Name one character that can beat perfect harmony Alien X

Name one character that can beat perfect harmony Alien X.

Saitama or dr manhatten


The protagonist of the story

then that would also imply that Kira can beat Alien X, since he can beat Saitama


>then that would also imply that Kira can beat Alien X, since he can beat Saitama
Terrible logic. Never played rock paper scissors have you?


Dr. Doom

Leave Alien X to me.

the man above, kills Beyonders.

Original Manhattan wouldn't stand a chance.
Full reality bender top of cosmic hierarchy above even the Anti-Monitor Manhatten from rebirth? Equal power.

They're below the celestial sapiens

Do you not know how stupidly overpowered BtD is?

BtD is not a game of rock, paper, scissors, but instad, it's the equivalent of trying to win ''The Game'' you just lost it btw

>believeing Hackman's fanfiction

Pretty much people forget that Manhatten power is not omnipotence, but the power over the atom, Ben also has a alien Manhatten alien, but he dosen't know how to use him

I want to see what Saitama can do against a guy that can become intangible.

How do you exactly prevent BtD from happening other than breaking Kira's hand?

Only because he was borrowing a tiny bit of power from this guy.

Saitama is a reality warper.

Popeye on spinach hits him so hard it splits in three Alien Xs, one for each mind, then he punchs them back into one. He then grabs a chain wrap around Alien X legs hoist him into the air and starts hitting it like a punch bag each punch rewinding reality and undoing any changes Alien X did during or before the fight.

Also, people overlook just how powerful X is.

They were casually talking about reconning the death of all the dinosaurs.

No the fuck he is not.

I didn't watch the entire series, he's? is that the explanation for his one punch, he was a reality warper without knowing the whole time?


Aww, it sounded cool

How else do you explain his strength when his workout is just 100 push ups, 100 sits ups, and running 10k
Also his hair fell out, that can't be explained

If you could only predict the future, move out of the prediction and make your way towards him...

>Kira turns you into a BtD bomb
>You explode for no fucking reason



Quit being retarded.

sad but true



Saitama would probably just get gas if Kira tried making him a bomb.

>Mob Psycho and One Punch are the same universes
>Satima is just an overpowered Physic and doesn't even know it.


I don't follow JoJo. Tell me what Bites the Dust is.

but Saitama doesn't even need to be touched

The moment Hayato tells him ''My dad is a serial killer'', Saitama goes KA-PUT!


Kira places his stand (Killer Queen) into a person, then if that person tells anyone, or is questioned about, Kira's identity, he detonates, killing the person that was told and rewinding time by approximately 1 hour. The person that is told about his identity will still explode at the time they did before time was rewound unless Kira dies or recalls Killer Queen because fate

Explain why he didn't stop the Big Crunch then

Christians: 1
Gangsters: 0

It's like a bomb you plant in someone's mind. Then whenever someone tries to find out the user's identity or even try to warn someone about Bites the Dust then the bomb transfers into someone else's mind and explodes inside their head, killing them.

Then time reverses by one hour, and no matter what whoever had their head blown up by BtD will always explode at the same time they did before no matter what, and only the person with BtD in their mind will have any memory of what happened.

Pretty much the only way around that is to force the user to remove BtD from someone.

It's still less dangerous and less complicated than King Crimson.

He was too busy having fun in Disney World

Damn you got me there

Soif Kira hit me with bites the dust, i'm safe, butif i told anyone kira is..(Like Chester in Chanel Chaser)they explode and i go back in time 1 hour

He survived it, Giorno is the villain of part 8.

Yep, exactly. Though at any time he could also remove BtD from that person and blow them or anything around them up using his stands regular powers.

He can even turn the air someone it breathing into a bomb.

Because the true hero was too busy drawing his Manga

Anyone with a death note

So you defeat him with what a ranged power and prep time?

Can you kill 2 inmortal entieties with a DN?

Silver age Superman and Superman Thought Robot
Adult Simon
Coop if he presses the right button
Giorno with Gold Experience Requiem
Popeye with spinach
Mr Rogers in a blood stained sweater


Pretty much, or be too fast for him to blow you up
The main conflict of Jojo part 4 is that nobody has any idea who the fuck he is so they can't get close and he can just keep killing people free

Pretty much by backing him into a corner where he can't think straight enough to plan a way to use his stand long enough to disable him.

And then driving an ambulance in reverse.

Yeah, no. Ben has spiral power too.

Croc was right sometimes you just have to throw a heavy object at your enenmy

>Implying it has a real name

Isn't Ben the spiral power itself at the end of the series

That is a great alien design, simple yet elegant

If it works it works.

Part 7 is solved by a guy throwing his fingernails at all his problems.

Jojo's is indeed a cartoon drawn like an anime

That's not even the most ridiculous stand from that series.


Name one friend you have.


but it surely is the most bullshit overpowered of them all

Think about it, BtD is the ultimate counter to EVERYTHING. Neither Goku, nor Superman could stand a chance if it catches them by surprise. Nothing stands a chance. If Giorno couldn't prevent the end of the universe, what makes him capable of preventing a time loop?
It works in such a way that you wouldn't see it from a mile away. And it affects multiple people too. Tusk Act 4 could prevent the time loop, but it wont help with the explosion. D4C would fucking die. King Crimson can be countered as proved by Polnareff. Heavens saw that episode. Not even Ultimate Kars would regenerate, since BtD leaves NOTHING behind

Even with prep time, Kira is a very carefull man. If motherfucking Batman showed up to interrogate Hayato...poof

So let me see if I understand this correctly: Kira places his stand called Killer Queen into someone's (let's refer to them as Person A) mind which essentially plants a bomb, which is triggered by the discussion of Kira's identity with someone else (Person B). So Person B is the one that explodes, which sends Person A back in time by one hour, and Person A has kept their memories of the previous (future) events, but is unable to prevent the death of Person B unless Kira wills it so? Does Person B's death always send Person A back in time as a stable loop, or is it a one-time thing to let Person A deal with the guilt of knowing he killed Person B and having to see it again?

Hey nigger this isn't Sup Forums
Fuck off back to there


It won't rewind time again unless he talks to someone else about Kira, the ultimate goal of it is to scare/guilt Person A into not telling anyone else so Kira can continue to live his peaceful serial killer life
And yeah that's pretty much it

Probably not much. Ben could simply rewrite the universe or blink someone out of existence.

He remade the universe at least once.

Assuming Saitama doesn't just get detonated and walk out of his own explosion undamatged. Wouldn't even be the more ridiculous thing he's done.

I think the ending imply that is a loop, he remakes the universe everytime

then why's he dead hmmm

They really went full retard with the show didn't they?

More like they tried to retcon AF and UA bullshit, kids don't watch the show anymore, so we're cancell, let's just make the whole rest of the series as much anime and 80's references as possible

because he was a fucking idiot
and Araki had to kill him one way or another, since, sadly, he was NOT the protagonist of the story

I will forever be mad about that wasted potential

The time loop just keeps going until Kira ends it. That's the biggest weakness of the stand, because Kira himself retains zero memories. He never has any idea whether or not a time loop has actually occurred yet, so he has a problem trying to figure out when to end the time loop. He just had to guess that his son (person A) had been through a few time loops already because of the way he was acting. Kira ultimately got taken down because he wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the heroes got tagged with BtD during a time loop before he ended it, so he had to put himself in proximity to the heroes.

It's a really, really big flaw with the power.

Bites the dust's weakness is that while it's deployed, Kira is essentially vulnerable and without a stand. But that would require knowing who Yoshikage Kira is beforehand and avoiding the person he's attached his stand to.

To anyone who hasen't watched Jojo's Kira is one those villians with autism like Zoom or Manta levels

Yep and once he retrieves his stand, if the people that were supposed to blow up from the loop, haven't blown up yet then they're safe for the time being and would require being exposed to Bites the Dust once again to die.

Autism isn't even that big of a factor. For all he knew, the kid could have ran to the police instead and ending the time loop would just result in a few blown up cops. BtD leaves him totally blind to what's going to happen when the time loop ends, unless he confirms it himself.

Because Hayato was a fucking badass

In a way it all comes from his desire of feeling safe and continuing his serial murder hobby while living a normal life. It's a stand that protects him without letting him know of what it's doing at the moment so he can just be frolicking around a park with a severed hand while his pursuers are dying.

>walk into a police station
>Everyone who heard this is concerned
>''Oi kid, what's your father's name?''
>Everyone who heard that name fucking explodes
>The police tries to interrogate Hayato, and ask him what the fuck happened to everyone
>They end up exploding either way
Great plan, Napoleon

You forget the part where the timeloop happens and then the day proceeds as normal except for the fact that everyone that blew up in the previous loop mysteriously explodes at the exact same time they died last time even without the boy being there.

Well that's why time gets rewound too, nobody knows why the blow up so Kira can just keep on keeping on

He set up BtD specifically to explode the Jojos, because they were getting close to finding him. If the wrong person gets blown up, Hayato now knows how to avoid triggering BtD and the Jojos remain unexploded. It was a plan that HAD to work the first time.

That is true, the entire plan hinged on the crew investigating Hayato to reach Kira, if they had gone through another angle and somehow found some other evidence leading to him that doesn't involve asking Hayato, then Kira would be forced to retrieve his stand since BtD would be useless in that situation.

Is Big E an option?

I mean, probably fucking Amazo.

ayyy, beat me to it desu

Well, HE made them.

No biggie, it is a mixture of Comedy and Shinto-Buddhist nonsense.

Same like with dragon ball characters, Alien X could have him thrown in lava or something.

reality warpers banned

Spectre then