Gunnerkrigg Court


this art though

This is so good.


we going to see psycopomp annie?

what did he mean by this?

We're starting to see the pieces of Coyote's incredible plan fall into place.

pretty sure we can't see the pomps anymore because of the Xrating of her interaction

So, did he remember that he was just pretending to like Annie as a trick for his true invasion plan?
come on Tom, have the god of the Forest just Red her shit up.

Ahahaha oh fuck

He's gonna take her fucking hand off after all


I really don't like where this metaphor is heading.


Wonder what's going to happen when he finally remembers who he is.

((Guess: Maybe he gets annoyed at Ysengrin for interrupting him being dead, bites his ear off, and the violence makes Coyote remembers who he is. Probably not going to happen though.))


she is gonna have a fire claw hand its gonna be sweet


Maybe we should look at a different webcomic until this chapter's over.

but where are you going with this tom?
Is the widow goose turn out to have ben angrily guarding the lake preventing anyone from swimming in it?

that or its a point that Annie and people in general just decide how they should be and try to remain 'in-character'

or maybe he's not a forest spirit at all

If it turned out Coyote was messing with that chick as an elf boy hundreds of years ago and he was so in-character that a part of his consciousness was trapped in the river all this time I would be sooooo happy.


But which part? What did he gain now that Elf Boy ostensibly went into the Ether with Jeanne?

>I taught you aether magic wrong for 2 years, as a joke