Mr. Enter: Brian is a Bad Father

>Sup Forums will disagree even though he's right

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Autism is one hell of a drug
Also, isnt that just a rerelease of 1 hed did a few years ago

Oh my god who the hell cares. I mean, everyone on Family Guy is a bad person, except maybe Chris and Meg, but they have their moments too. Nobody really have any characterization and windly alterate between decency and violent jackassery depending on the gag.

Of course Brian is a bad father. He's also a pretentious douchbag and tries to get advantage of teenage girls.

No, it's a new one.

I may or may not disagree but I won't watch a boring video about a sperg that says shallow obvious things.

>except maybe Chris and Meg
I think Stewie is rather allright, most of the time.

So you just hate him because other people do.

Who's Mr Enter? Why are there two threads up about him?

I think he reviews cartoons and we hate him for some reason.

Some autistic cartoon reviewer with unimaginably awful opinions that other autists on Sup Forums love to shill.

Stop living under that rock user.

>we hate him for some reason.

No, I hate him because he's boring. Who the fuck wants to watch videos about a grown ass man ranting about simplistic cartoons? Shit cartoons are shit, whopdefuckingdo, I don't need a 20 minute video to tell me that, I'd waste that time watching good cartoons instead. At least Sup Forums has funposting to compensate for it.

hey, this!

Why review family guy of all things? It's way past its prime and never had anything to critically consider anyways. The characters are one dimensional and the themes are trite and often lame.

Isn't this that cartoon reviewer who sucked off his dog and thinks MLP is the best animated series on earth?

>It's way past its prime and never had anything to critically consider anyways.
After the long pause, I'm watching season 14 and I think it's watcheable again. They are so self-aware, it's funny again.

But you are right, it has no story or characterization.

Brian isn't the father.
He's of another species, and therefore can't get a human woman pregnant.
They literally point this out in the first couple seasons of Family Guy.

Also the show admitted how pants on head retarded it is for a 7 year old dog to be father to a 14 year old kid.

>Who the fuck wants to watch videos about a grown ass man ranting about simplistic cartoons
Literally millions.

But the whole world revolved around you user. Other opinions don't exist.

You're thinking of either YMS or Animated James.

>look how many click this vid has!!! you HAVE to watch it and agree with it
wow, great argument, shill, you really convinced me

>$5k-85k annual
That feels like way too big of a range to possibly be accurate.

less family guy copy pasta more admirable animation Enter

stop being a faggot

I though shills were a buzzword from Sup Forums but here I stand corrected.

It's not that I agree or disagree, I just don't care about the review.

You have no shame.

Why did Enter spazz out so much about Babs/Dick?

He was saying that the writers don't know shit and how they got it completely wrong. As if Starfire/Dick is the only canon shipping. Does Enter read the comics?

Socialblade is always off since it's estimating using basic public figures like views x possible ad revenue. Don't know why anyone still uses it with any kind of authority.

>As if Starfire/Dick is the only canon shipping

It pretty much is unless you want to count rape.

I bet you're counting the rape.

looks accurate to me

Brian is literally the worst character on the show.

And I mean, his neighbors include rapists, one of them a child molester.

Hush mode

I get the impression that he was so offended by the bit that encouraged cutting/self-harm that he did the entire review just to build up to that.

The shit with Brian is still legitimate IMO

What's his problem with Quagmire giving out lessons

Hes a dog they dont ever raise their kids unless its the mother.

That he's the last person who should be talking about morals

>reviewer who sucked off his dog
WAit what?

DickBabs is patricain

Every character on this show is a bad person, this isn't exactly groundbreaking revelations.

Modern day Family Guy is low hanging fruit for internet reviewers

I dunno, I'm giving up on this video three minutes in because he's just been repeating himself about how the characters are bad people even though he thinks they're well written.

I mean, why though? A character with weak moral fiber isn't precluded from making valid points or participating in compelling storytelling. Pointing out that a character is a hypocrite isn't clever criticism.

>"Family Guy hasn't had a good episode in years"
Has he not seen Brian's Play or Livin' on a Prayer?