How do we fix this show? I know its a little late

How do we fix this show? I know its a little late.

Kill off the women.

The geeks need put in their place. Even the ladies need reminded they're shit. Just trust in society and all will fix itself for creatures like this. Just remember ULTIMATE CHEESY CRUST PIZZA

Leonard kind of sounds like "le nerd" lol

It jumped the shark, even killing off women characters would not save it at this point

when was the last time you guys watched the show? last weeks episode was pretty good.

Pretty much this. Or is this how Americans really do relationships? The men and women characters share nothing in common, even the ones who are suppose to be smart. The females all loathe the men's hobbies and constantly berate them for it. Really pisses me off.

they should hire better writers.

The girls kinda ruined the show. But I thought season 9 was good compared to the previous 4 or 5 seasons.

>taking the show literally
it's a failed attempt at non-nerds trying to make a show about nerd culture.

Sheldon should be revealed as a serial killer

Just have Penny and Bernadette move out and get a flat together. Then have the whole show focus on them and try to make them wear as many tight and skimpy dresses as possible.

that would be autismophobic

>all characters get their special “nerd” skill tattood onto them so we know who’s into what
>turn everyone into women
>soft reboot where all the characters move into a small town
>stylize where each character is a pastel miniature horse

literally (literally) the worst show on television, possibly ever created

i instantly lose respect for anyone who watches this garbage

replace ugly guys with young and handsome guys especially that disgustingly femmefag sheldon

Penny & Sheldon
Leonard & Amy
Howard & Raj
^These characters all have the best chemistry together and would be good in relationships if the writers knew what they were doing.

Leonard and Penny getting together should have been the endgame. Throwing them together so fast was a mistake and just not believable.

why should they fix it ?they r gonna make millions in royalties till their deaths

Young Sheldon is the superior show

This + adding female Sheldon and the sexy little Howard-tamer ruined the show.

Is Cuck Lorre running that shit ? This cunt is still so mad at charlie sheen that he could do another throw at him at the end of BBT