Superman VS domestic abuse


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Haggar no you're better then this


Call the cops, kid, there's no need to snap any necks today!



He literally deals with this in Action Comics #1




It's nice to see characters go back to their roots from time to time.


The second half of that page is excellent out of context.

I cried the first time i read this and I'm getting ready eyed just reading it now.

the kids line on this page hit way too close to home.

If this was Superman:Grounded he'd lecture the kid for not taking a more proactive stance.

Imagine being so angry and insane that you start yelling and point at fucking Superman

Have you had personal experience with domestic abuse? If so, sorry you had to go through that.

i wonder if he is ever stuck in the middle east beating arabs for throwing acid and stoning women.



You better not be forgetful, or Superman will tear your fucking walls down.


Hah-hah, his mother's a broken person.

>All it needed, was a mother who wasn't a broken piece of shit

Imagine being so violent and insane that you try standing your ground against fucking superman.

>If there's ever a day I don't hear from you, I will unleash a shitstorm upon your father the likes of which this world has never seen
>The earth will be stained red as my fury grows without limit
>I will find your father, and subject him to every horror he can or can't imagine
>Only when he looks upon his worthless, miserable life regretting every living moment he has ever known will I allow him to die


>Sorry citizen, but I have to wait for a daily phone call from some kid

not bad,Rorschach would have handled it better if you know what i mean

Any of your friends ever tell you you're weird?
I guess that'd be kinda hard.

Wow I didn't realize Haggar beat his family

>tfw your mom forgets to pay the phone bill and your dad ends up getting dropped from low orbit by Superman

>the mother should have gotten help earlier

Heaven forbid they have a little dark fun in this of all places. Surely this must mean they are broken, horrible people with no sympathy for mankind!

Or maybe you're an oversensitive pussy. Just food for thought.

She was being abused too. Or do you think both of them should have just went out and got help. Like it's so easy.

Hit a nerve, did I?

Better depends on your brand of justice, but he probably would have known about it sooner.

Wait, so Superman just regularly walks around neighbourhoods to hear people praise him?

Sounds kind of arrogant

>Like it's so easy.

>"police? yeah my husband is beating my son and I"
It really is that easy, the police in america take that shit very seriously, there would have been the exact same outcome as the comic book, but without superman

I think this was part of a series where Superman roamed random-ass suburbs to find himself
I believe during this run he also told illegal aliens to get the fuck off of earth


In America at least, the woman doesn't even need proof, her word is usually enough.

I doubt he just started beating her one day, stuff like this builds up slowly over time until it seems normal

So, what is this from, exactly? I know Superman, but what specifically?

Go outside. Interact with people. I'm afraid reality does not match up with your world view.

So he was Super Trump?

Underrated post

Superman number 705


>domestic violence isn't normal, and the authorities take it very seriously
Is your wife locked in your basement?

Yeah she totally didn't love him, and develop stockholmes syndrome from it and the abuse.
Thank god that's not true.
Ok, now you're just fucking with us.

Well at least the kid wasn't a Punisher fanboy, old dad would have been super fucked.

>Why are people abused? Like just call the cops there won't be any consequences, the abuser will not try to stop you or hurt you more or anything? Why are you such a broken piece of shit?

>My dad beat me once
>He turned into a giant in order to do so, it was weird for everyone involved

Thanks, mate.

>The dad was Metallo all along and had a Kryptonite bullet

Why does Superman have a bruise/scar in this scene?

If this was Batman he wouldve just knocked the dad the fuck out.

Bats > Superfag

>Thank god that's not true.

But it literally is. Hell, a lot of guys go to jail for rape with zero evidence. do you know Superman didn't knock him out?

Probably just poked him in the forehead to do it

Why doesn't Superman just rape the dad?

Because Superman does things by the book and going into someones house and knocking them out is illegal.

I know it's cheesy and all, but I love these Superman stories where he just helps some nobody dealing with a shitty life. No superhuman enemies, no Lex Luthor, no city in danger.

Just Superman helping one unfortunate soul because damn it, they need him.

Well no, he was already trespassing. And Superman busts through walls and subdues people like nobody's business all the time.

>does things by the books
>regularly flies in restricted air spaces.
Superman is a menace.

As kaptainkristain said in his video thesis on Superman, "He's not a savior, he's not a god, he's just a dude from Kansas trying to do the right thing."

People are abused because they don't go to the police, or they do and then decide not press charges. See my first point, the mother is a broken piece of shit

Oh please, Superman bends the rules all the time

Abuse is not so cut and dry that the victim can just stand up for themselves whenever they want and get help. There is a lot of fear and many people still believe the abuser can change or that they're still in love. Maybe she's broken but she is not a piece of shit, and you are definitely weird for thinking so and then making two very awkward posts just to point it out. See my post about the real world not coinciding with your very warped views.

I wonder who could be behind this post

Might as well post it, short scene


I can rationalize career criminals still operating in Metropolis. Crime pays, and maybe even more since the demand is so high.

But it just baffles me that
>a godlike public figure exists
>in your town
>and your son actively tries to invoke him
>yet you still beat your family, with no fear of god

Jonah please just go back to your own universe.

Kinda, but it is weird that he doesn't try to help those aliens by deposing the evil warlord that took over their planet. I think it would have been a good way to end the comic to show Superman doing such and being reminded that he should not lose sight of the big picture because he is unable to solve all of life's problems.

He's right you know.

This was from Superman:Grounded.

I've never read Action Comics #1, I only know Superman's intro to Metropolis because of TAS. It's interesting seeing the 1930s take on his debut. I guess because Superman's existence today is so ubiquitous it's hard to imagine him not existing at one point.

lettering back then was so whacked out

>"You're not fighting a woman, now!"
Wow really Superman?

Did reporters really rush to reports of a wife beating?

What purpose would that serve?

Man i bet you both had a weird childhood.

The whole thing is here if you want to read it:
The Zatara story is there too.

Without the historic context of knowing what normally got published back then I can't tell if he's being sent because they agreed he was supposed to be trying to run into Superman or if it's something normally reported upon.

>I HAVE to get footage while the bruises are still fresh!

Old timey BDSM magazine?

>That pure, incandescent rage on Supe's face at the harm of an innocent


Also a control thing. You can be broken down by a person who doesn't even lay a finger on you. Abuse is a strange monster.

how do you thin Snyder Supes would have reacted?


I want Spider-Man stoping a pedo or something


Probably the same way except with heat vision eyes to intimidate.

Seconded. I need more "Superhero saves one schmuck in a totally realistic situation" kind of story.

There's the common one of Punisher dealing with CP-producing parents

Fuck, really? Do you have it?

this was before he turned his life around, and became mayor.

>'If you call the police I'll kill you'

What now fuccbois?


Go to the police station while he's at work or passed out drunk on the couch. Love to see him try to kill her there.


what I wanna know is, why would the parents do it to their boys and girl?
Especially the mom

Thread made me think of this exact comic.
No one in their right mind would be an abusive parent in a Sup Forums universe.
Haggar was lucky it wasn't Frank

I love when Supes gets angry. If it's written well, you can feel the whole world kinda just...stop for a second. Like everybody's taking a breath at exactly the same minute.

But then I'm somewhat of an Old Testament kind of guy. It's the same reason I liked reading Judges and Jesus's cleansing of the temple. The world should absolutely fear the wrath of a righteous man.

