Who would win?

Who would win?

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literally me


Tom was created for the very purpose of loosing
Daffy actually had some victories in his own shorts

I think that Tom has better style though. Daffy looks like a tryhard.


What's my power, and Tom's power?

Does One More Time get time to prepare? I think Literally Me would win if this were a random brawl, but Tom could win if this was a pitched battle.

Literally Me: Basically the powers from Duck Amuck to redraw reality into any form.

>Yes I know it was Bugs as the artist but eh.

I'd win for sure

So basically Bohemian Rhapsody from Jojo?

please stop posting pictures about me in the internet

Tom is my boy, but I have to go with daffy on this one.

Johnny would kick both of their asses. He's a natural at this sort of thing.

Daffy would win for sure. All it takes is lighting a few match sticks between toms toes and he's a goner.

Tom's 「One More Time」 can create shockwaves and grows significantly more powerful every time someone loses track of it, than observes it again.
Daffy's 「La Cucaracha」 Imprints his own self upon others, causing them to slowly change to match him in both appearance and mannerisms. Eventually they become so identical that they cease to be a separate being and completely become Daffy in a literal sense.

Daffy's power is stronger but Tom's counters his pretty well.

And Johnny's?

Short version: Is a punchghost with the power of seduction


「MONKEY BUSINESS」 attracts members of the opposite sex to the stand user, lowering their inhibitions and giving the user some modicum of control over them. When 「MONKEY BUSINESS」 deactivates, the members of the opposite sex retaliate against the user. This ability can be resisted if the members of the opposite sex have prior knowledge of or personal familiarity with Johnny.

STAND NAME 「Lord Byron」


That's is actually really cool drawing

[Political Power]
[Homer J. Simpson]

>Can write poetry about people's mothers
Is there a worse stand?
