Avatar ultimate red pill

The aircaust never happened. The airbender traps were fabricated, they all escaped and race-mixed with the population. Ozai only wanted to share superior culture and tecnology with the world. Water savages are responsible for most crimes in Republic City despite being the minority. Sand benders aren't the 'culture of peace'. Kuvira did nothing wrong; the earth nation was objectively in a worst situation without her, and she had support even from people in Republic City. There were no concentration camps. Azula is best girl.

If you think otherwise you're more cucked than Zuko.

I just cucked you from cucking me, for I did it to myself already.

I disagree.

What is it about Azula that makes are her fans mentally ill?

*all her fans

Literally the majority.

We already VOTED, user. She IS best girl.

Sozin's Comet never happened.

Comet's are made of ice.( water, carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane, mixed with dust.) How would that empower fire bender?

I'd say it's an Earthbender/Waterbender conspiracy to unite against the firebenders.

>tfw watching this with mom and sister
>tfw mom constantly saying she would match my personality perfectly
>tfw I'll never find a girl like Azula

Welp, time to end it.

Fucking Korra is in second place there, user.

Your mom was just trying to be delicate about calling you a deranged fucking psycho, you deranged fucking psycho

so yes, please end it

>Azula is best girl.
azula is the stormfag kryptoairbender that continually tries to make the firebenders seem evil.

no thanks retard.

>be me
>FN descendancy
>group of earth cucks talking about the aircaust
>water nigger condemning Kuvira
>have to hide my power level
>i just propose that things aren't exactly like that
>she starts telling me that i "have to pay for the sins of my people"
>"You're a straight FN bender. You're wrong by default"
>I say fuck it, and show exactly the issues with her logic
>I go on for about 5-10 minutes on how the aircaust could NEVER have happened, and how the world is more advanced after the war
>i even forget how Social Justice Benders are immune to logic
>She just calls me a racist and the other guys support her

Because Sup Forums harbours and seals off one of the most mentally ill, decadent, radical-xenophobic (Sup Forums), and autistic people.

I know, man... people that think with their dicks are the worst kind.

Azula is mentally ill herself, so it makes sense she'd attract similar fans.

Tell me TWO (2) things Azula did wrong.

fuck off

>FN descendancy
>have to hide my power level
>i just propose that things aren't exactly like that
>he starts telling me that i "have to pay for the sins of my people"
>"You're a straight FN bender. You're wrong by default"
>I say fuck it, and show exactly the issues with his logic
>He just calls me a racist and the other guys support him


I finished ATLA a couple months back. I started Korra but can't really be arsed to finish it. Literally on episode 5 or some shit.

Is it worth finishing? And no, I won't just skip seasons since I won't have a clue what happened.

If you're already not into it, then fuck no.

ok lets talk to some air nomad spirits what happened


Sorry but Korra is a shit character. Fantastic rack though.

you know the only place that thinks this is some guys on Sup Forums that think this right

>his waifu is canonically retarded
>tries to defend her
>gets BTFO

I'm a newfag. Been on Sup Forums for about a year. Korra is shit.

Azula lost to said cuck and an apparently inferior girl.
If your best girl is worse than a cuck+ a worse girl then shes a shit tier girl.
Best girl never loses

Azulafags are the Zeekfags of Avatar.

>loses millions of viewers
>"it's just a few"
The show sucks, and the character sucks.

man, comets would smell like shit

its really funny how mad you retards get over this shit

go back to where you came from

Nothing more than a lovely blow-up doll. : )

You're the one telling people to fuck off.

>lost to said cuck
That's why he was on the ground on that fight with a scar on his chest?

>Best girl never loses
- loses to Aang
- Trapped twice in the show
- Even Zuko-- the jobber-- manages to burn her feet and leave her useless.

na you seem upset you fucks shit up every avatar thread with your stupid shit fuck off and make another thread about it

- I-it was terrible! 6 million of us killed for no reason!
- But wait.. the books said there were only 1.5 million airbenders at the time, and--
- Racist!

I'm just laughing at you right now, dude. Here, have another pic of your dumb waifu.

>Korra that high

>Sup Forumsmblr off by 24 people

Well, we share a board with people like that. This place needs a purge.

>mean to her friends
>jobbed to Katara


>mean to her friends
you mean traitors?

>jobbed to Katara
She was broken and tired. And Katara cheated.

>thinks he can out-meme

It's the /u/ faggots, like

Why do you keep replying though? If anyone it's you that has excessive amount of salt in her vagina. If it makes you all wet do give everyone else more (You)s. ^ ^

Korras problem was she was far to impulsive, and every season she never learned to not be impulsive.

>salt in her vagina.



>Ozai only wanted to share superior culture and tecnology with the world.
No that was Sozin, Ozai was just batshit insane.


Fuck all those no taste plebs. Avatar Kyoshi can airbend over for me and take it any day of the week.

She's a lesbian, user.

We can pretend my penis is a dildo.

Fuck off Scrapper. The only thing you have in common with Azula is being a retarded psycho with mommy issues and torturing small animals to death.

>a poll made by a mentally ill Azula fan
Pick one

>Implying Le Pen doesn't all the shit she deserves

Literally the descendant of cowards and traitors, who advocate their same failed ideologies.

So pretty much the New Ozai society I guess.

>Guys, those pacifist monks are preventing me from conquering the world
>Guess I'll use my military, and attack when we're at our strongest
>Still incur massive losses
>To a bunch of cake eating vegetarians who segregate themselves across entire mountains according to sex


Kill yourself Fireaboo. I bet you thought Zhou was a good military tactician as well.

>Well this is a huge fortress, and is near impregnable
>However there appears to be a weak point for strong swimmers-
>Okay sir, but what do we do then
>A fish sir?

Fucking high on fireweed that bastard was.

>people this assblasted that Scrapper defends an innocent girl.

Azula is not evil nor is she a psychopath. You just want someone to hate.


Unless you look like a trap, I don't think she'd go for it.

>korra that high

Better than losing twice to Katara

New to Sup Forums, I'm sure you all agree with me, but I have to get this off my chest.

Korra and Asami's relationship was completely unnecessary. It was not set up at all. They didn't even fucking kiss in the finale despite being "SO PROGRESSIVE." The creators acknowledge how shitty their storytelling is when they have to tweet the plot point instead of, you know, conveying it through the medium of television. I would have preferred an ambiguous ending. I hope the Dark Horse comics can make the relationship worth existing, but given that the latest leaks have six pages of nothing but dicking around in the spirit world with some random faggoty-ass rock-spirit, that doesn't seem likely.


>talking about yourself in the third person
split personalities aren't real Scrapper

I don't like Azula but I can at least see where he is coming from on most points.

Kuvira betraying her man goes against Sup Forums ideals

I'm not Scrapper I just see Azula for the innocent victim she is.

You mean bring culture

>Still incur massive losses
Kek. No. If there were massive loss, then there would be no way to almost kill the south tribe, and to fight the earth nation.

>muh six million earth nomads

>Fucking high on fireweed that bastard was
his plans Worked

Let's look at the world pre-Sozin

>Fire Nation
Technologically advanced
Widespread education
Strong economy
Equal rights for women
Politically stable
Strong sense of honor among communities
Royalty so cool that they're best friends with the Avatar

>Earth Kingdom
Dirty mutts who live in huts

>Air Nomads
Creepy monks who keep kids in their bunks

>Water Tribe
Stunning vistas... but they fucktheir sisters


Is it possible to have an ATLA thread not ruined by scrapper?

Kyoshi a shit

>Dirty mutts who live in huts

Pretty sure Ba Sing Se, the biggest goddamn city on the mainland, 3 layers of great wall so huge you can see it on the map, had been around way before then.

14% isn't the majority, it's a plurality.

Huts behind walls are still huts

Better than huts built near active volcanoes.

That's the people with MINDBREAK fetishes.

atleast 3 of those things are correct.

Volcanos provide energy, you groundlicker. Go back to your shitty ghetto in the outside Wall.

Republic City is an experiment in race-mixing and multiculturalism financed and lead by Airbenders.

And we all see how that turned out. That's what happens when you push multiculturalism and put a filthy waterleaker as an Avatar

Clearly that poll was made before hating everything Korra related became cool.

86% of people think she's not best girl.

come for a avatar thread retards bitching about korra

No republic city has an alien culture compared to the four nations it has its own culture that isnt an amalgam like a multicultural state.

>Bernie Sanders
It all makes sense now.

That's not how democracy works.

Azula is best girl. What are the other two?

/stg/ thinks azula is best girl to train, if that makes you feel better, azulaanon

>Korra number 2
was this shit posted on reddit or tumblr???

Y-You guys don't like me?

>being surprised guys don't like you when you chose pussy over dick
c'mon now.

It was for the greater good.

Why do these threads always devolve into discussing motivation and sad backstory which, I'm going to be honest, is really only implied and never really discussed except for ONE TIME on the beachDon't bring that search trash in here.

Why can't we just post pictures of sexy psychotic fire chick? Why can't we treat Azula like all our other waifus? Doesn't she deserve at least that?

Well fuck you Sup Forums, I will be the hero she deserves.



She killed commie and anarchist shits though, so I say worth it

You know, I really wish Ravenravenraven from the TT girls threads would do a few Avatar pics. I'd like to see Azula done in his style.