Why did they CGI The Rock and Vin into the scene together? Couldn't they just shoot it at the same time?

Why did they CGI The Rock and Vin into the scene together? Couldn't they just shoot it at the same time?

They actually hate each other IRL because the Rock is deeply homophobic.

That and he’s trying to take the franchise away from vin.

The Rock is gay.

this is the worst meme

That is you


I don't think it's CGI. Looks way too perfect to be fake.

are they supposed to be facing each other, or standing parallel to each other?
I'm genuinely confused.

The rock was caught red-handed destroying kevin spaceys asshole in his trailer. Vin is still heartbroken

Stop this meme already. They are standing next to each other.

Facing each other, but Vin is at an angle.

Why is the rock shrinking?

Their contracts didn't have a re-shoot clause so it'd have cost them $2 million to do this scene again, not worth it

parallel, even though it was weirdly shot and kind of looks like a boffed perspective shot

It's not CGI, but Vin is kneeling.

Disliking something doesn't give you a phobia.




hurrrrrr i care where people put their dick but it's totally rational durrr