The action scenes weren't that bad, the fuck are you guys bitching about?

The action scenes weren't that bad, the fuck are you guys bitching about?

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I actually liked the fight against the drunk guy in episode 7

Care to expound on that, nigger?

I agree, and that's what is frustrating about this series. There are flashes of cool ideas throughout, but they get extinguished by whatever is bugging Danny Rand at the moment.

The drunken master, the idea that the Hand has various factions with competing goals, and even Meachum drama was great, but that only makes up a fraction of the show's overall blandness.

>Care to expound on that, nigger?

I already did, it's not that bad.

I mean, it's not anything spectacular, but I'm not going to Netflix to look for spectacular action. It's pretty okay. Definitely not bad enough for it to be deemed "The worse Netflix show of all time!"

Come to think of it, did Jessica Jones even have any action scenes? She'd just show up, punch something, then leave.

You don't expect good action from JJ though. It was about other things, and it did alright by them.

>There are flashes of cool ideas throughout
Yeah but the execution was shit so in the end it's actually pretty enraging.

No, I didn't. I didn't have any real issues with Jessica Jones. Well, at least, didn't have any issues apart from the issues that I had with Alias.

But that show seems to be praised while Iron Fist seems to be shat on.

I'm bitching about the new fans who will say they've always loved IronFist and that he's been their favorite "for years" but don't know what Chi-Lin is and will vehemently deny his existence until he appears in the Netflix series.

Get some fucking standards.

So will you get all up in arms about fans who are mad about K'un Lun being tied into the Hand for no fucking reason?

No one is bad-mouthing the fight scenes in Jessica Jones because she doesn't give a shit about martial arts in the comics. She's a private eye alcoholic.

The reason why people even like these Netflix adaptations is that they try to keep true to the spirit of the characters and the world they live in. Luke Cage was kind of a mess but at least I respected that they tried to go down the blaxploitation/grindhouse feel. The whole point of Iron Fist is that he's a love-letter to 70s kung fu, and all the cool trappings within. Those things get lip service at best in this series because they were on a deadline and they didn't want to put Finn in a costume, so no stuntman either.

Instead you get get more vague shit with the Hand, Danny being an indignant child about everything, and WASP-y drama to pad things out (and yet Ward Meachum turned out to be my favorite character). Look at all the fucking cuts they did because they couldn't train Finn to properly choreograph a fight.

Fucking Arrow executed these shit better in its first season. That is shameful, man.

Yes and no. Yes because that's retarded stop that and no because this tire-fire is already more than I expected of the modern reintroduction of one of my favorite Marvel Knights.

That's weird, usually Marvel fans are very fond of Shi-Lling.

>no because this tire-fire is already more than I expected of the modern reintroduction of one of my favorite Marvel Knights.
Get fucked. Just because you didn't think it wouldn't happen, doesn't mean you can't hope it would happen well

I'm not most fans, and not all Marvel is about my select band of my all-time favorite underground heroes. I award you a (you) for the proper as fuck Carlos use though.

That's because JJ was about something and did better at delivering on it's intentions than IF did.

Danny Rand's fights in the show never gave the impression that he's one of the best martial artist in the world.

Also the use of the Iron Fist was boring except for the floor explosion in the last episode.

>Also the use of the Iron Fist was boring except for the floor explosion in the last episode.
This. And even then, it was just a hand with a light in it. The dude in the comics has fucking flames and shit.

That's actually all I'm clinging on to at the moment. I'm hoping maybe they'll iron this whole business out when he goes and brainpans a Dragon or 2 to learn how to be an actual hero. Right now he feels a lot more like a generic assassin than Iron Fist to me cos he's not really the glowey, magic fueled Jet-Li just yet.

Dude. Don't cling to hope that isn't there

I know in my heart of hearts that you're right, user, I just don't want to believe it.

I openly fear that my main man Moon Knight is very possibly next in line to be crucified for children to digest

They were edited and directed like shit. Too many cuts. Some cuts were half bit too early or too late, showing the actors still for a moment before doing the action.

And since the blaxploitation theme worked well for Luke Cage, there was a half-assed attempt at homaging the old kung-fu movie style, with the split screens and the zooms and shit, but it was only in like 2 or 3 fights, and shoddy as fuck.

Also Finn was given like 3 weeks to train, and very little time to learn each choreography before shooting it, and it fucking shows.

Sure that was great have a couple more but have lots horribles, the corridor scene, that in the basement of the hand the figth with Davos, had better scenes Collen, and is fucking sad

It's alright I guess.

People watched Daredevil too much so expected the same quality, instead they got rushed scenes where the camera couldn't stay in place long enough to even see the punches land. Even Arrow puts more effort into the fights then this does.

They weren't bad...they were horrendous.

They really need to stop putting the camera inside of a tumble dryer during fight scenes, How hard is it to keep the camera steady on an angle that makes it easy to see what's going on.

Jessica Jones wasn't trying to be an action show. Iron Fist was and it had pretty lazy choreography with really shitty performances. Watch something like The Raid if you want to see some action scenes with speed and power behind the choreography.

>The action scenes weren't that bad

one of them had almost 2 cuts per second

>makes it easy to see what's going on
But they don't want you to see anything. Because the actors are bad at it. It's not just that they don't know how to film it, it's that they're actively trying to hide the bad fight choreography.

It's basically the equivalent of artists cross hatching like crazy to hide their poor understanding of anatomy.

Honestly I expected better fight scenes like daredevil level at least. But Howard and wards character dynamics kept me interested the whole way through. Episode 1-3 were kind of weak though. If he cleaned up and went to the lawyer first all that mental hospital nonsense could have been avoided

I just finished the final episode.

>Final fight of what is ostensibly a kung-fu show is a pair of guys awkwardly flailing at each other with pipes while shouting b-movie oneliners.

>Ward Meachum turned out to be my favorite character

Because he has pathos and a compelling character arc, unlike everyone else in the series.

I want the season to be rebooted either as

>Iron Fist
>Danny spends the first half trying to get revenge against Howard, who he saw kill his dad
>he succeeds, gets his company back
>second half is him realizing that the Crane Mother and her society have hands into his company, and struggles to basically say "the Iron fist is here now. Get out of my city".


>Meachum, the series
>a family of rich people have a weird bu efficient system where the dad manipulates in the shadow, while the son suffers and his sister is oblivious
>a hippie idiot shows up to mess the fixed order
>you watch as this event makes the family dynamic change, and the children evolve


Guy just couldn't catch a fucking break.

Man I thought there would be a final boss fight in the end like how most Kungfu movies go. I thought that would be Bakuto but it's Colleen that fought him. Then i wondered how are they going to have Harold fight karate kid to death and you know how disappointing that turned out.

Bruh moon knight could become netflix's version of legion except instead of Bollywood dancing and singing we get ultra violent fight scenes

>Too many cuts.
Just sucks when compared to Daredevil which was known to have especially long shots with well hidden cuts. I guess not having Jones in a hoodie/mask/costume didn't help either.

>I guess not having Jones in a hoodie/mask/costume didn't help either.
I loved their reasoning for it too.

>I thought that would be Bakuto but it's Colleen that fought him

>Davos is like "this is her fight"
>Are we a shonen manga now?
>tfw Davos was the one to kill him anyway

>"he doesn't have any reason to!"
And I know some are gonna say "he isn't the Iron Fist yet! His trainign isn't over!"

If he can beat Shou Lao, and go around repeating that he's the Iron fist 40 fucking times, he can wear the fucking costume.

I mean ward was a bit of a cunt. He could have done 2 things follow along and trust his dad or tell him to go fuck off.

>I mean ward was a bit of a cunt.
He was basically your typical psychopath abused by his daddy.

I was kinda annoyed by Danny's inconsistent powerlevels

E.g. When he was being chased by armed gunmen in the parade he swiftly disarmed and incapacitated them. However, in the medical document storage room scene and hachetmen attacking Joy scene, he really took his time. It just seemed like that was so that the documents could be burned and Joy would be punched, just for the sake allowing the plot to continue.

Also, if he could meditate away the spider poison in the duel, why couldn't he do that with the mental hospital drugs?

I dunno I felt a bit sympathetic for Howard. Literally built everything for his kids to succeed and ward was fighting him every step of the way.

Iron fist wasn't Asian.

Brown bad guys going into white cities and corrupting youths.

Female sidekick is a nurse caregiver.

Other sidekick gives loyalties up to join white male in crusade against brown villian.

Turns out white villian wasn't that bad and gives 1%er job to white hero.

They applied the action hero rule, where he's very efficient when many opponents are there, but he suddenly can't handle himself when there's just one.

It didn't make sense in John Wick, and it doesn't make sense here.

I think John Wick did it better. With 1 exception in the second, as long as he has a gun he mows through enemies. Hand to hand they have a much better shot.

I think up until episode like 10 fighting wasn't anything bad definitely, but I thought all fights against Bokuto were really sloppy and fight against Harold was a joke.

Overall, I enjoyed Iron Fist more than Luke Cage, I can't think of a single decent thing that one had.

True true. I mean, Wick was miles better than this obviously.

Besides, you're right, Danny is extremely inconsistent, but so is the rest of the plot and characters, so in the end the whole series is filled with stupid inconsistent shit.

I actually got mad at Claire when they went to "China". They told her not to come, she insisted, but then complained. It was supposed to be played for the laughs, but the rest had been so irritating that it just broke the camel's back for me.

It was such a tiny thing too...

>tiny thing
Claire was a fucking contradiction throughout. You can tell they had no fucking idea what the fuck to do with her, because she is a nurse, who saw Coleen Wing getting cut in a sword fight, who saw that these crazy chinks have poisoned weapons and not even fucking once she decided to take a look at Coleen's cut during they flight back to America.

One tiny thing that annoyed me was that I couldn't understand Finn Jones' Mandarin. Kingpin(D'Onofrio)'s Mandarin was spoken like how a 3 yr old would speak but at least I could make out what he was saying, but Jones' was just gibberish.

According to a guy on video I saw, who speaks fluent mandarin : "that shit was so bad. It's not even how you pronounce that word!"

So you're not alone.

I remember thinking "oh he speaks chinese, that'ss neat...does he speak it like he fights tho?"

Turns out he does.

Luke Cage had a better everything.

I was utterly bored by absolutely everything except the songs.

>The action scenes weren't that bad
They really weren't that good
Maybe the base choreography wasn't terrible, but the actor who played Danny felt sloppy and slow
You can see this when Danny is learning how to regain his Chi with Bakuto, Danny's movements are more open and flowy than Bakuto's, whose movements are tight and condensed
The choreography doesn't really look like real fighting, instead of looking like they are reacting to each other's moves. The exceptions to this are the fight with the russians and the fight with the weapon master (kinda)

Also, how can Danny fight huge swaths of people but he can't fight the Chemists bodyguard well enough for him not to get stabbed

>Joy leaves her dad because he stabbed Danny in the back.
>two scenes later and she's planing to kill Danny

Is the characterization as nonsensical as I think it is or did I miss something?

You didn't miss anything. The show really is that bad.

Fun fact, the guy almost became Danny Rand. He did his own stunts so fights with him would have been more exciting than 15 minute choreography.

What kind of logic is that?

If they picked him, we would've been watching his 15 minutes choreography fights.

Also, he didn't "almost became Danny", he just auditioned.

He would've been a better Danny Rand than Finn Jones for sure.

Well, if he would've been, why didn't they pick him when he auditioned, then?

Eye shape.

He got several callbacks which means he was considered.

Because they made a mistake, obviously.

>"Ay, we can't let you be Danny because being martial artist is not an actor maker, but we have a role here..."
And that's how he became drunken master.

So, same people who hired actors who played Ward, Colleen, Faramir made a mistake? Yeah, right.

>same people who hired actors who played Ward, Colleen, Faramir made a mistake?

>So, same people who hired actors who played Ward, Colleen, Faramir made a mistake?



When they do the iron fist costume, i kind of hope they can get the costume designer from strange to do it.

I almost feel the outfit should be a variation on one of the magician's eastern/monk-y style outfits rather than the bruce lee skin suit.

Based Ike will tell them to dress him like Bruce Lee just to piss off the liberals.

Well the


about the action

scenes was


they coul-

dn't go

more than

a two sec-

onds without

a jump
