Christopher Nolan points out the biggest difference between his Batman films and the other DC films

>Nolan thinks he knows why his films were set up to succeed compared to the results we’re seeing now with Batman V Superman and Justice League.
>While speaking at the BAFTA: A Life In Pictures event in London, Nolan pointed out something he was awarded for his films that the current crop of directors isn’t receiving according to i09:
>“That’s a privilege and a luxury that filmmakers aren’t afforded anymore,” said Nolan. “I think it was the last time that anyone was able to say to a studio, ‘I might do another one, but it will be four years.’ There’s too much pressure on release schedules to let people do that now, but creatively it’s a huge advantage. We had the privilege and advantage to develop as people and as storytellers and then bring the family back together.”

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He's not wrong. The real problem is Zack though. And Eisenberg.

What's this pathological hateboner? JL was proof DCEU is nothing without Zack.

t. brainlet

But the third film was absolute shit.

bane was the greatest meme of our time you soy boy

You think there was a good movie underneath the studio meddling? I don't. I've seen BvS, 300, Watchmen, and Justice League. Thought they were all trash. The man is a bad director.

>shit overrated fuck talking about shit overrated fucks

who cares

He's right, though Snyder had three years to make BVS and he still fucked it up.

ledger death + he was rushed to finish it :^)
we would have gotten more joker kino if not

>my taste is shit look at me a cocksucker
We get it

Apparently you

>why his films were set to succeed
>the dark knight rises was shit
Opinion discarded

The studio was also smart enough to sit back and let Nolan do his thing for those 4 year intervals. They didn't force any expanded universe bullshit or even set up for sequels. Each story was relatively self-contained.

The first hour of TDKR was pretty damn good. The film turns to schlock after bane breaks Batmans back

Nolan's movies are crap and he can't write

He made a far better film than expected out of a source material that has Superman be a Reagan puppet and Batman as an indestructible Gary Sue. Snyder made a film for both Batman and Superman fans and successfully debunked the necessity of a fight between these two.

I don't think he's a bad director. He's more like one of those directors that needs a good writer to back him up. He's had none of that with the DCEU films.

>JL was proof the DCEU is nothing without Patty Jenkins

t. someone who didn't see Dunkirk

actually i did
it's his best movie
but a solid turd in a bucket of diarrhea isn't very impressive

But Watchmen is good though. The only bad scene in the entire film is the sex scene

What a stupid thing to say. Can bet a good amount of the posters ITT are the same people supporting Kevin Feige's cancerous anti-director practices.

He needs a lot more than a good writer. He needs someone to tell him his cgi action scenes look bad and his music choices are too blunt. If he went back to more source material like Watchmen and Sucker Punch (which is a terrible film, but could've been good) he could make some cool films, at least on a surface level

it made a shtitload of money and received good reviews, noone cares about the opinion of basement dwellers posting on a taiwanese basketweaving netspace

No. The new shill meme is that Snyder was never good and we must repeat this often enough so eventually lies are accepted as truths. Don't disrupt agenda.

If it's nothing without him, then it was mediocre at best *with* him.

Look at his successes and failures

>Zack Succeeds! Studio likes him!
Dawn of the dead: Remake -- didn't really have to write anything.
300: direct graphic novel adaptation -- didn't have to write anything, and didn't really have to storyboard anything either. Didn't even have to come up with the idea of doing this because Robert Rodriguez did it first.

Watchmen: more or less the same deal as 300, except that he deviated from the source material... and where he deviates is where it sucks the most.

>Zack fails. Critics hate him!
Man of steel
JUSTice League

Now he actually has to come up with his own story, his own plot, his own thematic structure, his own ideas....

and he fails. One, two, three times. The first two times he still made some money and was able to ride on his past reputation (deserved or not) or the franchise fans... but at the end of the day someone really should have put two and two together and figured out that for all his editing and photography chops, Zack Snyder cannot tell a story to save his fucking life. If there's anyone in need of a screenwriter and an executive producer to put him on a short leash, it's him.

to this day that shit occasionally pops into my head and just ask myself why. for what purpose?

>user hates Nolan for being a tv-tier piece of shit loved by """""film buffs""""" despite his incompetency of writing, action, visual coherency or humanity and his obsession with inane, sterilized and mindless violence
>"He must like Kevin Feige and his band of actually television directors!"

>the opinion of basement dwellers posting on a taiwanese basketweaving netspace
I'll save this

Compare Snyder's direction in BvS to any MCU film and it's obvious Snyder is held up to impossible double standards and hypocrisy. How many critics forgot to point out the laughable CGI airport scene in Civil War but will relentlessly attack Snyder for the least misstep?

JL is proof that Zack ruined the DCEU

It has many plot holes but it was enjoyable and gave us the big guy

Yeah Whedon really did well raping the film with offensive quips.


what is it like to be so abysmally stupid and have e-speak as your personality

I still don't understand why people here have an issue with the airport scene. It looks fine.

>the greatest meme
>some shit forced to oblivion
>any value

Double standards I mentioned exemplified in this post.

You must watch a lot of tv and Netflix

Don't talk to it. That is non-sentient sludge you are attempting to talk to, not a person. It does not think, it merely regurgitates buzzwords and memes in an approximation of sentient life.

you got meme'd on son

accept it and move on with your life

No the real problem was Goyer.


Zack Snyder near singlehandedly killed Batman and Superman for the general public. He needs to go

what was that (you fucktard)?

Oh come on. Sitcoms have better set design and lighting than the airport scene. It all looks flat and boring. And the action is chopped up so badly in editing in order to cause visual chaos to distract from how bland e everything looks

If you let whedon do the entire movie from the beginning it would have turned into something else, the problem is that zack left mid way and they had to do reshoots to make the second half of the film match the first. If you let any of these two directors complete their vision of the movie it would have been a lot better than the unfinished monstrosity that came out. Either way, Zack was gonna make it another BvS (he was still going for the dark tone) that the critics won't like and it still won't beat the avengers

>saw this movie with my uncle and cousins at the casino movie theater
>uncle thought it was just a comic book movie
>after this scene he got up and left the theater to go play slot machines

To be fair it was in the comic book too and plays an important purpose in the characterization of both Nite Owl and Silk Spectre. Snyder barely changed anything in the scene.

Have you ever seen the background of a fight scene in a comic book?
MCU literally looks like the pages of a marvel comic published by marvel comics.

What did you think this was supposed to be?

Snyder revived Superman from the grave Singer put him in and nobody seems to have hated Affleck's Batman.

It's all dead now with JL though. Batman and Superman are apparently the same kind of quiplords! Bravo Whedon!

Spoiler alert: the CGI in BvS is worse than anything in Civil War.

>Shytder revived Superman!
He literally killed Superman.

>Watchmen bombs
Let's hire Zack again
>Man of Steel underperforms and gets medicore reviews
Let's hire Zack again
>BvS underperforms and gets terrible reviews
Let's hire Snyder again
>Justice League bombs and gets bad reviews
Is Warner Bros actually retarded?

people blindly hate snyder

Blatant hypocrisy is in this post.

>0 stakes, no one is gonna die
>vision obviously nerfed and made retarded

>Zack fails. Critics hate him!
>JUSTice League
It wasn't his film. Not anymore anyway. It was Tsujihara's/Geoff's with doctored by Whedon. Snyder just did the heavy lifting.

you should see all the shit from encyclopedia dramatica
>it's like TV Tropes but 8x worse

>successfully debunked the necessity of a fight between these two.
>Makes a movie called Batman v Superman
>Superman and Batman fight

Why do you people keep complaining about stuff that is *exactly the same* as the source material?

Writing is what's always killed the Snyder DC films. People are fully willing to accept a different tone (as the Nolan movies proved) so long as everything feels earned and the characters are allowed to flourish.

My personal problem with the Snyder films goes beyond that. I think thematically and visually they are a step above marvel, but when it comes time for them to have action, they resort to your average cartoon marvel crap that doesn't really fit the tone of the rest of the movie. When the story and characters are bland as fuck and putting you to sleep, and all of a sudden there is a ridiculous dragon ball z tier fight scene, it a really drastic tonal shift that leaves people confused.

All they can do at that point is laugh and ridicule.

These films just don't know what they want to be; Nolan, or marvel. So they are stuck somewhere in between

Patty Jenkins got treated with kid gloves through token feminism alone.

and also that movies arent made with a singular vision but instead a committee that tells zack what needs to be in the movie in order for it to be greenlit

plus zack in general makes such bland stylized movies that rival the mcu in terms of intangibleness

Why do people here like Zack? Any criticism is shut down as an anti Zack conspiracy but I never hear any arguments for why he's good?

just leave the kino of capes to me XD

god i love this meme, what are we talking about again?

Hack Snyder is pure, unadulterated failure.

Thematically they are garbage.

>it still won't beat the avengers

And now it won't even beat MoS. Had they just tried to emulate Snyder's style and finished the film in a way without tonal clashes the audience of Snyderfags would've given good word of mouth and the movie would've performed better.

Marvel Pajeet is acting up all incoherent again.

Nolan and Snyder capeshit is boring. The look of the characters, the dull subdued colors, the shitty Hans Zimmer temp tracks. I hate them.

Richard Donner and Tim Burton did Superman and Batman better.

In general, DCEU just had crap writing all around.

Pretty pictures and editing doesn't make a good movie. All of that photography needs to point to something, if your plot and characters and themes are hollow, then your movie is hollow, no matter how good it looks.

Does it have the stream of fire to represent cum? I don't remember that but I could believe it. Also the song choice and the sensual slow motion humping wasn't a good choice either



Man of Steel and BvS UE had good audience reception. Critics are irrelevant.

>JL was proof DCEU is nothing without Zack.

No, Zack ruined three movies. Fuck you. Four if you include Wonder Woman.

Zack Sneeder sucks.

DCuck is damage controlling again

I loved Tim Burton's batman. I with people would stop pretending like he did something wrong.

He probably added more to Batman than anyone.

>hurr dragon ball z fighting

I'm glad he makes them as strong(or closer) as they are in the comics, marvel heroes are so underpowered its stupid. And DBZ is good fuck you.

What? The audience reception for both MoS and BvS was extremely divisive

>Man of Steel and BvS UE had good audience reception.

Among people who had decided to love them before they even saw the movies.

The rest of us, were unimpressed.

I hate to break this to you, but comics are a trash art form. They were mass produced using simple art styles for the longest time. They didn't have the time or resources to put much detail into the panels. That's changed now, with more artists using more detail and expressions.

You're a fucking pleb if you think cinema, an aural and visual medium, has to stoop down to the level of newspaper cartoons when crafting scenes. The problem wasn't that the fight took place at an airport. The point is that it could've taken place literally anywhere else and it wouldve been more exciting

>People are fully willing to accept a different tone (as the Nolan movies proved)
Not anymore they won't. Try releasing TDK today and people would throwing furious pants shitting fits over the "pro-Bush" parts.

If any MCU had a fraction of the Terrio wit BvS had people would be proclaiming them as masterpieces. Again with the double standards. Everyone seemingly fine with Marvel's razor thin scripts but raise your pitchforks against BvS! Terrio and Snyder had the audacity to go beyond the set restrictions of the genre.

Better than Marvel

Only butthurt comicfags hated MoS for "not muh Superman" and "muh neck snapping." The general audience liked it. Most people who watched BvS UE liked it too.

>People are fully willing to accept a different tone (as the Nolan movies proved) so long as everything feels earned and the characters are allowed to flourish
No they're willing to accept a different tone as long as it's only "serious" batman doing exactly what's expected by the fanboys and nothing else because to challenge manchildren is to court death

Man of Steel had an A CinemaScore faggot. Nobody cares about whatever online site your Pajeet buddies raided with 1 star votes.

300 was really good

>The audience reception for both MoS and BvS was extremely divisive

The retards hated it. The connoisseurs liked it.

Did everyone forget the MoS sequel was dropped and we got BvS and started production for a 2015 release? This is EXACTLY what Nolan is talking about. Batman V Superman was put into pre-production at the end of 2013, the same year MoS came out. They had no time to really let the film absorb into audiences and see what worked and didn't. You can't give audiences what they want if you don't take time to listen to them, and they didn't.

>Snyder gags have no response

reddit taste

>forgetting the unbelievably terrible Sucker Punch, another Snyder brainwave

Nigga can't write a script to save his life.

Dragon Ball Z type fighting only works in cartoon form. When you translate it to live action is just looks retarded. If you're going to go that route you should probably make your film a little less heady and girthy

Going from Christ allegories to dead dad's to dragon ball z is just ridiculous

thats your opinion and your opinion is shit

Your mindset is cancerous and would'e most likely killed the LOTR films. The problem with DCEU is opposite, they try too hard to change their films based on whiny faggots on the Internet. It reached such a point that they raped JL with quips beyond salvage.

is Zack jewish?

Dragon Ball Z type fighting is pretty much the only way to properly portray how fast and strong people like Superman are.