Redditor soyboy gets a tatto from the movie Arrival thinking it means Human

>redditor soyboy gets a tatto from the movie Arrival thinking it means Human
>it actually means Louise

Reminder to never get a Sup Forums tattoo

Other urls found in this thread:

i dont really think that its a boy

it is a boy that had a few soy drinks, nothing out of the ordinary

Absolutely goyish

i have really skinny wrists and there is no remedy

its soyish as in "soy" fucking soyboy newfags

its a coffee ring

Faggot reddit shit
>it's nothing.jpg

Just cause you have skinny wrists doesnt mean you should have soyboy forearms like in OP pic.

Easy fix. Just get another head on there and say it's ouroboros.

>hey goys look at this ebin retard I saw on r/donald
Fuck of with this gay bullshit. I say that as someone who voted for Trump twice. Sage.

>another head

Ouroboros is a snake eating its own tail

Start squeezing nigger

Close enough

time to change her name i guess

Time for gender reassignment surgery


Imagine being a guy and having these arms

What's the symbol for human anyway?
As far as I remember they are all circles with shit in them, he can probably modify it

>thin wiry appendage of a gaunt, anemic soyboy.

>you share the planet with "people" like that

Why do people use question marks when they make statements? Is that upspeak in text form?

What's that symbol?

Pretty much. I've seen 30 year old guys who work as attorneys use that shit and it baffles me.

"But it doesn't?" Is NOT a fucking response.



In america they tattoo dogs when they get neutered

It means the dog is castrated.

Because it's been done for centuries. It's not new. When you're unsure of your response, you can add a question mark insyead of another phrase explaining that you're not sure about your response.

What an idiot. At least he could've done some research into the actual meaning of the heptapod symbols.

It’s how women speak? And numales have, like, adopted it?

get a load of this cuckold faggot

>believing in the gripjew


its just shorthand to represent confusion.

its like asking someone a full retard question and they respond with '???'

Weird fact (backed up by own experience). A neutered dog can still have erections, he just can't procreate anymore. My neutered dog used to wake up with a giant boner and tried to hump every female dog he saw and he was fully castrated. There's a name for that, I forget what it is, but basically the adrenaline glands take over the functions of the testes (except producing pserm, of course). It also happens in humans when castrated before puberty. That's why, in the past. castros were deem safe for women to fuck: they could still get it up but couldn't get them prego.

WEW it's another fat betas pretend they are manly and that being overweight isn't the real result and definition of being a soyboy thread.

This guy looks pretty lanky but the truth is he's probably higher t than anyone posting in this thread that has a 20% + bodyfat. Which is likely all of you. Giant faggot for getting a tatoo though.

Estrogen=higher bodyfat, Testosterone=Low bodyfat


>but what if I drive

It's literally how weak submissive people talk. They can't be caught saying something affirmative because that would be toxic masculinity mansplain or some shit

>Americans need to tattoo dogs to tell they're castrated

You can't make this shit up


You call that Driving?
THAT's Driving:

>getting something from a tv show / movie tattooed on your body forever

American consumerism was a mistake.

>not tattooing yourself with "abbot is death process"

Actually its just how people talk that aren't sure of themselves?

>3 cheeseburgers with only cheese
Fucking subhuman.


What's the confusion? Shanonlee did the research and found the answer. She should know. Besides, in my experience, when someone wants to express uncertainty, they put the question mark in parenthesis. Like this(?) So it doesn't read like upspeak.


Hey it's the guy from the OP, did you get it fixed man?

Maybe in the cucked regions. Everywhere else speaks normally.

It's honestly a quick identifier especially with spayed dogs. Also when some dogs get neutered the sack doesn't deflate so you can't honestly tell unless you want to feel around down there.

Yes, which fits unmasculine numales to a T.


kino quote

Americans were a mistake.

Arrival is so overated. It's just a fucking Twilight Zone episode stretched for 2 fucking boring hours.

Why do Porgs (chads) trigger men of soy so much

>think i'm getting a cool tat of a rockstar
>turns out it's actually a criminal


Start deadlifting

Rate mine, boys.

>nonstop flurry
don’t tell me that’s an unlimited mcflurry

>browsing reddit
Get the fuck out faggot


>Getting a pop culture tattoo
Even tribal tattoos are in better taste.

Really makes you think

It´s just a made up shit from an okayish movie. What the actual fuck ? Does this guy thinks he is "deep" now or what ?

(?) in writing means uncertainty, yeah, you see it a lot in written responses to the writing of other people. Which is odd because (!) usually means sarcasm and no similar implication.

Putting questions marks at the end of sentences is because of retardation like upward inflection and how people are introducing how they speak verbally in their own writing (like misusing commas when they want to stress words or pause). Usually it's when people are being sassy or insecure about a statement or just trying to put as little weight as possible behind what they say, like how kids will answer a teacher half questioningly if they're unsure.

It's retarded but give it time and it'll become commonplace, just like 'could/would/should of' is.

Earliest use of the term was on this board, Reddit just stole it, like everything else

>movie is from last year and everyone forgot about it already
>better get a tattoo of it


My beagle's father had a tattoo from hunting school. It's pretty normal and a tattoo is way more humane than branding.


I don't care where stupid meme words come from I just use them to annoy people.
And oh boy do soy boys get triggered by it.
You must be clinically retarded to actually care about some imaginary internet war between Sup Forums and whatever other website

here's my tattoo
>sisters and I have talked about getting Akira inspired tattoos for ages
>my one sis went through, got Kaneda looking stoic on her bicep
>I can afford a tattoo myself
>decide to get the 'capsule' from Akira
>tattoo guy doesn't get the reference but he says he can do it
>says the minimum size/cost gives me two capsules
>go with black
>plans are to have one red/white, one black/white, one yellow/black (for equipment operation) and one green and purple for Thanks Doc
>ends up looking like some nebulous redpill/bluepill tattoo and I have to cover it up half the year anyway because I'm in the north

and that's my story

there are no muscles on the wrist

Based Mads is a smoker.
What brand do you think Hannibal would smoke?
>inb4 he would probably roll his own, and grow his tobacco

r_the_donald invented it on reddit and started to use it here
But go ahead and deny it :)

>redditor soyboy gets a tatto from the movie Arrival thinking it means Human
>it's actually just a scribble made by some artist with no internal logic so it means fucking nothing

Meh, my Kinski tattoo rocks

Is that a bro team tatto on your forearm?

>>plans are to have one red/white, one black/white, one yellow/black (for equipment operation) and one green and purple for Thanks Doc
That sounds retarded

Cool Doc Mario tatoos bro

Horrible work

I wouldn't fuck with this nigga.

>getting a tattoo on a hairy part of your body
why nigga

It's Kojima boyfriend. He took the pictures

You make poor decisions in life


Are there any tattoos that are just aesthetically pleasing/enhance the look of a body?

Looks faded. Like a tattoo on an old dude.

>got it in Columbia

Former Columbia resident here, that's pretty much par for the course. You'd be hard pressed to find a worse city in the midwest **that isn't chimpcongo or saint louis**. 99.9 percent of residents are dumber than shit alcoholics or filthy ghetto niggers. Fuck Boone County.


Nice. Based Mads.

Kojima is living the dream.


triggered soyboy detected

at least get something cool

any tattoo in the right context