Obscure/Strange Endgames

Can be a villain or anyone else

>I want to make a fur coat of Dalmatian puppies

I never understood specifically why. Was that even legal in London? She was very open about it

> I want to rule the Tri State area

I'll admit, this one is pretty funny

>Kill Wonder Woman

>Turn everyone into Gorillas and eat the Flash's Brain

Listen you gotta start small. You think you can rule the whole world all at once? No no you have to start at the tri state area and work your way up

I'm going to dedicate my entire life to stealing shit from Mexican Children, and inconveniencing them

Poor guy started even smaller once and still couldn't win

>I want to enslave superteens because I'm a sick fuck.

Yeah I didn't really understand his goal here either. They should of just left him a mercenary in the series honestly.

>I want to steal Sebastian's shitty job

>Enslave the world in Plants and Ice

Even as a kid that made no fucking sense to me.

I have a sudden interest to watch this, just for this shit. It sounds hilarious

Totally Spies had two different episodes with a woman who wanted revenge on all men just because she was dumped once and a man who had the exact same plan and motivation with the genders reversed.

Did they end up falling in love with each other?

Don't suppose you have the name of this episode? That sounds really interesting

This one actually happened irl though so it's not unrealistic.

I meant they were villains in seperate episodes.

The one with the female villain is "Evil Bouquets Are Sooo Passe". I forget what the other one was.

>Was that even legal in London?
The book that inspired the film was partly written because there wasn't much in the way of animal abuse laws, and the author wanted to call attention to the shitty way some people were treating cats and dogs.

I had no idea. Thanks for the trivia user

It was Bruce Timm idea to make him search for an apprentice.

No problem. It should also be noted that Cruella's in-universe reason for wanting to make a dalmatian skin coat is "because i like furs and they have a cool coat pattern." Her next flavor of the month coat could've been leopard fur, or cow hide, or zebra, it really was just "it looks cool." As for using puppies specifically, their coats are softer and the skin is easier to work with, making a better coat.

Ah, ok. Still weird though. Especially that she went over the edge about it

That I assume is because she's a crazy and rich society woman who isn't used to being told "no" when she wants something. Also, do you know how much 84 purebred dalmatian puppies costs? In some versions, she's going to go bankrupt if she can't make the coat and start a successful line with it.

Freeze the areas beyond the tropics, and overgrow the areas between the tropics. They both are teaming up to cover each others' weak points.

Why was a gorilla a meat eater?

Chimps are the vicious killers.

Not to mention that dalmation skin is VERY thin. That coat is going to fall the fuck apart.

I think the sequel established that she has an obsession with the pattern

Gorillas only eat termites and ants in terms of meat, and even then it's just one kind of gorilla that does that.

They really should have made him a chimpanzee, or a baboon or mandrill.

Most of the times we've seen him eat meat or intend to, it was more symbolic from his perspective
than just craving it.

is that really her main goal? i thought it was just to steal shit or get to wonder womans island

Most of the time it is.