What are your hopes for Spiderman Homecoming?

What are your hopes for Spiderman Homecoming?

That it doesn't suck so much that the fourth reboot confirmed by contract to happen after the sequel to this movie, wont have Miles instead

That Tony doesnt fuck up the entire movie with his presence, Shocker in costume with ok screen time, and that Vulture lives to join the Sinister Six

The film looks nothing more than average. I skeptical it will break a billion, it looks that bland.

the credits

>vulture literally fucking dies in the trĂ¡iler
guess he won't be around for the sinister six then...

That all copies burn before it's released.

I feel like Tony is only in this movie to make Peter realize he shouldn't rely so heavily on Tony and starts to believe in himself more than the suit.

No you retard he's there to drive ticket sales.

People hate this thing with Stark being such a big element in Spidey's early career but he's really just taking the FF's place in the MCU.
As much as that hurts me, and as much as I'd love for the FF to come into the MCU somehow the reality is that they are poison at this point. PLUS people bitch about where Pete got the resources to build his gear so, there, Tony helped him. Done.

It's perfect. Vulture hating Stark is okay too since it gives Spidey more of a direct drive to combat him. Personally I'd rather it were Hammer or Osborne but hey, a Stark will do too.

i hope he shots web

I hope that Amy Pascal is raped by bears.

i hope that i never see it

Seriously, not one of you niggas read, or at least know about USM? Why are you on Sup Forums?

That people wake the fuck up to the endless Spiderman remakes and quit giving Disney money.


That it will do so badly that it will create a black hole that will kill all future cape movies from happening

But of course this won't happen because God is dead

Iron Man wasn't part of the USM comics til post Ultimatum. Ultimate Six kinda.

Literally Ultimate Stark's first appearance on Team-Up.

>Gadgets come from Stark
>Friendly neighbour Spiderman comes from Stark
What else are they going to remove from the character?

i dunno lol

Stark will be the one to tell Peter that with great power, comes great responsibility. It'll also be at the end of the movie so you can't walk out and get your ticket back.