Homestuck thread

Homestuck thread. Post cool images of cool characters.


Shit thread.

It's still March.



They both look in pain

>Homestuck thread
>Post cool images of cool characters
So not a Homestuck thread?

WLF announced a celebration for 4/13... and told people to go to this webpage.
Is it supposed to be a SBaHJ joke? I mean, clearly they put effort into looking like dogshit.

>Valve store
I see WLF keeps company with a lot of companies that don't release games.

Will something slighty interesting happen in 4/13 or will it be just another tease?
The worst thing is that it can't never be fucking nothing, Hussie will for sure post something pityful af to revive my suffering

Anyway I'll post pics of the soon-to-be birthday boy

oh hey I have March Eridan cosplay pictures too.

Don't forget the birthday girl


Well WLF is doing something.
Why are they more WP than WP is

>Expecting anything but crushing disappointment and incredible levels of fanbase cringe from Homestuck

Chocolate Jade is cuuute

She's not chocolate, just in warm lighting


I know, but she looks so chocolate-y anyway

Which Homestuck has:

-The biggest nostrils
-The longest fingers
-The most sensitive dick

this is what you'll get:


Well... John

Jeez. Happy times with her brother was the wrong timeline. You don't deserve domestic comfort, Jade.

In the other timeline Jade got laid, had her brother, and everyone else with her.
I'm surprised she never found out John fucked her over and called him out. But that would require conflict.

Still my favorite Lord English pic.

>that wave of john/rose shipping from mid Act 5.2 to seer:descend and Cascade

It was a good, blessed time.


As always, fuck Hussie


Fuck Hussie as hard as John should've fucked Rose.


But user, it was SUBVERSIVE
Who cares about telling a good story when you can tell an unexpected one?

I need it to be something. I need it to be the end or tell me when the end is happening, or even that it isn't happening. I need Homestuck to be over. I need to be free.

If only being subversive actually went anywhere. Rose went from a potential relationship with a goofy moron to a static prop.

Kanaya should have stayed dead when Eridan killed her. She and Rose stagnated and did nothing all the way to the end and somehow were touted as some great triumph after Homestuck finished.


That's the power of lesbians man. It can be shitty as possible, but people will eat it up if it's a minority.

I miss old Gunnerkrigg

I miss Terry Pratchett


But what about Homestuck 2

Don't even joke, you piece of shit.

I'm not.
Hope you're ready for what's coming

>Posting inferior half-breeds

There's only one halfbreed in that image



what if carapace exiles?

Those are patronized kids, not troll hybrids

Out. NOW.


How do I make a Homestuck-style web comic that doesn't suck? Assume heavy worldbuilding and exploration of a mysterious world. Should I have reader input?

Reader input is real fucking hard if you want to do world building and exploration. It works wonders for shenanigans, but unless you have Hussie's work ethic (you don't), you will never accomplish anything in that medium.


you can have reader input but also have some control over where the story is heading
take one reader command and do several 'Next.' pages with it
drop clues in the panels and text to lightly suggest what you want to do next
basically just completely ape problem sleuth


>Cohen whining on twitter about Trump erasing the existence of gay people
>Hussie/WP pussies out on showing davekat at every opportunity and teases davejade instead


It's not gay erasing if they were never gay.

I don't think Trump is even against gays, I mean, he said something about the LGBTQ community at the fucking RNC. There's some legitimate criticism you could make of him, you don't have to lie.

>60 posts
>18 posters

The dude supported gay marriage back in fucking 2000

And it's mostly me

Where/when was this meme born? I've never understood the crossdressing Eridan schpiel

Because of this beautiful piece of art representing March in one of the Homestuck calendars.

Two weeks until the disappointment

Joey, Jude, Dammek, and Xefros are all gay. I have an inside source. Screencap this.


I can't wait for Hiveswap to not even come out.

better for it to bomb and episode two will never come out.

Act 1 will never come out so it's a moot point.


Makes sense, my OTP is Hiveswap/good gameplay.

Sorry user, but Hiveswap being even slightly interested in good gameplay is completely OOC.


Even among crack ships your ship is shit. SHIT!

It's fucking Davekat and subversions up the ass.


Nigger, I know you love Davekat, but stop spamming it every thread.

How would you even describe the 'feel' of Problem Sleuth/Early Homestuck to people?

Video game mechanics in real life taken to logical conclusions? Abstract complexity for no reason?

How would you even be able to have a 'game' that emulates this feeling? It's presented in game-like terms with reader suggestions, and follows many game type mechanics but it's fucking bizarre.

Absurdist humor that continuously builds upon itself.

One offhand joke will eventually spawn dozens more jokes, a major mechanic of the setting, a character arc, and a deus ex machina.

I really love Sburb, even if its tied down to the shitty comic. Sburb the game itself is great.

>deleted a huge chunk of my homestuck images because my thumb drive said there wasn't enough room for the .mkv I wanted to watch at my friend's place
>even though the file was only five gigs, it still said there wasn't enough room despite freeing up twelve gigs


The worst thing about Homestuck is that Hussie owns all of the good ideas in it and they are trapped in his gnarled grip forever.


Which one is the best?

Was there anything that could haven been done to prevent Homestuck into turning into cancer

have each part be it's own stand alone series or something.

Kill Act 5.

Stop the Hetalia people from accidentally dressing up as Nazis in front on a synagogue on national holocaust remembrance day.

honestly, just have hussie not make the kickstarter, that was his biggest mistake.

All he had to do was not do the Kickstarter until after he finished the comic. That's fucking it. You don't have to spin some wish-fulfillment yarn about the trolls being isolated or outright removed from the comic to save Homestuck from becoming a monument to one man's hubris and ineptitude. You don't even have to get rid of Act 6 as a whole. If he hadn't been so god damned arrogant, we'd all be happier now.

Reminder to do your part and pirate Hiveswap if you want to experience it yourself. Every cent it earns is a reward to Andrew Hussie for stabbing you in the back, choosing the wrong priorities, and treating you to contempt-strained silence while he poisoned the comic you loved.

This really rustles my jimmies, whoever made it did a good job at that.

It'll come out, don't you worry.

or just watch someone lp it or something.

It's probably more like a VN than a proper text adventure, so that's just as well.

it was a really fancy grimdark rose picture. one of my favorite pieces.

removve hiatus (removve hiatus)
hussie himself said that losing momentum is the biggest blight on any creative project.