So why didn't people like this ending?

So why didn't people like this ending?

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Made no sense

Lol I mean who didn't see this coming after season 2? Everyone acting like it was a big surprise.

They're going to heaven, CHRISTIAN SHEPHERD literally explained it

fuck you


>dude they're in purgatory
>dude no, they're totally not in purgatory guys they're all alive


The Island was hell, the alternate universe was purgatory and they're going to heaven

how is it hard to understand?

why does everyone think the island was purgatory when the shove pretty clearly shows that everything on the island actually happened, and everything that happened in that alternate universe was purgatory?

i didn't have a problem with the way it ended, i had a problem with that horse shit purgatory thing. it was stupid and made half of the last season completely pointless.

>it was stupid and made half of the last season completely pointless.

no it didn't

I'm fine with "the ending" but I wish there weren't the "flashsideways" throughout the entire last season. It should have taken place entirely on the island until the last episode, and then trick people in to thinking you're seeing "post-island" life only to reveal it's "post-life" in the final moments as Jack is dying. As it stands, the after-life bits strewn throughout the season were just another exhausting, unnecessary "mystery box" hook when everyone watching the last season was already hooked.


This video, which is the only good thing the Fine Bros ever did, summarizes it:

For instance, this was never explained nor solved:

>waving figure
>a season 2 DVD extra is not explained
wow, you're right, lost sucks

Thats just one example of an unexplained mystery. There are more:

Also, too many of the solutions to Lost's questions were inferred, which is kind of BS at times.

it's the moment you realized most of the cliffhangers were just bait to keep you watching.

This. And the show had too manyr ed herrings, some of which became fucking pouintless.

Case in point:

>they were dead along

every single question in that video is answered, though
>the entertainment was entertaining to keep me watching
ya got me

Try this one then


>download porn video.
>gets to nude scene just before top comes off suddenly flash forwards to when actress is 50.
>le ebin entertainment

Doesn't change the fact it has some legit questions. Here's a very simple one: why did the smoke monster kill the pilot?

>college humor
>fine bros
do you have any non-meme videos?

not defending lost's mysteries for the sake of mysteries but
>linking collegehumor

>the evil smoke man killed some nobody for no reason
WOWW........ WTF

Here's the thing: the SMoke Monster usually observed its victims before it went in for the attack. Thats why it observed Locke, Eko and Linus before it attacked the first two and, in the case of the third, duped him. The smoke monster does not kill straight away unless given reason to do so, something established in the final season. With that in mind: why was the pilot so special? Did the pilot know some shit?

they needed a scary monster in the pilot and early first season, and they didn't know entirely what it was yet

in the end, it doesn't matter at all, the rules don't apply to the smokenigger

keep in mind the smoke monster killed an entire temple of people for no reason, other than revenge

>other than revenge
that's a great reason

revenge against Jacob, the temple people were largely innocent, and one of them was a stewardess on the plane

MIB kills out groups with inner conflict like jack explains on the sub in s6, killing the pilot definitely increased tension on the beach giving less hope of rescue with no pilot, its the same line of reasoning as him leading Jack to the caves.

the point is the writers specifically lied and said they were alive when people figured out they were all dead in the first episode.

this user is right

I like this answer. In fact, I'd say this is the best answer one can give about the MiB. The only problem with it, is the main problem it shares with so many of the answers of Lost's many questions: it has to be inferred. It turns Lost into some kind of academic guessing game, when its meant to be a mystery-thriller show in the vein of X-files. (but to be fair, the X-Files also had its share of mysteries)

he was fat

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door

Wtf lmfao. Did you guys even watch the show?

to be fair, you need a fairly high IQ to understand LOST

>Special Friend Heaven: The Musical wasn't the gayest fucking ending to a show that pretended in the home stretch it wasn't largely based on dragging us along with mythology teasers

The ending sucked. The final season was terrible. I hope when I rewatch the whole goddamn thing in 10 years I can approach its retardation with a more open mind, but when it first aired I fucking hated it. Lindelof did the shmaltz thing much better with The Leftovers.

What I wanna know is what's wrong with Daniel? Autism? Nuke exposure in the womb?

I watched it for the first time already knowing the ending and it made it very enjoyable

this scene had me in stitches, he's literally in the same pose

c'mon lets go

are you stupid?
why are normalfags and redditors incapable of understand this television kino?

Do you find that this bait still works sometimes, even 7 years later?

>the rules don't apply to the smokenigger

Because he wasn't a candidate
Have to wonder if people like you are just stupid
or just didn't actually watch the whole show

we can only speculate at this point, but perhaps the smoke monster killed the pilot because he had just flown a plane full of candidates to the island

If he wasn't a candidate, why didn't the Monster kill literally every other person on the Island quickly? They can't all be candidates.

I was too late to watch Lost with Sup Forums when it aired, and thus never finished it. Dropped it the season with the abysmal CGI submarine and never looked back.

well put