.

Like, by two or three years, minimum.

Aaron just tries so hard to be edgy but in reality he just has no ideas.

Also if there was something in God Butcher that would have made thor think gor might have been right. As far as I remember there wasn't.

Maybe a storyline in between these two stories, where Thor sees the gods do something especially reprehensible. Something like that.

Nope. Comics fan who read the comic, thought. "Wait. This doesn't make any fucking sense, why the fuck would this make him unworthy" and started hunting for explanations.

It seems a little ridiculous. Thor shouldn't be so rattled by Gorr "being right" after spending years across space and time fighting the fucker. Every time they fought Gorr kept telling Thor gods were vain. Hell, Gorr even showed Thor that gods are selfish. It didn't affect him then, why should it effect him when Fury says it? Fury just told Thor he was vain, as if people haven't said that about him before.


This is not a *bad* idea in theory, Thor losing all belief in gods and stuff, but it's just so badly delivered.

>literally the equivalent of whispering "Hitler was right" to a jew

Oh fuck me Original Sin was like 3 years ago!

If only the results were the same.

We'd get a all new all different Jew who undeservingly get the powers of the original Jew?

It would have to been pretty much straight after. Not only was this left dangling for three years, it's an outright advert for the successor story to God Butcher. It should have just been the successor story.

Makes no sense, it didn't make him unworthy while he was fighting him why would it now

Something about Fury saying it meant it was the absolute truth, whilst when Gorr said it it could be dismissed as mad ravings. It was a very stupid explanation

No because it didn't only affect him but also made Odin unworthy somehow. It didn't make sense and was obviously thought out halfway through Jane's Thor run.

It's just the usual "Let's forget how to get from x to y, we just want y as the new status quo so fuck the details".

Everything and less.

To explain the Odin part they came up with the super storm background which really doesn't fit into everything before jane thor.

No. It sucked as usual.

That's the Chinese.


Chink genocide when?